Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Coming Through

 We're making the shift from 3D to 4D to 5D and then 6D. It's really hard to explain the difference in layered dimensions going on here and how they are perceived. 

In 4D you can make the image of a sphere spreading out beyond yourself above your head and then cross it with a vertical grid and then perceive and start to push through the spiritual makeup of your surroundings. 

In 5D you expand beyond that and erase the the grid and sphere and it comes across as a full boundless amount of energy in the atmosphere around. 

In 6D you realize that the energy emanates and passes through the core of your chest. That you are "transparent" and just an extension of this vast, eternal energy around you and beyond you. 

I also found that there's a way to "speed up" your timeline and advance the "future" towards you. I think most of this stuff I was always able to do but took it for granted and never acted on it. But you can pull energy from above and in front of you towards you. This in turns brings positive things "further out" into your life. 

In other news, as of 8/22 spiritual intercessory beings and light forces are now able to come through more clearly and directly in a spiritually concentrated way that's almost physical and can certainly be perceived on a physical level with light orbs and veiled shadows of light coming through. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

What's On the Radar

This Month: The Lion's Month

This month there's finally a clearing for direct positive influence to come through from Lightforces, Christ, and Heaven. They're working on bringing peace to the mind and clearing out the remaining remnants of negative energy on Earth. You'll be led to "quiet the mind" and let go of negative thoughts more as well as feeling led to start envisioning a positive future for the Earth and a positive future for yourself. 

Yesterday-Today in the Physical World:

1. Politics. It's not like political issues are new, but right now politics is becoming an annoyance and a distraction more than usual. It's like, "Shut up for 5 minutes so we can get our thoughts together and focus on other issues". 

2. Re-Examining Divide: Begin racist is a problem. Being against racism isn't a problem. But there is a divide between pro-racists and anti-racists. The same goes for a number of other social divides. There is a place beyond all of this where people just exist in harmony and social constructs around race/religion/sex/lgbt/identity aren't waged against people. Meaning there is a place where peace can exist beyond all of the hate and divide. But it's a place where divide doesn't exist on that level. It's hard being physically constrained to a world that demands this divide rather than connected to a spiritual realm that's beyond it. 

3. People Begin Annoying, Alienating, High-Maintenance, and Complaining About Nothing 

This Upcoming Week in the Spiritual World:  

I had a dream last night of "Cowboys v. Native Americans". There were guns going off and it was frightening. Then I looked over and saw some modern day Karens conspiring in a group. And then some modern day protesters trying to help the Native Americans out. And I realized the "past" was occurring in the "present". 

So I have a feeling abuses against Native American people might actually be acknowledged. They've been ongoing for a while but haven't quite registered with people. So maybe it will finally hit home and that issue can be addressed. 

Beyond that, this morning brought up a lot about Hell. Hell is now a concept of the past. You say, "Well it used to be that in Hell this occurred..." because it doesn't exist anymore. So it's kind of a final confirmation mentally that the place known as Hell is officially gone. Also just some highlighting and revisiting what it consisted of so it can be fully fleshed out and seen clearly in the light of day. 

There weren't many new epiphanies about it. But for the record, here's what came up and will likely continue to come up throughout this week: 

1. The Real Horsemen 

There were 3 singular beings (fallen angels/aliens/deities) in Hell. Technically 4 if you consider "Death" although that being just mostly followed the lead of the others. These beings had conflicting goals and were usually separate and didn't interact much together. 

-Mass Death Related: This being was responsible for natural disasters, starvation, drought, famine, possibly plague, and things generally brought about through "natural means" on the Earth. 

-Sadistic-Related: Torture, rape, suffering, pain, mutilation, and anything related to prolonged agony. 

-False Worship-Related: War, religious persecution, persecution by a religion, racism, genocide, bigotry, hatred, greed, deception, corruption, dictatorships... anything related to abuses of power against people. 

Death-Related: Didn't care how people died and wasn't even specifically focused on just people. He liked death in a morbid way and wasn't attached to the way it was specifically brought about. 

As I've said before these 3 main beings conflicted. You can't torture people if their dying out all at once because of a flood. You can't have manipulative power over people if they're just being tortured all day. What they sought and aspired to afflict didn't always coincide.  

And then beyond these 4 puppets was a larger dark force. It was more ambiguous and harder to name. It was also more vast in terms of its being and sought to directly rival God. It was not a fallen angel -something more extensive. 

2. Why the "Apocalypse" Nightmare Won't Happen:

It's kind of hard to figure out how to explain this. But I'll try. 

1. The Apocalypse was originally dreamed up by Hell as a final stand against Heaven that would have a vast, devastating death toll on the Earth. Hell messed that up for itself and Heaven also stifled it so it would NOT happen all at once. 

2. "Mass Death": The Black Plague lasted for centuries and took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. But Hell didn't achieve what it wanted. Most people kept turning to God to try and cure themselves or protect themselves so most souls went to Heaven and Heaven was then finally able to come through. After that it was understood that a devastating plague or mass death of that kind would no longer occur on the Earth. Even today's epidemic is pretty light in comparison to what would have happened had Ebola or Zika Virus spread further. The harder hitting diseases do not go as far and we can manage and work through the lesser diseases that do. Mass Death of that kind is done as far as natural disasters and the rest go. And natural disasters themselves ran out a couple years ago -Hell having attempted to play that card and failed. 

3. Genocide: The last major genocide and war was The Holocaust. It had global involvement and the "most evil" man that can be named off-hand by anyone. Had the Nazis won the world would look radically different... and far worse. ISIS and similar groups of evil don't have the same level of power or influence and CAN'T now. It's not that genocides don't happen anymore, but they aren't capable of happening on that scale or to that extent. That pain is dying off as a wound to people on Earth. 

4. Rape/Torture/Murder: We're still addressing issues like sexual assault and human trafficking but more and more headway is being made and greater levels of accountability are being achieved. In case people weren't aware this pain peaked in the 70s. The 70s-90s were it's greatest times. Especially with child abuse at the hands of large institutions in various countries. Dark cults inflicting abuses were also at their peak during that time. 

So none of these will suddenly emerge out of nowhere and hit all at once. And Hell was cleared out from 2012 -2019, so it no longer has the underpinnings to achieve it here. 

3. Women in Hell: The Gender Divide 

Most of Hell was meant as an insult and inversion to Heaven. Most of the angelic beings of Heaven were actually female. And feminine divinity and energy is very strong and abundant in the realms of Heaven. So to invert, 95% of all demonic entities were male aside from some incubus. Women in Hell were pretty rare as well in terms of the number taken down in comparison to men. Part of that was because women didn't have as much opportunity to commit genocide, rape, or abuse power the way men did throughout the centuries. But also, women tended to be more spiritually connected in general. So between the captors and the occupants, Hell was mostly male and had a DEEP hatred towards women and wanting to destroy any trace of divine feminine energy. Hence the world we've lived in up until now. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Heaven -Hell

 What's becoming clear now with the understanding of "Space" being comprised of both Time and Distance is that Hell has always consisted of "The Past"/Lower-down Dimensions and Heaven consisted of "The Future"/ Higher-up Dimensions. 

What mostly hit me was past v. future at this point. Everything you read about in terms of negative stuff happening now, happened in the past as well. Nothing in terms of pain is "new" or news. It's always been. It's the past. 

The "new" is anything positive, light, healing, creative, innovative, and progressive. 

In other words, stay to the light, keep moving forward, let the past crumble in the distance. 

Customer Service

Customer Service is challenging because you're ultimately trying to have a positive, upbeat, personable presence in front of people while simultaneously being dumped on by hi-maintenance guests with bad attitudes, reading negative reviews, having to tell people "No we don't have those dates available to book", and contending with people who take advantage of getting cheaper prices on 3rd party platforms that only payout 25% to you but you're on there anyway because if you're not seen there you're invisible. 

Feel like venting. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Just like we're unraveling all the cultural and historical threads binding us to sexist, racist, homophobic, and xenophobic thoughts we're also unraveling "being human" itself. We're more than our form. We're beyond this life and this world. 

You can't be eternal and infinite while simultaneously being singular and finite. 

In other news, time no longer exists. 

The way it feels when it's enforced around you by your job or places or people is like someone holding a fish in their hand underwater at the beach. The fish is temporarily and barely "held" while floating for a moment in someone's cusped hands, but in a second could just as easily flow back into the ocean. 

Time no longer exists. It's illusions has washed away. 

In other news, we're tired. We're free, we're light, but we're tired. We're ready to let go of this world. 

We can entrust it to a future that will see it through to the other side. The people will make of this world what they choose and in time they'll see it can be more than it's been molded into. 

The rest of us will move forward and beyond it, no longer bound by a past timeline being iterated forward over and over. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020


A month ago my friend and coworker Sam wanted me and a couple other people to take the Myers-Briggs test on 16personalities.com 

3 days ago my sister sent me a link to the test and said, "Don't question, just take the test". 

I told her I already had. I'm an INFJ, which is the rarest personality listed. 

She said "Wow, I am too!" 

No wonder we're so alike. I'm an INFJ-A and she's INFJ-T, so slight difference between us but mostly the same. 

Personality tests are interesting. I still stick with the Zodiac. It tells you more fully who you are and where you're headed -as well as planetary influence that can be tracked day to day. 

Sun: Pisces
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Sagittarius 
True Node: Libra

Born February 27th in San Jose, CA 

Knowing this configuration is like knowing your spiritual security number. 

Dreams from Space & Time

I saw a post someone made about the 6 different humanoid alien races that are out there. 

I mainly focused on 2 because one fit me to a tee and the other seemed like another state of being I could have likely been in, in the past. All of them were the species that typically reincarnated from being human or to being human for one reason or another. 

There are more species beyond these ones, but for the record: 

Sirians (from the Sirius constellation)

Pleadian Starseed make the most sense for me past-life wise because they tend to be more willowy and lanky/thin in frame, tend to draw negative energy vampires as humans, are ethereal, look Nordic, and tend to have a pure energy. They are natural healers and have blocked throat chakra from not speaking on their own behalf. They can be sacrificial and put others first. 

Sirian Starseeds are water-based humanoid creatures that seek truth and are deeply connected to nature and water. They have a deep level of spiritual knowing. They love animals, are nurturing and unique, and are drawn to spiritual roles in life. They tend to be pretty eccentric and different. They are natural healers. 

So I asked for guidance to know if I was in a non-human form in a past life and which one, if not several. 

Dream 1: 

I was a mermaid in an ocean fleeing from a Plesiosaur-like animal. It seemed highly intelligent and intentionally aggressive. 

It seemed to be more of an underwater dragon and I was steered towards looking at it more like a Leviathan. It wanted to kill me. 

I managed to hide in an underwater castle-structure. But every time I swam out it was around, waiting for me. 

When I woke up I still wanted to know if I had a past affiliation with Pleadians at all since I had so much in common with that particular kind. 

Dream 2: 

It was night-time in modern times. I saw some kind of war-like activity in the sky. It was kind of hard to understand but I registered it as aerial attack of some kind. 

Then I saw a tribe of Native Americans looking up at the sky in an open field near some mountains. 

Then somehow I got approached by a person who asked if I wanted to be taken up to safety. I understood that they were with a craft above. I said yes, the person grabbed ahold of me and we were drawn upwards in a light. As we rose she said, "Oh and remember this thing "_____" which in that moment I thought was just a basic understanding like "be kind to people". 

Then as we rose to the spacecraft we were stopped before entering and I was asked what the password was. I said, "Oh..." kind of surprised and repeated what the girl had told me. I was then allowed to enter in. 

As in other past dreams of this kind, there was a main woman who was in charge of overseeing the ship -like a general manager -who didn't seem to like me much. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see this play out over and over in dreams and have this person just not really jell with you and kind of look down on you like you're a nuisance. 

But I sat in the ship. There were some other people there. We ended up being dropped off on another planet. 

When we landed there was a beach and an open ocean. One of the raft guides that works at the adventure park I'm at was there -he had somehow tagged along. He looked at me and said, "What do we do now?" I then started to change and consciously knew I could change my appearance and my clothing. I then morphed into more of a mermaid-looking person. 

I looked at him and basically told him, "You're on your own," and then dove into the water and swam off as a mermaid. 

So... I've definitely got Sirius tendencies.