Thursday, September 29, 2011


There is a concept that has been rolling around my brain for a couple days now giving birth to new thoughts and ideas that I now feel the need to express.

Firstly, the concept is that Sin is "anything against God's intent" that degrades the soul from reaching it's True Self. Because of this "sin", we as humans and as a planet must die and live with pain and suffering.

This seems to be a new Truth. When people describe Utopia, although some may refer to chocolate ponds and marshmallow clouds, most describe it as a place without pain and full of serenity and beauty. This Eden on Earth seems to be bountiful and free. I think the reason we all have similar images of what Utopia would be like and we all seem to subconsciously and consciously strive for it on some level is because we know it is where we are meant to be.

If you ask someone whether they would rather be in Heaven, Hell, or on this Earth, most would ultimately choose Heaven -a place of peace and calm without pain and darkness. In fact it seems that many people spend their whole lives striving to attain this in their next one. I believe this is because deep down we all want to return to this place. We just don't think we can have it on Earth.

And "sin" is what keeps us from this eternal state of the Divine. I believe sin to be things like hate, fear, doubt, The 7, self-loathing, denial... There's the Top Immoral Acts that people can do to F-up their lives like murder and adultery, but for the most part it is the accumulation of these little, more impulse acts that will get you.

From a Buddhist stand-point, "sin" is the stuff that covers, buries, and distracts you fro your True Self and reaching Enlightenment. From Freudian stand-point, it is the Ego preventing you from achieving the good that the Super Ego intends. Any way you look at it, these faults hold us back from Being that which we were ultimately intended for. It is an interesting notion that we would achieve all that which we desire if we give up our desires and natural impulses.

When you look at people who try to do this, you think, "Wow I can't believe that person became a monk or a nun or a priest..." because they seem to give up so much. But maybe they're the ones who think that we are giving up the most by holding onto our Egos and our False Selves and our Sins.

Don't worry I'm not going Nun or anything... at least not at this point in my life... Maybe when I'm 60 and I've enjoyed enough in this to say I can let go of it and move on to a higher place... but not now.

It seems like the solution to this pain/suffering/death problem is the same none the less. Instead of pointing out other people's flaws and holding them against them, we should be mindful of our own and supportive of others who choose to overcome them. People who try to erase those they consider to be sinful end up engaging in sin themselves -either hate, or in the case of the Inquisition, murder.

Love and Acceptance. That's it. Plain and simple. Love and Accept yourself to the extent that you decide you are of greater worth and value than the impulses and flaws that degrade you, and let them go. Love and Accept others for who they are so they can feel inspired to love themselves as you do to let their flaws go as well. Then maybe we'll see the day when no one has to suffer or die.

“The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on. If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That’s the only lasting thing you can create.” – Chuck Palahniuk


  1. First of all, let me thank you again for making it worthwhile for me to go online regularly. =)

    Do you truly believe that sin is "anything against God's intent"? If so, that would be new for me to hear from you. I'm happy to hear this because it elevates your definition from what I thought you believed --- that sin is based on what culture/people say is bad at the moment.

    Yeah...let's veto the nun idea...if you ever have thoughts of doing that even when you're 60, let me know...we got things to DO girl! No time for nunnery.

    Love and Acceptance...I don't believe we should accept everything, dear Jess-Doe. I believe that there are wrongs that we should stand against. Sometimes true love is standing against things, not accepting them at all.


  2. "Do you truly believe that sin is "anything against God's intent"- that sin is based on what culture/people say is bad at the moment?"

    I believe you phrased it that way "against God's intent" and it makes sense. Culture/ people are inconsistent. For that matter the Bible can be as well. But when paired with reasoning and compassion, everything makes sense and comes together. Sin is consistent and we can see these flaws being called out over and over.

    "Sometimes true love is standing against things, not accepting them at all."

    To prevent evil and wrong, yes. To stand against with love and good intent, yes. To call out cruelty when it's done, yes. But not to hate others for their sins. You can prevent people from evil, call them out on their evil, punish them to a certain extent to prevent them from future evil... but Hate is taking it to the wrong place. Hate is an evil.

  3. Culture changes.

    People change.

    But the Bible is already cannot change. How can the Bible be inconsistent?

    Your further clarifications in your last paragraphs makes sense to me.


  4. The Bible says things that applied to the time in which it was written such as: Women should wear hats in church and no one should eat bacon and women who marry and are not virgins should be stoned to death. These laws are not consistent because they have been abandoned for the most part due to their original context being dead. Parts of the Bible were intended for the culture it was written in. That culture died long ago, making some things written in the Bible inconsistent to be applied in our daily lives.

  5. Very keen, picking the exact parts of the Bible that did indeed apply to a culture and a time. Bravo. Outside of your Steve Jobs point (lol) I can't touch you today.


  6. My sister actually said that the reason back then were deterred from eating pork/bacon was because they didn't have refrigerators and pig meat rotted the fastest. Lots of people would get sick from eating pig's meat back then.
