Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ghosts and Demons

I consider myself an unofficial expert in this field -having read and seen almost everything there is to know about the subject. But there are actual professionals out there who have studied and no more than I do about this, so I don't claim to know everything. I just know what I know.

Ghosts. I've heard many different accounts about many different types.

1. Residual haunting. These are memories that get played over and over. Especially if there was a war or traumatic event -you'll hear gun shots, people screaming, see people dressed as soldiers... It's just a memory captured in the environment. Certain things usually trigger ghostly activity or heighten it: Limestone, Water Flowing Nearby, Laylines, Power Lines -these are things ghosts can draw energy from. But residual hauntings can only be seen -they have no consciousness and you can't interact with them.

2. Poltergeist. It's not really a ghost. It's more like a phenomenon that occurs and builds up over time. People are usually the cause of this. Anger, Fear, and Stress can manifest itself into something that can have a physical impact on the environment -usually by moving things, causing lights to flicker, ...that sort of thing.

3. Ghosts. People have body, mind, and soul. When body and mind pass with death the soul remains until it "crosses over" or is uplifted or taken down. I will discuss this further in my next blog. I don't like the word "ghost" because it has too deep a tie with overly dramatized Hollywood special effects. We'll call it soul or spirit. They are people who have died who remain. Some remain because they have not let go -either of the life they led or family they had. Some are attached to their property, while others are attached to a monet of time lost in the past. These spirits can acknlwedge and communicate with the living -just not very easily.

Spirits are made up of "life force" or energy. What kind exactly is unknown, but I've seen enough to know that they can draw energy from their environment -like electricity. Ultimately it takes a lot of energy for a Spirit to be noticed. It either has to build this energy up over time, or be a powerful spirit to begin with. That's why ghostly activity tends to occur for a month or 2 then die down for extended periods of time until it builds that energy back and then the activity will resume for a month or 2, then die down again. Spirits are also heard on a low frequency called "white noise". Pretty much static.

As far as ghosts being seen -it takes a LOT of energy for a spirit to manifest itself. That's why only strong spirits are usually seen or sensed, while weaker spirits often go completely unnoticed. Typically if a spirit i going out of its way to make its presence known -it is dominant on some level and wants you to acknowledge it. Spirits cannot typically be captured using regular digital cameras. Infa-red works best.

Unfortunately a lot of spirits that have powerful energy enough to make themselves known are usually harmful spirits. If you go to a run-down asylum or prison, you will experience things there walking alone at night. People have been scratched, pushed, punched, yelled at... There are some seriously pissed off spirits out there. Angry and sometimes violent spirits cause disruption -especially in people's private homes- which is why it is sometimes necessary for experts to come and relieve the the entity from the area it's impacting.

It's always interesting to me when people say they don't believe in ghosts or spirits. They never do thorough research or watch shows over an extensive period of time with an unbias eye and they certainly never bother to go to places that are what I like to call "severely haunted".

Demons. This is a whole never realm of evil. There are spirits of dead Satanists that can be distinguished from actual demons, but not by much. Like ghosts, only a few demons have the strength to actually make their presence known. Places that are most infected with them are those where Satanic acts have occurred or where deep depression and suicide have claimed lives. Occasionally they will take place where murders have occurred.

Demons are tricky in that they guise themselves as ghosts at first so that people will not freak out as much. They will move things, make noises, show shadows -usually within a family and usually only to one or two family members in isolated incidents over a period of time. The seek out individuals who are "weaker" and more susceptible. they make these individuals feel tormented and alone -as if they were going crazy. They then prey on their emotions and make them think thoughts about suicide. Now these instances are rare and can often e confused with just regular depression and anxiety/ paranoia. It's when things really start to build momentum that things become much more clear that something else is at play.

Scratches are the first of many bad signs -especially if it is 3 scratches (a mocking of the trinity). Cold spots -areas where demons have drained energy from the environment which makes the temperature go down. Horrible scents -I've heard people describe the scent of rotting flesh. ark apparitions -most usually of a black, hunched figure with red eyes. Growling... It becomes more obvious and more regular.

If a priest/psychic/spiritual aid is not sought at this point, sh*t goes even more downhill. It's like a disease that spreads and gets worse. Beatings usually start to happen. These are the rarest cases. Torment and fear plague the individual. At some point, they lose hope. They start to wonder if God is there. Doubt overwhelms them. And then they slowly become possessed. Their mood shifts. They become violent, angry, and erratic. They push those around them trying to help away. They are not possessed every second of the day, only at times -usually when they are around others.

At this point, most go out of their way to seek help. Few if any commit violent crimes. Most get depressed and take their own lives. Some are exercised. Exorcisms don't exactly work the why people think. Like a disease, it takes time. You may need to exorcise a person more than once and the exorcisms can last hours or even days depending on how strong the demon is. Demons may have the ability to lash out here and there, but a full on possession takes months and years of wearing a person down -unless the demon has a higher caliber of strength. Holy water, the Right Incantations, Groups of people coming together to aid the person, Spiritual Faith, and Repetition are the only real effective was of demon removal that I've heard of. One idiot actually turned to witchcraft and got into a deep deep whole of things he shouldn't have been messing with. Never turn to witchcraft to get rid of ghosts or demons. Common Sense.

Some idiots use sage. Sage gets rid of ghosts for a short period of time, but then they come back stronger and more pissed off. If you want to get rid of a ghost or demon, do it out right.

When I die I'm having a psychic and a priest at my death bed making sure I cross over. I'm not lingering or hanging around for any reason. Beam me up Scottie.


  1. I think you are an expert in this field for sure, having studied it --- but I think you are an expert in the popular lore of ghosts and such things. Paranormal Activity seems to be a movie based on this kind of stuff --- I'm seeing that you must love that movie...lol

    You put a lot of faith into this kind of stuff, and I hope you understand that what you put your faith in, becomes real.

    You speak in rather sure terms about things that are not agreed upon in any scientific way, by hardly more than two people in a row. And before you say that nobody totally agrees with anything, I'm pretty sure that the debate as to if gravity exists, and what will happen if you jump off a building as a result of its existence, is solid and not debatable.

    In fact, anything that is actually true is also so easily proven, and agreed upon, repeatedly.


  2. Paranormal Activity is an exaggeration of an account of a demon ihabiting a home and initially being mistaken for a ghost. Like most movies -it's an over exaggeration which makes it more frightening, but less realistic. I have yet to see a movie actually portray a haunting the way it genuinely occurs in reality. I have seen shows that do though, especially the shows that have the people that experienced the phenoneon speaking first hand about what happened.

    "You speak in rather sure terms about things that are not agreed upon in any scientific way" -of course it's not scientific, it's Supernatural. Science explores concrete things that can be explained logically. Ghosts and demons don;t exactly defy logic, but they are sure as hell hard to study. Science usually doesn;t bother looking into it, or admit looking into it for the same reasons you don't want people to know you now believe there's something to Zodiac signs -not because they aren't real, but more because you don't want others getting the wrong impression of you. If scientists said ghosts were real, their level of credibility would come into question. I'm sure in reality there are scientists out there who, if they have studied ghosts with the proper equipment the way professional ghost experts do, would have come across some evidence that did defy logic and leave very few alternative reasons besides the place genuinely being haunted. Especially in the case of demons, which can be easily provoked.
