Saturday, January 29, 2022

Death and Passing

As often happens during times of transition, the old dies away and you can feel a strange sense of mourning, sadness, and loss over it. And as usual with me, I'm fearful again that I might physically die. 

It's confusing for a soul that has rarely and almost never lived past the age of 30 in any previous life to go through these transitions around the age of 30 and then have to discern whether it's truth or paranoia. It feels real. Like I might actually die because past dreams I've had seem to indicate it. 

But I've experienced this at least 10 times now and it gets old always having to fear on a spiritual level whether your physical experience in this world will come to an end. 

I want to die in peace. Whether it's in old age or tomorrow, at the end of the day, I just don't want the old way of dying. I don't the pain, the darkness, the fear, and "mortality"... I don't want to suffer death or in death. I asked that it be peaceful. 

From there I do see what's dying off is mostly things I held onto in the past I'm being led to let go of and move on from. Letting go of attachments to animals is hard. I think nature is rumored to be in there as well. I've clung to nature because I felt my soul when I connected to it in a world devoid of spiritual essence. But now I'm told, what if the world wasn't? Would you cling to nature as much? 

You would only see nature -not attach to it. You would feel it and connect, but not attach. 

I've exalted and paid homage to the animals I drew from most. Horse, deer, black panther, dragon, recently the black wolf, and now the tiger. I also did the same with some spiritual people and influences I had drawn from. I pay homage mostly through art. I can walk past them everyday on the walls and I stop and take notice and am in awe of them. It's how I continue to pay my respects and remember what I'm connected to but am no longer attached to. 

Balance - Light Neutral

*Full disclosure -this blog's going to be a little disjointed and seemingly random in some ways. I've spent the past 3 days writing it out off and on.

I'm meant to be a writer. I've suspected this for a while but have kind of been in denial because it's not something that I necessarily want to be. Especially getting out of introverted-overly-reflective mode I've been in and entering into direct physical engagement with the world, writing just seems old and like something the world doesn't want/need anymore. I also look at the writings of Lao Tzu and think, "You can't go beyond that -it's already there and written out." 

But I've been asked the past 2 days to reflect on who I am. We're lost in the midst of external and internal transition in this world where the old is dying and a new is being born and it's still existing simultaneously and it's all muddled and still getting sorted. So I've been lost and trying to navigate. And I sat on the couch and looked over at my bookshelf and FELT the nature of each books and the books as a collective and suddenly found myself. I felt my soul. I saw myself reflected in it. 

I am my bookshelf and it brought me back to myself. 

Those books are what I kept because some part of my soul awakens and resonates with them. And I remembered who I am on the weekends when I'm to myself away from work and back in soul and I remembered me. 

I was led to watch the movie Never Ending Story. One of the things that came up was as Bastian read the book it became clear he was being sensed and heard and was known to those in the story and was an extension of it. 

1. These books are like portals that can open windows into our sight of other things beyond ourself. 

2. These books are embedded with energy. The essence of the creator is in there. 

3. These books can be art. They don't have to be copy/paste, you can get more creative with it. 

4. These books represent -as in the movie Never Ending Story -that we can view life, label it a story, and conceptualize it as much as we can be IN IT. Especially if the books are about something real. 

I was also meant to look at the Luck Dragon. I was born in the year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology and have been drawing dragons since I was a kid. This last Christmas my sister gave me a wooden dragon to piece together, which I've also painted. The understanding of dragons is that they are varied as much as people and some bring good fortune and are linked to some souls on Earth. 

I'm meant to trust the dragon I'm connected to. You leap, he follows. 

These transitions are so hard. I have been struggling. 

The world on a spiritual level has been pulled back and forth between Heaven and Hell for over 5 years. Starting at 2010 and ending around 2018. 

Then to be so deeply shifted on a soul level -constantly expanding and healing and transmuting and changing for the past 3 years or so... It's hard. 

Right now I'm balancing out Pisces Energy with Sagittarius influence to reach balance. From December to this May, Jupiter is in Pisces. Pisces will be expanded and led to affluence and empowerment. Right now is the shadow period. I'm still transmuting the old mental pains and shadows and am also now taking on new physical shadows because Sagittarius is more physically-oriented. 

I am hungry much more frequently and have wayyyy more energy than I'm used to and feel like taking on the world. I know have to step back and let myself rest where before that's mostly all I did. Now it's a challenge.

I'm also being led to let go of my connection and attachments to animal spirit. It helped to navigate spiritually and physically to draw from different animal energies. Horse in particular brought balance. But today I woke up and felt genuinely Human. I never wanted to be purely and only human -it felt like something you conceded to when the soul of your being can take on and be so much more. But the past is being honored and let go. 

Right now I'm also being led to reflect upon my mom and dad. 

Mom's way is being charismatic and overtly affectionate and loving. Then her shadow is being wrathful and seeking vengeance and acting out of anger. 

Dad's way is -the way I used to be, the Pisces Way -is being peaceful and calm and bringing support in a grounded way. His shadow is being emotionally distant and more passive, isolated, and evasive. 

I'm being led to be more loving. I forget love most of the time and am surprised when I feel it or am reminded of it. But I can feel my heart more. The down side is addressing the shadow of feeling more anger and wanting to push people back and away. So that has to be transmuted as well. I'll find balance, keep my peace in my mind and soul, and then venture into being more loving. 

And I find myself remembering I'm entering into a period now where I'll finally be able tor relax and enjoy life and I keep thinking, "How?... I don't know how to enjoy life." I know how to persevere life. I know how to outsmart life. I know how to transmute darkness in life. I know how to heal from life. I knw how to walk through Hell in life. But I've forgotten Heaven. How do you abide in Heaven here and just live freely and ENJOY life? 

And then right now I'm being led towards constantly being told to stay in Balance and Neutrality (light neutral). And I want Heaven because I still see Hell around. But you can't aim for Heaven -especially during this still overtly transitionary time. You have to stay in Neutral. 

Sometimes I think that it's like this: 

(Evil/Pain//Hell) --- (Dark Neutral/Raven) --- (Pure Neutral) ---(Light Neutral//Like Legolas) ---(Light/Heaven/Love)

Other times I get reminded it's more like this: 

Heaven/ Hell (Duality) ----- Light Neutral/Dark Neutral (Balanced Duality --- Pure Neutrality (The Universe/Space) 

Our little planet has just been hit hard by Hell and then Heaven, but beyond here things aren't the same. The universe -with all it's starts and planets and galaxies -isn't "good". And it isn't "bad".  It's just space. And it's open and vast and varied. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Acknowledging Passing

Many well known people have passed away -most in the last 6 months. Everyone acknowledged Betty White and I just want to acknowledge 2 others I know won't get the same attention, more for me honoring them than anything. 

Anne Rice: One of my favorite writers, our modern day Mary Shelley (screw J.K. Rowling), and someone who showed that you can be religious/spiritual and inclusive and open to different people. Her writing was amazing and so was her approach to life. 

Thich Nhat Hanh: Brilliant spiritual guide, Buddhist monk, and author of my favorite book Our Appointment with Life

Friday, January 21, 2022

Importance of Understanding Astrology

 I would compare this to understanding math. It's something everyone writes off as something "not needed" until tax season comes around or they need to add, multiply, or divide. 

Ignore Horoscopes and trying to figure out whose sign your best paired with. 

This is about understanding what path your soul is on and what you're meant to learn. It's also about owning what you're under the influence of so you don't become purely the product of it. 

For me the most important part of your natal chart is getting a good overall sense of how laid out, and from there:

1) Sun sign (external, egoic expression)

2) Moon sign (internal connection, true expression)

3) Rising sign (transformation) 

4) True Node (how things balance out) 

The complicated part is there's more at play than just these elements in your spiritual life. There's everything else from what spiritual state the world/time is in, what's the energy of the physical space you're in, who are you around/influenced by, what aspects of your parents and childhood are at play, past life issues, pains in this life you've experienced, and more. 

But the astrological influences tend to be the heaviest on the soul. 

Right now I'm experiencing the Rising sign aspect. I went from a spiritually-oriented/day dreamy/introverted/empathetic Pisces to a more outgoing/tenacious/apathetic/physically present person. The shift has transpired over the past 3 years or so, but it's strange and a little unsettling to see it happen within you. I know myself so well because I was burried within myself for so long and you feel like a completely different version of you. 

But my True Node is Libra -I keep coming back to a place that's balanced. Some place that's beyond introvert/extrovert and spiritual/physical. 

For the record I'd describe my astrological layout like this: 

"This girl was mistakenly outing in ways that led to her detriment in her last life. As a soul born to this planet, many of her past lives as women have also rarely consisted of deep knowledge and understanding due to lack of access to equal education. Let's fix that. 

In this life you will be born a Pisces SUN. Ironic. You will be "outing" egotistically as a very introverted, shy person who is deeply reflective, and internally knowing but struggles with external expression. You will learn to hesitate, to question, to contemplate, to do research, to listen, and to SEE both more in the spiritual world and this one. 

You will be a Cancer MOON. Internally to pair beautifully with the Pisces Sun you will be another aspect of a water sign -caring, quiet, loving, connected emotionally, and nurturing to your own soul. That way when you are mentally wounded in this life, you will emotionally heal from it within. 

You will eventually grow beyond and out of being Pisces. You will tire of introversion and log too long for self expression. You will want a part of the previous life you had, but with a greater founding in clarity and truth and purpose. Your RISING SIGN will be the Sagittarius. 

And when you rise, being so deeply rooted in introversion you will be far more self aware and will not make the same egoic mistakes as an extroverted fire sign. To further ensure this, and your karmic lessons, we will out Sagittarius-like people on your path who will wound you. You will learn empathetically not to be like them and treat others that way, and how to return to self and find balance with this new energy. 

The ultimate lesson between water and fire you will learn is balance. Your True Node of Libra will always bring you back to it. You will not be undone as you have been before. 

The only downside to this unfolding on astrological influence are the Capricorn/Earth sign placements. They're meant to keep you grounded -especially being so spiritual -but for a while you will get lost in being so stagnant and attached to old ways of doing and being and thinking. Eventually, especially with fire energy coming through, you will burn beyond that influence being so weighted by it." 

It's all meant to be navigated. 

It also helps you better understand other people's situations.  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Changin' times

A couple significant things going on in the world now. We've shifted a little... 

1. Since we're essentially holograms, living metaphors, and figments of God's imagination - what we imagine and what we dream can be realized in this kind of world. Everything's dissolving into the immaterial and so mind, energy, and being will rule the day. We're still transitioning and the remnants of Hell are still being cleared out, but living in a kind of harmony or even Heaven are more feasible now. 

2. I keep getting the message "Don't Choose Violence". As strange as this sounds we're entering into a tricky territory that's new -especially for women -where the option to enact violence, especially in self defense, is coming up. 

You have the Zeitgeist of the era and Gen Z sentiments that equate to an attitude of "We do not tolerate abuse, or sexual violence, or domestic violence, or gender-based violence and abuse, or pedophilia, or trafficking PERIOD." But you have a system that inherently fails to uphold the same stance and justice. We are now at a point of reflection where it is more likely and more possible for women to react in violence towards what they're facing. 

-You CAN save your life. This system does not legally afford women the right to kill men in acts of self defense. the legal right insisted is for women to be raped, trafficked, and murdered. CC: Cynthia Brown. But women have gained a greater sense of autonomy and KNOW that's wrong. They will feel far more inclined now more than ever to defend their wellbeing and life -even knowing they might end up in prison. Women know the value of their own lives. And they CAN act in instances that genuinely consist of self defense. 

-What's begin cautioned and discouraged is something else. Women acting out of hate or revenge. Something that historically has rarely been seen. Women are now free to express ANGER. This, mixed with the current Zeitgeist, might lead to more women enacting revenge against perpetrators after they've committed a crime. especially since in most instances rapists, pedophiles, and other criminals tend to go free -women will have greater access to them. And rather than just anger being at play, there would also be a great level of INDIFFERENCE. If someone who lacks empathy hurts or harms you or someone you care about you are less likely to have empathy towards them. Attitudes when it comes to the murder of a pedophile can surprisingly be mixed. Some champion that kind of action and others deeply denounce it. But some may take up the sword and take action in their own way now. Ultimately, and spiritually, this is discouraged. 

But it is a choice and people -particularly women -now have the freedom to grapple with it. 

-Murder is on the rise -particularly murder against women. This doesn't bode well and tends to set off the issue of revenge mentioned above. But most crimes are gender based. Men are the perpetrators, women tend to be the victims. If the universe is self-correcting and bringing balance, this WILL shift. So if murder is now coming to light as something that commonplace in every city, state, and country world-wide, more women in particular will start to register how thoroughly screwed they are against something that extensive and how currently it's on them to defend themselves. 

My personal philosophy has always been the Dobby approach -to maim or injure in self defense, but aspire not to kill. The goal is to save a life -not take one. But I also acknowledge for a lot of victims that kind of luxury isn't always afforded in the moment when someone is violently attacking you. 

3. We are in a New Universe with New Rules. We don't need to fret about systems that fail people as much anymore because the Universe will start covering the welfare of people more. We're under new management and philosophies towards life will inevitably shift for us as a collective to follow suit. The best I can describe the theme of these new rules are:

A) Justice does exist and should be achieved. Justice is founded in autonomy and people's lives being respected, protected, and supported. Anyone who abuses another or infringes against someone's autonomy (not just bodily autonomy, but also in terms of energy) can and should be held accountable. 

B) No one is alone. We exist as a collective and everyone has belonging to and in this collective. All are considered. All are valued. 

C) Truth, including the truth of people's experiences, is NOT invalidated. The truth is free for all to see, cannot be hidden or denied, and is meant to be shared and acknowledged. 

4. Along with these rules will also come an understanding of "I'm not going to ask someone to do something I'm not equally willing to do for another". Meaning if slave labor isn't something you'd sign up for, it will have to end. And the harsh realities of manual labor won't keep getting pond off on the marginalized and those in poverty.

This also effects the Supply Chain issue. It's a worker's issue as much as an issue pertaining to physically shipping things all over the world on a whim. We don't need that much crap in our lives and in the world. We shouldn't be demanding that much of people blindly to accommodate it. 

We shouldn't live in a world were Amazon exists -it's exploitation of workers, the nature of things being shipped that frequently and that much, and the obscene wealth of it's CEO. 

Given the Supply Chain is breaking, and will likely fail in the long term and being unable to sustain -order what you genuinely want or need now. the message right now is "This is going away so get what you need to get NOW." 

This will also push us to buy more locally and only purchase things that matter most like food and clothing. It will also change the nature of the economy. Less emphasis on spending to buy crap you don't need, more emphasis on possibly bartering or only getting/giving things everyone needs that shouldn't require money. And if money doesn't mean as much neither will being an employee for the sake of survival. The office/work environment will shift. 

5. Hatred towards the government. The government has long used the tactic of dividing citizens on the basis of ignorance and hatred against one another so the government can centralize it's own power over them. Now tables are turning. People will be unified in their hatred and distrust of the government as something to destroy. I summarize it this way:

Do Native Americans trust the government? Why not? 

Do LGBT people trust the government? Why not? 

Do women trust the government? Why not? 

Even white men who are Republican who directly benefit the most from the government... do THEY trust the government? 

There's a reason they have stock piles of food and supplies to last a year in a bunker somewhere. They says they do not trust the government and anyone who does is an idiot. 

No one likes the government. No one trusts the government. No one wants this government. 

Just today the government voted on whether to make voting more accessible -particularly to people in poverty and black people. The government voted against ensuring people can vote fairly. 

6. It's not Heaven or the Celestial Light Forces -it's BOTH. I forget this every once in a while, being able to perceive of both separately since they're on different spiritual planes. But both work in tandem and overlap. It's not one or the other. The one paves the way for the other. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Huge Shift

2 nights ago things got intense. There was a huge energetic/pressure in the atmosphere -kind of like if you're on an airplane and the air pressure starts effecting your ears. At first this energy level was frightening -especially since negative entities started reacting to it and lashing out a bit. My ears popped and it felt suffocating. But then it was made clear that higher beings were intentionally raising the energy so that higher level spiritual beings could get through directly. They were mostly clearing out the negative. 

Friends are the best medicine. When they came through, I was surrounded by light beings and they were trying to help heal and protect -as well as spread light energy in the area. I honestly felt better, even though I was still sick. Like I was over it. 

The following morning I felt what I call "being in pocket". You feel balanced and connected to body. Like you're just Being. Everything's different. It's soft, easy flow, you go along unattached, take your time, don't care about surroundings... And your higher self is taken up. Instead of it going to Heaven, it goes more "physically" to the light beings for guidance. You have no negative thoughts or thoughts in general. 

On the drive to work it occurred to me, "I go from bubbles of positive people to positive people". I'm either surrounded by good entities from above when I'm alone or I'm around good people I'm connected to at work or elsewhere. 

It also occurred to me, "I can survive this shift." It'll be rough at times but I can overcome this global shift. For healing, just try to carry on like an animal in the wild and mentally/emotionally try not to get that distracted by it. Don't focus on too much too much. 

If a flood were to come where you are right now in terms of self would determine if you stood in 1 foot of water or completely drowned. Some will get sick. Some will die. Your energy determines how well you can handle this new energy level. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Veil's Down

 Now probably isn't the best day to post. I got 1 hour of sleep last night. I'm sick with some sort of cold that has effected at least 3 people at work. Thankfully it's not covid, but unthankfully it has either kept my nose running like crazy or stuffed up so I can't breathe let alone sleep. And this is how I enter into focusing on the physical and addressing the shadow side of it like needing to heal. Not fun. 

I'm also trying to get out of my head in order to achieve this. Stop the thoughts and connect purely to being present and in body. But I'm also tired of battling and go back and forth to make headway and then get kicked back.

Part of my issue is I have negative entities that have taken foothold physically enough not be so easily sent to a different place -which is usually what Heaven does. So they can scratch and push down on the bed and bunch of mostly annoying other things I'm more than used to at this point. But they can also exacerbate pain -including a soar throat which makes you cough that much more. Or mess with you struggling to breathe because you're stuffed up. It's maddening. Mostly they wanted me to be sleep deprived. 

And Heaven was coming through trying to being me more abundance and it because so clear all that is intended for me that hasn't been able to successfully come through because the night breaks into a war anytime they try to do that. The years feel like delayed good intentions from above. And it happened again last night. 

Right now the veil has fallen and there is a restless, angsty tension in the air as if dark forces want to retaliate immediately and that doesn't help things. Even though the veil is down it feels like there's a shadow now looming over. 

As for the veil itself, it's confusing what it actually was. It was like an invisible layer of extra energy that could be manipulated by darkness to enact greater darkness. Like water in a fish tank, it was thick and all encompassing. Now perception is startling without it. You walk into the room and can spiritually feel:

1) everything that's in the room on a spiritual level including entities that come in to an extent that makes it register almost physically 

2) everything that's physically in the room but not spiritually there on the spiritual plane

Basically it feels like you can reach out and touch something on a spiritual level in a physical way. Like if you were blindfolded you would know where the chair was in the room because you'd feel it there. 

It's also harder to see beyond it. With the veil up, you could see through to Heaven or the infinite universe and dematerialize anything. Now you can't as easily. Like what you see is what you'd normally see through to. You're just in it and this is it. 

Friday, January 7, 2022


 Today I'm being guided to reflect upon the concept of Layers. I think it's the answer to my question of "How do you address overlapping systems of oppression if there are so many layers locking it in like culture, religion, government, discrimination...?" 

Here are our human layers: 

1. I am an individual. I live and breathe in body moment to moment navigating my own life in the surrounding world. I hear sounds, I see things, I perceive instinctually, I feel cold and hot and soft and hard. All of this energy. I am present to it. 

2. I am connected to people. I am a part of a team or a company. I am apart of a family. I am apart of a local community. I am hear and see and speak to people in it. 

3. I am in this world. This world is the array of influences. I am in a culture and a time period based on location. I am in this country, I am aware of this "society", I am aware of the laws and the news and the norms. I am aware of other countries and world issues. I cannot divide or separate myself from this world I bleed into because it bleeds just as much into my life as an individual. 

4. I am beyond this world. I am of the spiritual side of life as a soul and bleeding beyond soul into pure energy. I am connected to and extend from and into the vast. 

We aren't just one thing, one person, one life. And yet we are ultimately one life being lived as many. And it is because of our layers that we can address the many dark layers tied up into this world. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Systems or Individuals?

 This month there's a theme coming up I'm clearly meant to reflect on. It's called Systems v. Individuals. 

Right now we're finding the balance between allowing individuals to define themselves and been seen in the truth of who they are as well as defining ourselves and understanding ourselves as a collective. 

All of that is actually fairly easy to navigate. When someone is racist, bigoted, xenophobic, etc... you believe them. When someone is trans, has mental health issues, is an assault survivor, etc... you believe them. 

What we haven't shifted towards that will be a greater struggle is how to approach the Systems and Individuals in oppressive positions of power. 

I finished watching The Trial of Gabriel Fernandez, which is about the torture, abuse, and murder of a boy. The over lapping issues in that case included:  

-How extensive the issue of child abuse and neglect is

-Gang violence in a community

-Families in Poverty

-Child Protective Services failing to protect children 

-Police and Law Enforcement ignoring or failing to address crimes 

-Homophobia and how it can bleed into the lives of children -in some cases being used as an excuse to kill them 

In the end the question is posed: How do you address all of these overlapping issues? 

There were negligent individuals in positions of power who did not do as they should have. The system of child services and overburdened. there was also corruption within it. And that was just 1 system. Not a culture. Not poverty. Not everything else that went in hand. 

The documentary said that over 150 children had died or been killed since Gabriel's murder. 

The you look at things like sexual abuse of powerful men and the #MeToo Movement. Yes Weinstein was arrested, but has enough changed? Same with religious abuse scandals -Yes the issue has been made public, but has the abuse ended? 

Having also watched the 3rd season documentary Scientology, you come across an interesting concept: That one of the tactics used by Scientology is to never go after a system -only individuals within it. Like when they publicly targeted ongoing harassment towards members of the IRS to gain tax exempt status.  

You can also see that historically black communities have been targeted by sectors of the government (particularly police force and judicial branches) to subjugate whole communities. They attack individuals, but it terrorizes whole groups of people. 

This is the approach evil has taken. It's systematically targeted women, LGBT people, people of various races and religions... And it effects whole demographics by this ongoing and consistent approach to the individual. 

But what approach does light take? Part of me wishes we could say, "Hey Scientology, why don't you put your efforts towards Bill Clinton, Trump, and Prince Andrew? Or Westboro Baptist or those who are in the KKK? 

But normal, compassionate people who have independent lives to lead that don't impede upon the welfare of others don't take that path and won't. It just won't happen on the side of light.  

We denounce the system. 

We call out individuals and demand accountability. 

And little changes. 

Rioting is taken more seriously than marching. And even the voices of many still get ignored. Class actions can make headway, but not always. 

We haven't truly ventured into whatever pathway we're meant for to genuinely take on a system and systemic issues. 

It's important to continue holding individuals accountable for their actions, but because of the inactions and abuses of whole systems -individuals like that keep being produced like a vending machine. 

I honestly thought Maxwell might walk free and not be found guilty of anything. That's how little faith I have in our "injustice system". The fact that there's some obscure legal note that shouldn't exist is barring Prince Andrew from trial right now doesn't help. As many people have said, "These girls were trafficked... apparently to no one." 

The other issue up for debate is Reformation verses Dismantling/Completely Taking Down/Replacing Systems. 

This one is a little less confusing for me, I passed up "reformation" a long time ago when I came to terms with the understanding there are fundamental and unchangeable flaws within these systems that intend for them to function as they do now. If you're out of that loop, you must not be in a position to have your rights taken away and impeded by a whim of the government. Let me speak on your behalf if you were: These systems will always fail and were never to your benefit or anyone else's. Let go of the way we do business. Ignore the economics. Forget the "culture" we're in. Abandoned government. Evade religious institution. 

As for where things go from here -I don't know. 

It's interesting all of this is coming up on the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6th Capitol Riots. Those were a strange and startling spectacle. On the one hand it was hard to take them seriously given the way some were dressed and the fact they were outlandish right-wingers. On the other hand: people died, they had weapons, they wanted to kill and threatened the lives of specific people, and they stormed one of the most well founded government buildings. 

So again, we've seen how evil moves. How will light move? 

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year's Update

As it was with Thanksgiving and Christmas, I did not care about New Years and barely remembered what day it was. I got woken up by fireworks in the middle of the night. That's how I knew. 2 days earlier there was one of the worst fires in Colorado and the day-of there was a huge winter storm. The mood in the state was depressed, tired, and hollow. So that energy for "New Years" was just gone. 

There was also a sense of "delay". We're being delayed again. Not as much or for as long, but it's still there. It's like trying to pull a fishing line out of the water and saying, "Wait! It's caught on something..." and then pulling out some seaweed, and then still reeling it in you find a shoe, and then still reeling it in it's caught on a rock... 

They're clearing out all chords and ties to anything negative. ALL of it. And we as a people keep getting caught up on things -like the dogmatic systems of oppression that are still in place -and we individually are caught up on past traumas from previous lives and who knows what else. 

But their mood is undaunted. They're very upbeat like, "Ok this will just take a little longer, shifting gears... moving forward anyway..." 

And I finally got a glimpse of what it will be like to hand it all over. My Soul/Being from chest/center has been handed over and I feel peace internally there. My mind is close to being handed over entirely, but this was the first life -especially as a woman -where my mind was allowed to roam freely and learn and grown and develop its own Ego. Body is way behind all of that right now, but I sense can catch up quickly with the right guidance over the next year. 

The Way Forward: Living in a Dream

Part of the way things will shift is ONLY being able to perceive of your current surroundings. You will be present and IN your surroundings, entirely tuned in, with no thought to anything elsewhere. As it is in Dreams. In a dream when you're in a place and there are people and things happening around you, you don't stop to think about "Hey what's on the news, what about the patriarchal systems, what about racism..." Meaning you don't really THINK in dreams. You are solely focused on engaging in your surroundings alone. 

When you're in a Heaven -the places on Earth where Heaven has come through on the spiritual plane -it will feel like you've walked into a wonderful dream. 

Ironically this lack of care for society and the times we're in and the world will ultimately help the world. If no evil can be committed in Heaven, then everywhere anyone went would just be Heaven. The systems that once held power over people won't exist in these moments. They can't. 

And so it is that at last when the world came to fully and consciously acknowledge  all forms of structural and interpersonal abuse at that it was evil and wrong and had no right we would then be led away from it all naturally to live as though it had never been. 

In The Meantime

Before we get there we have to fully acknowledge all of the evils and have all that sorted and sifted out. Right now we are transmuting: 

1. Religious, Business, and Governmental Institutions Overlapping (ties of influence between separate industries that make addressing abuses next to impossible) 

Example: Scientology is a great way to see this in practice to its fullest. it's a business that contends with spiritual concepts, but is still vastly for-profit. It bullied the IRS individually among its members for decades to get tax-exempt status and be labelled a religion. It bought Clearwater, Florida -an ENTIRE city -for itself. The police there then work for this organization. It has laws within its organization that are illegal in our governmental system. Between money bribes and the level of intimidation and harassment; the executive branch in its entirety and judicial branches want no involvement in holding accountability for crimes committed within Scientology. 

The Catholic Church functions in a similar way -as have many others. At that point you're not just dealing with a religion -you're dealing with the government and a business-like entity. An individual stands next to no chance against it. 

Another Example: The O.J. Simpson Trial. 

The eye witness instances of domestic violence, the long prior history, and the overwhelming evidence from the murder itself made it very clear what happened in the murder of Nicole. This was standard Domestic Violence leading to murder. 

At the same time on a separate account there was the LAPD which has a centuries long history of being corrupted, racist, and when it comes to addressing issues -largely ineffective. 

So you had one side of the court trying to get justice for a woman who was victim to domestic violence and murder -something the court system has consistently failed women on. On the other side of court you have the issue of racism within the police system itself being raised -as if indirectly confronting that longstanding issue in this kind of case would even make a dent. You have a system that fails women and perpetuates and inflicts racist abuses. 

In the end the LAPD remained the LAPD and a woman did not receive justice. Surprise, surprise. 

These systems have overlapping issue that bleed into one another and render individual people powerless against them. 

2. Hollywood

Hollywood is an addition to the institutions tied in above. Fame, wealth, influence, and power. There's a reason Hollywood has ties with Scientology and Epstein. Both Scientology and Epstein understood if you have celebrities goes along you get a form of public backing that masks what you're actually up to. Hollywood is included, but is so strange with all of its internal corruption that should also be marked separately from more formal kinds of institutions. 

3. Women Being Suppressed 

This leads into another theme being transmuted now -Women Being Suppressed. 

I was led to watch the documentary Britney v. Spears and the movie Monster based on the life of a real woman who murdered men. 

These might seem unrelated, but lets look into it. 

You had a female pop star very much in control of her own life as a mother and a celebrity struggling with mental health issues. The second those around her started fearing for her Money and her Assets for their personal gain, they stripped her of her rights, led to her being overworked and overmedicated, and told the world she was fine with it. 

In Monster you have a girl in poverty who was raped by her grandfather for years as a child and a friend of her grandfathers as well. She then went on to sexually exploit herself to school boys to be able to afford clothing, cigarettes, and food. She was then impregnated through rape at the age of 14 and gave the baby up for adoption and soon dropped out of school. She went on surviving the only way she knew how and became a prostitute (AKA self trafficking to survive). 

At one point she did get married and was financially stable and not prostituting. It was then that she started having outbursts of violence and mental health issues that she was occasionally arrested for, but were never addressed. 

She then divorced and went back to prostituting until one day a man who had been previously charged and imprisoned for rape picked her up and brutally sodomized and raped her and she then attacked him and killed him. After that she went on a killing spree and consecutively murdered men, took their money, and stole vehicles. 

So in essence you have a person who was sexually abused at a young age and new of no concept of "coming forward" or seeking justice or addressing that crime in any way. She then lived a life of sexual exploitation for survival. She had been invisible and living in poverty most of her life -including when she started killing. In poverty she knew of no way out -it was just something she had always been in and had to survive. She had issues of mental health and violent outbursts. She was then brutally assaulted and raped and ended up killing that man. She then took out her violence and disposition to steal and rob on other men. Looking at the dominos it's hard to imagine a scenario where this human being would not have killed or murdered some man at some point. There is no excuse for it, but there are many reasons behind it. 

90% of the time serial killers are also serial rapists. Rape and serial killers and often murder of women in general go hand in hand. This was an instance of a woman serial killer, but where rape is an extension of violence by men who murder, being raped in this instance was what led to a human being having no empathy for men and killing them without thought. 

Outside of this you also currently have many women coming forward -particularly on TikTok right now -with thousands of stories of being molested and sexually abused, sometimes by relatives, as children. This issue of rape and pedophilia by incest is coming glaringly into view. It's really incredible that people can put the darkest experiences of their lives out there that openly because it's not uncommon at this point. Any victim who comes forward has seen hundreds of victims come forward before them. It's not even news. 

Women are also questioning men in a more general sense. Why o they have the mentality towards women that they do? Women are divorcing men at a higher rate now -which is saying something because the majority of the time women incite divorce from men. And part of it is women realizing men bring little to nothing to the table because of the way they are raised to operate. You have fundamental discord between men towards women that men then gaslight. Women are over it. 

What this means for the future of straight relations, I don't know. Men are being told to step up and a lot of them are so out of the loop they haven't listened to the message. And men feel so entitled to women they miss the point on its head.

After all of this being taken in and sorted, I'm mostly just shaken by the extent of sexual violence, its depravity, its darkness - let alone a system that's deaf to it. But I keep reminding myself, "It's nothing new. We been knew." 

4. Metaverse & Cryptocurrency 

I deal so much with the spiritual, the social, the cultural, and the historical that the concept of "financial" seems insulting and unimportant. 

And yet the next phase of transmuting evil will be the Economic institutions and systems that lead to oppression. What we term "Capitalism". 

Right now the darker forces that be know we're heading into the realm of Heaven/Being Present/Re-defining Life for Ourselves... and so they are shifting towards distraction that removes people further from the surrounding reality with Metaverses and imaginary forms of money that they tell people they can get rich on like a fantasy within a fantasy. 

Luckily most people are so poor and so tired they hate and resent Zuckerberg for all the problems FB has caused and they hate Elon and Bezos even more and would refuse to buy into anything they backed or peddled out. I don't think it will get as far as they hope. 

It is a weird and frightening concept though. That they would take internet from a separate screen you turn on into the given reality you wake up and are surrounded in. I don't want to live on the internet. If anything we're being led to escape from the norm into nature and things you can enjoy and experience in real life.