Saturday, August 1, 2020

Dreams from Space & Time

I saw a post someone made about the 6 different humanoid alien races that are out there. 

I mainly focused on 2 because one fit me to a tee and the other seemed like another state of being I could have likely been in, in the past. All of them were the species that typically reincarnated from being human or to being human for one reason or another. 

There are more species beyond these ones, but for the record: 

Sirians (from the Sirius constellation)

Pleadian Starseed make the most sense for me past-life wise because they tend to be more willowy and lanky/thin in frame, tend to draw negative energy vampires as humans, are ethereal, look Nordic, and tend to have a pure energy. They are natural healers and have blocked throat chakra from not speaking on their own behalf. They can be sacrificial and put others first. 

Sirian Starseeds are water-based humanoid creatures that seek truth and are deeply connected to nature and water. They have a deep level of spiritual knowing. They love animals, are nurturing and unique, and are drawn to spiritual roles in life. They tend to be pretty eccentric and different. They are natural healers. 

So I asked for guidance to know if I was in a non-human form in a past life and which one, if not several. 

Dream 1: 

I was a mermaid in an ocean fleeing from a Plesiosaur-like animal. It seemed highly intelligent and intentionally aggressive. 

It seemed to be more of an underwater dragon and I was steered towards looking at it more like a Leviathan. It wanted to kill me. 

I managed to hide in an underwater castle-structure. But every time I swam out it was around, waiting for me. 

When I woke up I still wanted to know if I had a past affiliation with Pleadians at all since I had so much in common with that particular kind. 

Dream 2: 

It was night-time in modern times. I saw some kind of war-like activity in the sky. It was kind of hard to understand but I registered it as aerial attack of some kind. 

Then I saw a tribe of Native Americans looking up at the sky in an open field near some mountains. 

Then somehow I got approached by a person who asked if I wanted to be taken up to safety. I understood that they were with a craft above. I said yes, the person grabbed ahold of me and we were drawn upwards in a light. As we rose she said, "Oh and remember this thing "_____" which in that moment I thought was just a basic understanding like "be kind to people". 

Then as we rose to the spacecraft we were stopped before entering and I was asked what the password was. I said, "Oh..." kind of surprised and repeated what the girl had told me. I was then allowed to enter in. 

As in other past dreams of this kind, there was a main woman who was in charge of overseeing the ship -like a general manager -who didn't seem to like me much. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see this play out over and over in dreams and have this person just not really jell with you and kind of look down on you like you're a nuisance. 

But I sat in the ship. There were some other people there. We ended up being dropped off on another planet. 

When we landed there was a beach and an open ocean. One of the raft guides that works at the adventure park I'm at was there -he had somehow tagged along. He looked at me and said, "What do we do now?" I then started to change and consciously knew I could change my appearance and my clothing. I then morphed into more of a mermaid-looking person. 

I looked at him and basically told him, "You're on your own," and then dove into the water and swam off as a mermaid. 

So... I've definitely got Sirius tendencies. 

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