Saturday, September 17, 2011

Zodiac 24: Traits/ Compatibilities

As a Pisces, keep your personal business under lock and key. You can be too trusting with people you barely know.
As a Pisces, Your heart rules your head, and there is little that can be done about this.
As a Pisces, Jealousy is not your cup of tea. If someone is trying to get under your skin (in a bad way) you don’t let them.
Pisces -hard to pin down because of their imagination and flexibility. It's easy for them to adapt to different cultures and situations.
Pisces: Sympathetic ego, career in the arts, film, photography, medicine, mysticism.
As a Pisces, you are romantic, but in order for you to be satisfied, the greater need is emotional rather than physical.
Pisces Cannot Work Out At All: Gemini and Sagittarius
Pisces Helps You Become Better: Aries and Aquarius
Pisces Opposite Attractions: Leo and Libra
Pisces Can Work It Out With: Taurus and Capricorn
Pisces Soul Mates: Cancer and Scorpio
As an Aquarius, You think of yourself as open-minded; willing to discuss the issues.
As an Aquarius, Remember that it’s okay not to have all the answers to every question. Sometimes it’s okay to just say, I don’t know.
Aquarius: Unconventional ego, career in science, astronomy, astrology, electronics.
As an Aquarius, You value your individuality very highly, and find it hard to allow a mate tell you what to do or how to live.
Aquarius don't like people who presume to know them better than they know themselves.
As an Aquarius, Sometimes when you get into a relationship it’s a give and take thing, don't be one sided.
Aquarius Cannot Work Out At All: Taurus and Scorpio
Aquarius Helps You Become Better: Capricorn and Pisces
Aquarius Opposite Attractions: Cancer and Virgo
Aquarius Can Work It Out With: Aries and Sagittarius
Aquarius Soul Mates: Gemini and Libra
Some Capricorns seek love and partnership solely because they view it as the appropriate thing to do.
Capricorn: Practical ego, career in business, politics, and management.
As a Capricorn, Not everything in life is as you plan. Sometimes you’ll just have cut your losses but never give up.
As a Capricorn, Not everyone is as playful as you and much less have the natural ability to make those around them feel comfortable.
Capricorns have a hard time dealing with people who don't keep their promises, or not willing to shoulder responsibility.
As a Capricorn, Your weakness in the action department is the tendency to be too cautious and skeptical.
Capricorn Cannot Work Out At All: Aries and Libra
Capricorn Helps You Become Better: Sagittarius and Aquarius
Capricorn Opposite Attractions: Gemini and Leo
Capricorn Can Work It Out With: Scorpio and Pisces
Capricorn Soul Mates: Taurus and Virgo
As a Sagittarius, Your irrepressible confidence and optimism usually gets you through tough times.
Sagittarius: Clownish ego, career in religion, travel, entertainment, and sports.
As a Sagittarius, Try not to let anger get the best of you. It’s best to just walk away from a situation before you go too far.
As a Sagittarius, You feel more comfortable in a relationship when things go slowly, and your partner doesn't get too serious too fast.
Sagittarius don't like people who try to "own" them, tell them what to do or are always complaining and talking about their problems.
Sagittarius Cannot Work Out At All: Virgo and Pisces
Sagittarius Helps You Become Better: Scorpio and Capricorn
Sagittarius Opposite Attractions: Taurus and Cancer
Sagittarius Can Work It Out With: Libra and Aquarius
Sagittarius Soul Mates: Aries and Leo
As a Scorpio, in a relationship with you there is no fooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement.
Scorpios are not wishy-washy; they either like a person or they don't.
Scorpio: Sarcastic ego, career in research, medicine, and crime investigation.
As a Scorpio, try to keep your emotions in check when things come to light. Remember that you do have people who care for you.
As a Scorpio, You think of yourself as a "take control" person and a force to be reckoned with.
Scorpio Cannot Work Out At All: Leo and Aquarius
Scorpio Helps You Become Better: Libra and Sagittarius
Scorpio Opposite Attractions: Aries and Gemini
Scorpio Can Work It Out With: Virgo and Capricorn
Scorpio Soul Mates: Cancer and Pisces
As a Libra, You are not the type of person who goes after what you want with much conviction.
Libra: Cooperative ego, career in beauty, arts, relations, and fashion.
As a Libra, Sometimes you can fall under the false illusion that you’re above it all.
As a Libra, You are willing to make nearly any sacrifice for the sake of love and for your relationship.
Libras like to approach issues from a rational standpoint; they discuss matters, smile and persuade people to see their points of view.
Libra Cannot Work Out At All: Cancer and Capricorn
Libra Helps You Become Better: Virgo and Scorpio
Libra Opposite Attractions: Taurus and Pisces
Libra Can Work It Out With: Leo and Sagittarius
Libra Soul Mates: Gemini and Aquarius
As a Virgo, You want to know what to expect in a romantic situation, and sometimes this isn't easy to predict.
Virgo: Analytical ego, career in office work, clothing, food, and services.
As a Virgo, It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up over anything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others.
Disorder upsets a Virgo, especially when it's created by other people or when people mess around with their possessions.
As a Virgo, Sometimes it’s good to just give individuals a chance to prove themselves.
Virgo Cannot Work Out At All: Gemini and Sagittarius
Virgo Helps You Become Better: Leo and Libra
Virgo Opposite Attractions: Aries and Aquarius
Virgo Can Work It Out With: Cancer and Scorpio
Virgo Soul Mates: Taurus and Capricorn
As a Leo, You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated.
Leo: Proud ego, career in administration, leadership, and leisure.
As a Leo, While you are innately faithful in love, you are not one to discourage or ignore other admirers.
As a Leo, Your curiosity can get you into hot waters but for the most part it’s a blessing.
Leos need creativity and entertainment in order to sustain their passion for life.
Leo Cannot Work Out At All: Scorpio and Taurus
Leo Helps You Become Better: Cancer and Virgo
Leo Opposites Attractions: Capricorn and Pisces
Leo Can Work It Out With: Gemini and Libra
Leo Soul Mates: Aries and Sagittarius
As a Cancer, You like your partner to be demonstrative and provide you with clear signs that your feelings are appreciated.
Cancer: Nurturing ego, career in homemaking, nursing, caring, and public works.
As a Cancer, Since you are not, by nature, an aggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about or start-stop manner.
As a Cancer, You must try to take it easy when it comes to spontaneous decisions.
Cancers are usually cautious before committing themselves. Furthermore, they always look for a way out.
Cancer Cannot Work Out At All: Aries and Libra
Cancer Helps You Become Better: Gemini and Leo
Cancer Opposites Attractions: Sagittarius and Aquarius
Cancer Can Work It Out With: Taurus and Virgo
Cancer Soul Mates: Scorpio and Pisces
As a Gemini, To you, a person's worth is based on their intelligence, and you want to be respected as a formidable thinker.
Gemini: Clever ego, career in writing, speaking, printing, or delivery.
As a Gemini, You have an excitable child-like attitude toward romance, approaching affairs with optimism and high-expectations.
As a Gemini, Your innocence is inspiring and to those around you. Life may have hardship but you’ll never let it sour you up.
Geminis dislike sitting still all day dealing with repetitive tasks, but inactivity or lack of movement and variety makes them restless.
Gemini Cannot Work Out At All: Virgo and Pisces
Gemini Helps You Become Better: Taurus and Cancer
Gemini Opposites Attraction: Scorpio and Capricorn
Gemini Can Work It Out With: Aries and Leo
Gemini Soul Mates: Libra and Aquarius
As a Taurus, You are rarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy.
Taurus: Shrewd ego, career in banking, acting, music, construction, or landscaping.
As a Taurus, You may lack thrust and mobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance.
As a Taurus, Stop wasting good emotions on the wrong person. Make sure to examine a situation carefully before you go along with any plans.
Taurus have an earthy quality to their personalities. This means they are sensual and need to stay in touch with nature.
Taurus Cannot Work Out At All: Leo and Aquarius
Taurus Helps You Become Better: Aries and Gemini
Taurus Opposite Attractions: Libra and Sagittarius
Taurus Can Work It Out With: Cancer and Pisces
Taurus Soul Mates: Virgo and Capricorn
As an Aries, Despite your leadership abilities, you may function best when you are working alone because of your demand to have your own way.
As an Aries, Try to be more accepting of others if you want to be accepted too. Remember it's not always about you.
Aries resent rules, regulations and controlling people.
Aries: Selfish ego, career in sports, military, hairdressing, or mechanics.
As an Aries, You don't take enough time to make long range plans or for truly needed practical considerations.
Aries Cannot Work Out At All: Cancer or Capricorn
Aries Helps You Become Better: Pisces and Taurus
Aries Opposite Attraction: Virgo and Scorpio
Aries Can Work It Out With: Gemini and Aquarius
Aries Soul Mates: Leo and Sagittarius

1 comment:

  1. 1. Prolly wise advice for you.
    2. And this is not always so bad if you are open to what logic says when you hear it.
    3. I don't see you as giving much energy to jealousy. You seem above it, somehow.
    4. Yeah.
    5. Uh...YAH
    6. That's for the vast majority of females, and even with the rare female I've met who is very physical, they got major, if simple emotional needs too

    1. I have a hard time agreeing with any of the "lonely Aries" stuff because I love people and being with people.
    2. Not an issue w/ me, although there was a time when I used to dismiss people....
    3. I like rules and regulations if they make sense...but never controlling people. Would rather have someone freely hate me than forced to love me.
    4. I've never been accused of being selfish. The common complaint about me is conceited...but never never selfish. =) I wanted to do sports and military for a career at times...HAIRDRESSING WHA??????...mechanics, hecks saw how I was with those bikes...
    5. I don't do long range plans, this is true. Don't understand the latter phrase.

