Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New World -to-Top of Mind

There was a very strange, surreal event that happened Monday night (8/19). I was connecting to divine beings, angels, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary... my spiritual family... when I saw the image of the world with the 2 angels again. 

The last time I saw that image pop into my head was about a month ago. So when I saw it again I was like, "Ok it's the new world coming through again..." Then it changed. 

The world turned Sideways and was very thin, but round. It became a lot more transparent and looked kind of like a portal. It was then placed on the top of my head like a bubble. I had no clue what it meant or what was going on. It caught me completely off guard. But it sat on my head like a crown. 

I kept thinking I was perceiving of it wrong, but it didn't waiver and was plane as day to me. I realized after that it reminded me of the ancient Egyptian headdress: 

Still not entirely certain what it all means, but it's there. It seems like a crown or like it might be a way for the new world to come through by accessing the crown chakra -the link between Heaven and our soul. 

I've also been seeing a LOT of aerial views lately. Saw one yesterday on an impromptu rafting trip. 

The rafting trip was very serene and the landscape was beautiful. I think God is telling me to slow down, take in the good of life and your surroundings, and let things unfold the way they're meant to. 

Nature is coming through a lot and calm is coming through a lot. 

What was also incredible on our trip is we saw a bald eagle fly overhead. I thought, "Ok a symbol of Freedom is being seen very clearly right now". Then a butterfly followed by a dragon fly landed in our boat and on a couple of the people in it. "Ok the symbols of transformation are coming through pretty clearly..." 

(Butterfly on his back)

All good omens and an incredible rafting experience. 

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