Sunday, August 25, 2019

Rest & Resonance

This week has been a transition into relaxing, taking it slow, and getting into body -which is probably because we're shifting from Leo season to Virgo (Earth sign). It is nice to defer to the solar system and its influence on the Zodiac sometimes. 

Either way, been resting and reflecting and realizing I had more pieces of my past I'd forgotten that needed to be let  go of. 

On top of this, I've been going through a lot of art books lately and writing down spiritually inspiring past artists. Also been noting writers and those who have had visions of Heaven that they described in great detail. The works of some of these artists and writers are extensive: 

Emmanuel Swendenborg (writer): 

Father Pere Lamy (writer):

William Blake (artist):

Evelyn de Morgan (artist):

These are just a few I came across recently. 

Then as far as new lines of thought go, it really started to dawn on me how many people in ancient civilizations were Very spiritually in-tune but had no way to record it or their words were lost to time. The way we acknowledge someone like Henry David Thoreau for his spiritual insight and contributions, is the way we would have done for the past from all over the world if we were able. 

Then this past week there was fire burning down the Amazon. Emotionally I didn't know how to react. I was in a "relax and let go of everything" kind of state. 

I was told/understood that Heaven would take care of nature, at least for a while. We've been too consumed with politics and social justice issues to do any kind of good for nature otherwise. Environmentalism gets scoffed at when human lives are on the same plate for discussion. 

So I trusted God would "hold down the fort" until people became clearer and enough of a way was paved with human issues for us to finally look around and address that one. Because it's not just the Amazon. 

At the same time I did see this remarkable thing occur. And it was like a ripple effect of a pattern I've seen emanating out: 

(On a Small Scale) In my own life: There will be times when I need to remember or acknowledge something that's going on and I will be intuitively led to it. Example, 1 month ago I was sent a possibility for a website our company could be listed on to get more attention and sell our products/activities through. At the time it was just a brief mention so I didn't pay it much attention. Then this past week I was led back to it, submitted our company for it, and was reached by the person in charge of it to schedule a call. A good, well intention ed fit coming back around at the right time for everyone. This same pattern applies to friends and family I get feelings about or feel compelled to reach out to from time to time. 

(On a Bigger Scale) The American People: Somehow our attention was brought back around to immigrants in inhumane conditions being held indefinitely. We had ignored it for the most part for a while, but kids were being neglected and denied the basic right to sanitation and hygiene products. All the sudden everyone's attention was pulled to it like a cascading waterfall. It was front and center and change was able to be made. 

(On a World Scale) The Amazon: It had been burning for 16 days and if the Brazilian government was left in charge on its own it would have burned unattended for months more. People started picking up on what was going on and suddenly you had the eyes of the world watching the burning of the world's "lung". Now the Brazilian government is sending in helicopters and aid. The Amazon effects all of us. A lot of nature is that way. And we're catching things now -in other countries -and holding other places to account for things that we all have a vested interest in. 

Things aren't falling through the cracks as easy because there are too many eyes in the world that can SEE. 

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