Sunday, August 25, 2019

Rest & Resonance

This week has been a transition into relaxing, taking it slow, and getting into body -which is probably because we're shifting from Leo season to Virgo (Earth sign). It is nice to defer to the solar system and its influence on the Zodiac sometimes. 

Either way, been resting and reflecting and realizing I had more pieces of my past I'd forgotten that needed to be let  go of. 

On top of this, I've been going through a lot of art books lately and writing down spiritually inspiring past artists. Also been noting writers and those who have had visions of Heaven that they described in great detail. The works of some of these artists and writers are extensive: 

Emmanuel Swendenborg (writer): 

Father Pere Lamy (writer):

William Blake (artist):

Evelyn de Morgan (artist):

These are just a few I came across recently. 

Then as far as new lines of thought go, it really started to dawn on me how many people in ancient civilizations were Very spiritually in-tune but had no way to record it or their words were lost to time. The way we acknowledge someone like Henry David Thoreau for his spiritual insight and contributions, is the way we would have done for the past from all over the world if we were able. 

Then this past week there was fire burning down the Amazon. Emotionally I didn't know how to react. I was in a "relax and let go of everything" kind of state. 

I was told/understood that Heaven would take care of nature, at least for a while. We've been too consumed with politics and social justice issues to do any kind of good for nature otherwise. Environmentalism gets scoffed at when human lives are on the same plate for discussion. 

So I trusted God would "hold down the fort" until people became clearer and enough of a way was paved with human issues for us to finally look around and address that one. Because it's not just the Amazon. 

At the same time I did see this remarkable thing occur. And it was like a ripple effect of a pattern I've seen emanating out: 

(On a Small Scale) In my own life: There will be times when I need to remember or acknowledge something that's going on and I will be intuitively led to it. Example, 1 month ago I was sent a possibility for a website our company could be listed on to get more attention and sell our products/activities through. At the time it was just a brief mention so I didn't pay it much attention. Then this past week I was led back to it, submitted our company for it, and was reached by the person in charge of it to schedule a call. A good, well intention ed fit coming back around at the right time for everyone. This same pattern applies to friends and family I get feelings about or feel compelled to reach out to from time to time. 

(On a Bigger Scale) The American People: Somehow our attention was brought back around to immigrants in inhumane conditions being held indefinitely. We had ignored it for the most part for a while, but kids were being neglected and denied the basic right to sanitation and hygiene products. All the sudden everyone's attention was pulled to it like a cascading waterfall. It was front and center and change was able to be made. 

(On a World Scale) The Amazon: It had been burning for 16 days and if the Brazilian government was left in charge on its own it would have burned unattended for months more. People started picking up on what was going on and suddenly you had the eyes of the world watching the burning of the world's "lung". Now the Brazilian government is sending in helicopters and aid. The Amazon effects all of us. A lot of nature is that way. And we're catching things now -in other countries -and holding other places to account for things that we all have a vested interest in. 

Things aren't falling through the cracks as easy because there are too many eyes in the world that can SEE. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New World -to-Top of Mind

There was a very strange, surreal event that happened Monday night (8/19). I was connecting to divine beings, angels, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary... my spiritual family... when I saw the image of the world with the 2 angels again. 

The last time I saw that image pop into my head was about a month ago. So when I saw it again I was like, "Ok it's the new world coming through again..." Then it changed. 

The world turned Sideways and was very thin, but round. It became a lot more transparent and looked kind of like a portal. It was then placed on the top of my head like a bubble. I had no clue what it meant or what was going on. It caught me completely off guard. But it sat on my head like a crown. 

I kept thinking I was perceiving of it wrong, but it didn't waiver and was plane as day to me. I realized after that it reminded me of the ancient Egyptian headdress: 

Still not entirely certain what it all means, but it's there. It seems like a crown or like it might be a way for the new world to come through by accessing the crown chakra -the link between Heaven and our soul. 

I've also been seeing a LOT of aerial views lately. Saw one yesterday on an impromptu rafting trip. 

The rafting trip was very serene and the landscape was beautiful. I think God is telling me to slow down, take in the good of life and your surroundings, and let things unfold the way they're meant to. 

Nature is coming through a lot and calm is coming through a lot. 

What was also incredible on our trip is we saw a bald eagle fly overhead. I thought, "Ok a symbol of Freedom is being seen very clearly right now". Then a butterfly followed by a dragon fly landed in our boat and on a couple of the people in it. "Ok the symbols of transformation are coming through pretty clearly..." 

(Butterfly on his back)

All good omens and an incredible rafting experience. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2 Epiphanies

Had a great breakthrough understanding this morning and also decided to lay out a thought I had over a week ago and debated writing about. 

Morning Revelation: I don't know how but for the past couple days my heart chakra busted open and has emitted huge light/energy. I figured out how to circumvent my head/mind (the cause of a lot of stress and worry lately) and silently connect to the core of my soul. I then emanate energy from that space. It helps God's energy and the energy of divine being supporting me pass through to the world around me and below. 

This morning it really hit me that this is the ultimate goal. To unburden the soul from pain, distress, and distraction and to directly connect to being Whole. I'm adding it my ultimate spiritual life mission: 

Help people return to themselves spiritually by being freed from pain and limitation & help pave the way for Heaven to be founded on earth. 

All I do is towards that ultimate goal. 

Previous Thought on "Politics":

It's a pain to delve into "worldly issues". It happens and I feel degraded by it and yet it affects us. If the government decided tomorrow to make it legal for people to set houses on fire, we'd be in trouble. 

So my mind delves towards world issues and the real-life implications of suffering inflicted through systems, institutions, and negative, power-based organizations. 

So here was my thought pattern, which as usual takes a spiritual perspective on trying to navigate through and make sense of world pains like the political arena we're in: 

How did things come to be the way they are with parties? 

Why is the Republican party so deeply affiliated with racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia? Why are Republicans divided from the minority and those in poverty? 


Somewhere in the past century the Democratic party affiliated itself with Minorities in particular. They defined themselves as the party that stood up for the "underdog" and those with no power in comparison to the masses. 

Ripple Effect 1Minorities in this country include 

-People of Color in particular (black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Native American...) 
-People with disabilities and mental challenges
-Religious groups like Jewish people, atheists, Muslims... 
-People in poverty (not in terms of being few in number but in terms of being without much power and influence) 
-Women (again, not by being few in number but by lacking the same amount of power and influence -particularly women of color)
-Members of the LGBT community 

I'm also going to add "environmentalist issues" to this list. It's not a person but it represents animals & nature which have no voice or power so it's been adopted in alongside other Democratic issues that are supported. 

Ripple Effect 2: Republicans represent a group that is in direct opposition to the Democratic party and inherently want to go the opposite direction on almost all issues. If tomorrow Democrats said they supported the color Green, Republicans would call the idiots and say they supported the color Orange. 

What then gets rejected by Republicans as a result? 
Diversity, inclusivity, and being a Humanitarian. 

What does that lead to? 

Well if you're not For humanity -including your own -you're against it. 

Ripple Effect 3: What happens when a large group of people reject minorities, people with little to no power and influence, and equality? 

Antisemitism. Racism. Sexism. Xenophobia. Anti-LGBT. 

What other groups do we know of in the United States that love hating in that way? Hate groups: KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists... 

Throw in a "pro-gun & ammunition for everyone" sentiment and you have the Republican party has devolved into today. 

-It's hard to be a white supremacist and a Democrat. Obama is black. 

-It's hard to be a neo-nazi and a democrat. Bernie is Jewish. 

-It's hard to be a member of any of the common groups that hate women & be a democrat: Democratic Women run for Congress

-Pete Buttigieg is gay and married. 

Democrats represent all the people that hate groups hate. And so in opposition to being a "horrible liberal democrat", you then find yourself in favor of that hatred. 

When you don't see the big picture of what's occurred, people just divert to the naive notion that racism either isn't what it is, isn't capable of being supported by a party you support, or is just an insult of a term that holds no real bearing on you or your party. 

Instead of Republicans changing their party from within by denouncing hatred, they're either denying hatred exists to begin with or that it's just an insult aimed at their party with no founding. 

Ripple Effect 4: Where will this lead us? 

There are only 2 possible outcomes: 

-Option 1: The day comes when the Republican party unmasks itself entirely and says to the public in broad daylight: "YES. We DO hate people of color, muslims, Jewish people, women, those in poverty, people with disabilities, LGBT people... and we're not sorry." 

This day is actually harder to achieve than people realize. Because some individual members of the party are either there or are circling that drain it can look like and appear to be the destined reality, but it's actually pretty far from it. 

70% of Americans support gay people. That's not just democrats. 

The U.S. likes the story of our past consisting of "kicking Nazi ass" and saving Jewish people from the atrocities of the Holocaust. Being antisemitic kind of ruins that. 

People Don't WANT to be racist. They spend a good deal of time trying to convince themselves and others that they aren't -even when they Are. 

People people aspire towards that kind of hatred. And no one wants to see Death or Murder or Mass Shootings. They don't want Genocide. 

Inevitably most Republicans "know somebody" who's an atheist, a gay person, or a liberal. They don't want them to be killed. 

-Option 2: Eventually things will push back and Republicans will veer away from being one big hate group. 

The #MeToo movement won't be a "liberal hoax" because Women have been affected by sexual violence -including Republicans. It's affected devout Catholics and it's affected Republican boy scouts. It's affected members of their party. 

Same with poverty. 

Same with the environment. 

Same with a lot of things. For example, a lot of Hispanic people, in part because they're devout and are against abortion, are Republican or would support the Republican party. 

It's hard to be against YOURSELF. 

This is who we are as Americans. We're people of many races, backgrounds, faiths, LGBT identities, and more. 

We ARE diversity. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Breakthrough and Kickback

Good news, we're shifting towards forward momentum. It's foretold by many that this is the point when we are no longer held back and dismayed or delayed. And I can feel that shift, even if there's still some old crap to move past. 

I was debating whether to start a Meetup group for the adventure park I work for since they're going to start hosting live music and get-togethers at their main lodge regularly. Then while revisiting I came across an old "group" that consisted of Aura/Chakra/Energy Clearing spiritual people. I went there once about 3 years ago and felt and experienced a strong psychic interaction -including hearing the voice of the person doing the clearing in my head answering a question I had and was wondering directly. 

That led me into looking up what services I might be able to purchase -I have some clearing out to do and I think that's part of what I'm meant to do right now. I felt drawn to the site and looked into the classes they had as well. If money were no object and I had the time I'd do them - not to become a practitioner, but for my own sake. 

Then another shift that occurred the same day was an instinct to avoid watching tv when I got home and instead read something. So I grabbed my Be Here Now book, Far Side Gallery book, and my Angel 101 book. 2 spiritual books and a funny book for good measure. 

I haven't read the angel book in years, and when i did I mostly just skimmed the summary and didn't read the actual book at all. I've had experiences with Michael, Raphael, and more distantly Uriel, Gabriel, and Azrael. I was led to understand what some angels more or less consisted of and with Michael and Raphael it was more consistent, direct protection and assistance. 

It's incredible reconnecting in a direct way. Normally I reach out to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and on rare occasions Mary. I feel stupid and neglectful for not reaching out to angels more. Especially given how consistently they've been there for more. 

Then last night I experienced a very clear chakra/energy clearing session -which mostly occurred out of necessity. But it was also like, "Ask and ye shall receive... without having to pay or book an appointment." This is why I resent spiritual organizations that charge people. God leads people to the truth and what they're intended for Freely. 

Everything's coming through very strongly and powerfully right now. 

Unfortunately that also means there's kickback. And quite honestly there are some things I could use a little more guidance and clarity on with regards on how to address them: To what extent should we actively seek to rip away the negative influences from our lives, and to what extent do we trust in God and let nature run its course for negativity to fade out on its own? Being forceful helps nothing. Struggle isn't a solution. But neither is conceding when action can be taken. Trying to navigate and find a compassionate balance. 

I also feel like tearing down walls. Like everywhere I go I'm stuck in a box and I want to breakout. I'm ready for a serious upgrade in my life. And I know it's coming... 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Recent Epiphanies & Change

It's degrading as a soul to understand HUGE spiritual things that area going on and deeply impactful changes that are set to occur in the world and then 5 seconds later be distracted by frustrating business issues that don't matter and errands that you have to accomplish in the immediate future. 

And just to vent: SCREW whoever decided that when you become a member of XYZ organization and pay $558 a year you get 7 features you could generally care less about and only 1 that you do actually need only to discover you have to pay an additional $146 to get basic online profile features that should have already been inherently included but for some reason are in a completely separate package explained nowhere on the site in comparison to the membership package you currently have and other ones that are out there and... 

Some organizations are businesses but don't have the common sense to function like them. 

Meanwhile in the spiritual universe: 

The veil is being ripped away and we're finally moving forward some more. I've gotten to the point of detached uncaring. 

I don't care if the economic system is shattered to pieces because people finally realize it's a rigged system in nobody's favor: I just want peace. I want some place I can live for the next couple years and lie low until the dust settles from whatever uprooting is coming. 

I don't care if government is overthrown because people realize it's a corrupted system that kills in the name of its own self interest, I just want to know I'm not going to be blown up or bombed or gunned down. Let hell settle its score with itself. The rest of us have peace in our souls and don't need any more pain than we've already had to contend with. 

I don't care if institutions of faith are rendered irrelevant and fade from existence because no one trusts them anymore. I know that people can intuitively be led to good and connect with people as souls without a guide book. We have 3 levels of people right now:

1. The shut-eyed people who need religion to tell them what not to walk into -even though they do anyway and then yell at people who can see as if they were immoral for having their eyes open. 

2. Those who are intuitive, but get distracted and try to figure things out and come to study religion only to find it ultimately tells them to let go and just BE. 

3. Those who don't need to be taught or told anything who just listen as a soul and have the deepest wisdom for that reason. 

I'm usually number 2, but I'm also smart enough to know we should all aspire to be 3s. 

So let religion fall. We'll have less abuses laid out against innocent people. 

All I want is peace. 

I'll let go of whatever future I perceived of and cling to whatever vision God wants me to bring about. 

Let the chips fall where they may. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Recent Dreams End of July- Beginning of August

My dreams have been pretty vivid and significant these past couple nights.

7/19 Dream: I dreamt I was in a high school class with the kids from Glee. I had to take a Spanish test and was reading a story in Spanish in the Spanish book in class. The story was about a family in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I saw a word and had to find the meaning for it and it translated to "healing" and "zest for life". I genuinely think at some point in time I travel to Spain and New Mexico. 

7/22 Dream: I was in Spain with my sister Emily. We were exploring through the woods and the mountains when we ran into a guy we used to know. He had a long history of dating different women over and over again. I dreamt we led him through a crowd of women and then it was just the 3 of us having fun like a family. 

8/01 Dream: I was at a lake in the woods in apartment-like housing with a bunch of other people -mostly teenagers. I was meeting new friends, but they were hard to keep since they kept going off with other people (social butterflies). Met a girl named Angela who listened to music and was very "Aquarian". It was made clear to me in the dream her name and the fact that she was from Italy. 

At one point there was a professor or staff member who was eating grapes with a 14 year old girl. His demeanor towards her and some of the things he said made me suspicious that he was a pedophile. He disarmed me/tried to throw me off the scent by offering me grapes and downplaying that anything was there. I then had to debate what to do about the situation. Which is interesting because I harped on the movie Doubt yesterday... I still maintain it's stupid that nuns would be that conflicted over holding a possible pedophile priest accountable. 

Then at some point we were in a cafeteria and there weren't any vegetarian options and I had to decide what I was going to do: To eat or not to eat. Then some stuff happened and people were trying to figure out what was going on. Stuff getting knocked off of shelves. I now realize the space was "haunted". There was some darkness that needed to be cleared out.

8/04 Dream -Part 1: There was a great valley and I looked out over it for where to live/have a home. I saw a great mansion by a tree and I went over. The outside was paved in Gold and the rooms were large and spacious with fine, luxurious decor. I then went to the balcony and walked out into a large open space. In the distance I could see the ocean and there were people ziplining on long wires in the direction of the beach.

8/04 Dream -Part 2: I was at the beach swimming in the ocean in an inner-tube. My friend Asia came along and wanted to go somewhere, so I grabbed my stuff and headed out with her in my car.  

We drive through the woods along the highway -which I'm pretty sure was meant to indicate we were still in Colorado (and the ocean may have been a lake). 

Asia wanted to go to this gothic-style manor on top of a mountain where people could dance and party. The outside had gargoyles and looked like a giant bat. I remembered in the dream having gone there previously in another dream where I did a round of put-put-golf outside the manor, but never went in. I thought it was kind of creepy there. 

I guess a lot of cos-play, witch-fans would go. Not serious Satanists, just people interested in the occult like they would be anime. The drive up the mountain was steep and had sharp turns. Since it was getting dark and I really didn't feel like taking the risk of falling off the mountain in my car, I told Asia we'd walk to the top. At the top, there was a long, flat space like a giant parking lot with no lines. I clung to the ground and prayed for God's presence to be founded there. It felt like I was going to fall off the edge, even though I was nowhere near one. 

I then saw an alter near the entrance of the manor. I prayed to God from the alter and laid flowers down in front of it. The flowers then changed into petals and floated away on the breeze. I got the sense that God would protect the surrounding environment. I then got to choose from various items to place on the alter. I placed a Mayan symbol there, a horse and a cat (my new spiritual animals of alignment), and the image of a UFO spaceship. I was actually kind of surprised they had that item available. 

Then Asia said, "Let's go in, I bet there's a lot of cute guys here..." and we started into the manor. Then I woke up. 

That place was so vivid and I dreamed the same place, in the same strange exact location twice now. I genuinely think it exists. I wish I could draw it. It's hard to draw objects from dreams sometimes. 

Reflections at a Walmart

The 2 mass shootings after that followed the one in California didn't surprise me. The fact that another shooter shot a man outside a synagogue in Florida and the news hadn't bothered to mention, was upsetting but also not very surprising. When I found out they were all by white supremacists, I just acknowledged that evil was reaching its fruition on that front and the consequences of it were being laid out for everyone to see. We ignore that crime, it becomes more extensive and we become accessories to it. 

When I found out the El Paso shooting took place at a Walmart, I did think, "Haven't there been other shootings at Walmart before? Why that store so often?" 

Then I discovered Walmart sells guns in store and has an open carry policy. "Oh..." 

Then I went to Walmart. It's the cheapest place to get groceries and when you're lower income you don't have much room to debate. I can't afford Safeway right now. 

When I walked into Walmart the first thing I noticed was the diversity. You have Hispanic people, black people, white people, Muslim women... The other thing I noticed that actually kind of surprised me and frightened me were how many Children were present. More than any other group there, you had Families with Kids. And I worried for them. 

As usually when I was in the check-out stand I prayed silently and brought God's presence into he space. You can tell when a place is "covered" and protected. You'll go to pray and immediately get the sense that it's "not needed". That God's already there in full. I think that's why we're meant to pray over places over time -to ensure that's the case. Especially a place like Walmart that doesn't seem to care about the pattern of its customers getting shot up over the years. 

If God's people are there, regardless of how management treats them, God will find a way to come through.