Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Coming Through

 We're making the shift from 3D to 4D to 5D and then 6D. It's really hard to explain the difference in layered dimensions going on here and how they are perceived. 

In 4D you can make the image of a sphere spreading out beyond yourself above your head and then cross it with a vertical grid and then perceive and start to push through the spiritual makeup of your surroundings. 

In 5D you expand beyond that and erase the the grid and sphere and it comes across as a full boundless amount of energy in the atmosphere around. 

In 6D you realize that the energy emanates and passes through the core of your chest. That you are "transparent" and just an extension of this vast, eternal energy around you and beyond you. 

I also found that there's a way to "speed up" your timeline and advance the "future" towards you. I think most of this stuff I was always able to do but took it for granted and never acted on it. But you can pull energy from above and in front of you towards you. This in turns brings positive things "further out" into your life. 

In other news, as of 8/22 spiritual intercessory beings and light forces are now able to come through more clearly and directly in a spiritually concentrated way that's almost physical and can certainly be perceived on a physical level with light orbs and veiled shadows of light coming through. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

What's On the Radar

This Month: The Lion's Month

This month there's finally a clearing for direct positive influence to come through from Lightforces, Christ, and Heaven. They're working on bringing peace to the mind and clearing out the remaining remnants of negative energy on Earth. You'll be led to "quiet the mind" and let go of negative thoughts more as well as feeling led to start envisioning a positive future for the Earth and a positive future for yourself. 

Yesterday-Today in the Physical World:

1. Politics. It's not like political issues are new, but right now politics is becoming an annoyance and a distraction more than usual. It's like, "Shut up for 5 minutes so we can get our thoughts together and focus on other issues". 

2. Re-Examining Divide: Begin racist is a problem. Being against racism isn't a problem. But there is a divide between pro-racists and anti-racists. The same goes for a number of other social divides. There is a place beyond all of this where people just exist in harmony and social constructs around race/religion/sex/lgbt/identity aren't waged against people. Meaning there is a place where peace can exist beyond all of the hate and divide. But it's a place where divide doesn't exist on that level. It's hard being physically constrained to a world that demands this divide rather than connected to a spiritual realm that's beyond it. 

3. People Begin Annoying, Alienating, High-Maintenance, and Complaining About Nothing 

This Upcoming Week in the Spiritual World:  

I had a dream last night of "Cowboys v. Native Americans". There were guns going off and it was frightening. Then I looked over and saw some modern day Karens conspiring in a group. And then some modern day protesters trying to help the Native Americans out. And I realized the "past" was occurring in the "present". 

So I have a feeling abuses against Native American people might actually be acknowledged. They've been ongoing for a while but haven't quite registered with people. So maybe it will finally hit home and that issue can be addressed. 

Beyond that, this morning brought up a lot about Hell. Hell is now a concept of the past. You say, "Well it used to be that in Hell this occurred..." because it doesn't exist anymore. So it's kind of a final confirmation mentally that the place known as Hell is officially gone. Also just some highlighting and revisiting what it consisted of so it can be fully fleshed out and seen clearly in the light of day. 

There weren't many new epiphanies about it. But for the record, here's what came up and will likely continue to come up throughout this week: 

1. The Real Horsemen 

There were 3 singular beings (fallen angels/aliens/deities) in Hell. Technically 4 if you consider "Death" although that being just mostly followed the lead of the others. These beings had conflicting goals and were usually separate and didn't interact much together. 

-Mass Death Related: This being was responsible for natural disasters, starvation, drought, famine, possibly plague, and things generally brought about through "natural means" on the Earth. 

-Sadistic-Related: Torture, rape, suffering, pain, mutilation, and anything related to prolonged agony. 

-False Worship-Related: War, religious persecution, persecution by a religion, racism, genocide, bigotry, hatred, greed, deception, corruption, dictatorships... anything related to abuses of power against people. 

Death-Related: Didn't care how people died and wasn't even specifically focused on just people. He liked death in a morbid way and wasn't attached to the way it was specifically brought about. 

As I've said before these 3 main beings conflicted. You can't torture people if their dying out all at once because of a flood. You can't have manipulative power over people if they're just being tortured all day. What they sought and aspired to afflict didn't always coincide.  

And then beyond these 4 puppets was a larger dark force. It was more ambiguous and harder to name. It was also more vast in terms of its being and sought to directly rival God. It was not a fallen angel -something more extensive. 

2. Why the "Apocalypse" Nightmare Won't Happen:

It's kind of hard to figure out how to explain this. But I'll try. 

1. The Apocalypse was originally dreamed up by Hell as a final stand against Heaven that would have a vast, devastating death toll on the Earth. Hell messed that up for itself and Heaven also stifled it so it would NOT happen all at once. 

2. "Mass Death": The Black Plague lasted for centuries and took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. But Hell didn't achieve what it wanted. Most people kept turning to God to try and cure themselves or protect themselves so most souls went to Heaven and Heaven was then finally able to come through. After that it was understood that a devastating plague or mass death of that kind would no longer occur on the Earth. Even today's epidemic is pretty light in comparison to what would have happened had Ebola or Zika Virus spread further. The harder hitting diseases do not go as far and we can manage and work through the lesser diseases that do. Mass Death of that kind is done as far as natural disasters and the rest go. And natural disasters themselves ran out a couple years ago -Hell having attempted to play that card and failed. 

3. Genocide: The last major genocide and war was The Holocaust. It had global involvement and the "most evil" man that can be named off-hand by anyone. Had the Nazis won the world would look radically different... and far worse. ISIS and similar groups of evil don't have the same level of power or influence and CAN'T now. It's not that genocides don't happen anymore, but they aren't capable of happening on that scale or to that extent. That pain is dying off as a wound to people on Earth. 

4. Rape/Torture/Murder: We're still addressing issues like sexual assault and human trafficking but more and more headway is being made and greater levels of accountability are being achieved. In case people weren't aware this pain peaked in the 70s. The 70s-90s were it's greatest times. Especially with child abuse at the hands of large institutions in various countries. Dark cults inflicting abuses were also at their peak during that time. 

So none of these will suddenly emerge out of nowhere and hit all at once. And Hell was cleared out from 2012 -2019, so it no longer has the underpinnings to achieve it here. 

3. Women in Hell: The Gender Divide 

Most of Hell was meant as an insult and inversion to Heaven. Most of the angelic beings of Heaven were actually female. And feminine divinity and energy is very strong and abundant in the realms of Heaven. So to invert, 95% of all demonic entities were male aside from some incubus. Women in Hell were pretty rare as well in terms of the number taken down in comparison to men. Part of that was because women didn't have as much opportunity to commit genocide, rape, or abuse power the way men did throughout the centuries. But also, women tended to be more spiritually connected in general. So between the captors and the occupants, Hell was mostly male and had a DEEP hatred towards women and wanting to destroy any trace of divine feminine energy. Hence the world we've lived in up until now. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Heaven -Hell

 What's becoming clear now with the understanding of "Space" being comprised of both Time and Distance is that Hell has always consisted of "The Past"/Lower-down Dimensions and Heaven consisted of "The Future"/ Higher-up Dimensions. 

What mostly hit me was past v. future at this point. Everything you read about in terms of negative stuff happening now, happened in the past as well. Nothing in terms of pain is "new" or news. It's always been. It's the past. 

The "new" is anything positive, light, healing, creative, innovative, and progressive. 

In other words, stay to the light, keep moving forward, let the past crumble in the distance. 

Customer Service

Customer Service is challenging because you're ultimately trying to have a positive, upbeat, personable presence in front of people while simultaneously being dumped on by hi-maintenance guests with bad attitudes, reading negative reviews, having to tell people "No we don't have those dates available to book", and contending with people who take advantage of getting cheaper prices on 3rd party platforms that only payout 25% to you but you're on there anyway because if you're not seen there you're invisible. 

Feel like venting. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Just like we're unraveling all the cultural and historical threads binding us to sexist, racist, homophobic, and xenophobic thoughts we're also unraveling "being human" itself. We're more than our form. We're beyond this life and this world. 

You can't be eternal and infinite while simultaneously being singular and finite. 

In other news, time no longer exists. 

The way it feels when it's enforced around you by your job or places or people is like someone holding a fish in their hand underwater at the beach. The fish is temporarily and barely "held" while floating for a moment in someone's cusped hands, but in a second could just as easily flow back into the ocean. 

Time no longer exists. It's illusions has washed away. 

In other news, we're tired. We're free, we're light, but we're tired. We're ready to let go of this world. 

We can entrust it to a future that will see it through to the other side. The people will make of this world what they choose and in time they'll see it can be more than it's been molded into. 

The rest of us will move forward and beyond it, no longer bound by a past timeline being iterated forward over and over. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020


A month ago my friend and coworker Sam wanted me and a couple other people to take the Myers-Briggs test on 16personalities.com 

3 days ago my sister sent me a link to the test and said, "Don't question, just take the test". 

I told her I already had. I'm an INFJ, which is the rarest personality listed. 

She said "Wow, I am too!" 

No wonder we're so alike. I'm an INFJ-A and she's INFJ-T, so slight difference between us but mostly the same. 

Personality tests are interesting. I still stick with the Zodiac. It tells you more fully who you are and where you're headed -as well as planetary influence that can be tracked day to day. 

Sun: Pisces
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Sagittarius 
True Node: Libra

Born February 27th in San Jose, CA 

Knowing this configuration is like knowing your spiritual security number. 

Dreams from Space & Time

I saw a post someone made about the 6 different humanoid alien races that are out there. 

I mainly focused on 2 because one fit me to a tee and the other seemed like another state of being I could have likely been in, in the past. All of them were the species that typically reincarnated from being human or to being human for one reason or another. 

There are more species beyond these ones, but for the record: 

Sirians (from the Sirius constellation)

Pleadian Starseed make the most sense for me past-life wise because they tend to be more willowy and lanky/thin in frame, tend to draw negative energy vampires as humans, are ethereal, look Nordic, and tend to have a pure energy. They are natural healers and have blocked throat chakra from not speaking on their own behalf. They can be sacrificial and put others first. 

Sirian Starseeds are water-based humanoid creatures that seek truth and are deeply connected to nature and water. They have a deep level of spiritual knowing. They love animals, are nurturing and unique, and are drawn to spiritual roles in life. They tend to be pretty eccentric and different. They are natural healers. 

So I asked for guidance to know if I was in a non-human form in a past life and which one, if not several. 

Dream 1: 

I was a mermaid in an ocean fleeing from a Plesiosaur-like animal. It seemed highly intelligent and intentionally aggressive. 

It seemed to be more of an underwater dragon and I was steered towards looking at it more like a Leviathan. It wanted to kill me. 

I managed to hide in an underwater castle-structure. But every time I swam out it was around, waiting for me. 

When I woke up I still wanted to know if I had a past affiliation with Pleadians at all since I had so much in common with that particular kind. 

Dream 2: 

It was night-time in modern times. I saw some kind of war-like activity in the sky. It was kind of hard to understand but I registered it as aerial attack of some kind. 

Then I saw a tribe of Native Americans looking up at the sky in an open field near some mountains. 

Then somehow I got approached by a person who asked if I wanted to be taken up to safety. I understood that they were with a craft above. I said yes, the person grabbed ahold of me and we were drawn upwards in a light. As we rose she said, "Oh and remember this thing "_____" which in that moment I thought was just a basic understanding like "be kind to people". 

Then as we rose to the spacecraft we were stopped before entering and I was asked what the password was. I said, "Oh..." kind of surprised and repeated what the girl had told me. I was then allowed to enter in. 

As in other past dreams of this kind, there was a main woman who was in charge of overseeing the ship -like a general manager -who didn't seem to like me much. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see this play out over and over in dreams and have this person just not really jell with you and kind of look down on you like you're a nuisance. 

But I sat in the ship. There were some other people there. We ended up being dropped off on another planet. 

When we landed there was a beach and an open ocean. One of the raft guides that works at the adventure park I'm at was there -he had somehow tagged along. He looked at me and said, "What do we do now?" I then started to change and consciously knew I could change my appearance and my clothing. I then morphed into more of a mermaid-looking person. 

I looked at him and basically told him, "You're on your own," and then dove into the water and swam off as a mermaid. 

So... I've definitely got Sirius tendencies. 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Up And Coming

Right now the issue of child trafficking is being brought to light after remaining just under the surface for the past decade and being totally submerged previous ones before that. 

The down side to acknowledging these abuses are the false trails people can be led down that illegitimizes the issue and make it seem like a conspiracy theory. Child trafficking being affiliated with Hollywood isn't new. That doesn't mean Julia Roberts is involved. If celebrities in Hollywood wanted to prey on children they wouldn't need to be flown out to an island. Just ask Kevin Spacey. 

Instead the trafficking in Hollywood has occurred in Hollywood with "higher ups" and industry managers that the public has never even heard of. Those who manage the whole film industry. 

Meanwhile there are known public figures that have been involved with Epstein island: Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, and Bill Clinton are guilty. No one is demanding accountability. 
A girl who was 13 when she was raped by Trump tried taking Epstein and Trump to court in 2016. The judge on the case was buddies with Trump and the trial was dropped. 

Moving forward over the next month or two (Aug-Sept) the issue of murders and serial killers will start to crop up. 

Right now there's a weird fascination with murders and watching crime shows. People are baffled and disheartened by the stories, but it doesn't register that anything can be done about them or that there are things contributing to them. What bringing murders to light will enlighten people to is: 

1. Accepting that murders "just occur in the world" will change from complacency to it towards activism against it. 

2. Murders being taken more seriously will highlight that murders have often gone uninvestigated and widely ignored -especially with regards to women. And white men have often gotten light sentences if they were held accountable at all. 

3. This will lead people to acknowledging sexual violence -especially in the case of 90% of serial killings and murders of women and children -frequently goes in hand with murder. That ignoring rape leads to murder becoming more prevalent. Cannot stress this enough. 

4. People going missing -especially children, women, and people of color -should also be taken more seriously. If we all look after each other there will be fewer abductions (or abductions that go unnoticed). The 24 hour wait period for police to start looking during the crucial first 48 hours will be changed so there will no longer be a delay. 

Lives can't be that easily lost on people. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sagittarius Moon

Thankful for a positive, intentional, motivational shift. Sagittarius moon helps you see what's holding you book while helping you move forward. Its nice. 

Right now I feel like there's an age-old understanding of "don't attach to materialistic things". By the same token we also need to understand not to attach the the times and circumstances we're in. If we're ultimately beyond time and eternal than attaching to time/culture/location is an inverse of that. 

It's hard though, especially with all of the emotionally triggering things happening in the world. 

There is a video of a black, pregnant woman forced on the ground. The policeman has his knee on her throat and kept repeatedly tasering her stomach. She then miscarried. 

Also in the news, a 10 year old black girl was abducted from her home, given meth and sleeping pills, murdered, and thrown in a dumpster. 

It's hard living in a world full of all this cruelty and then trying to live beyond it. Ignorance isn't compassion. Attachment isn't enlightened. So navigating is challenging. 

All you can do is hand it over to God. 

More on Scorpio Moon and The Brain

Note to self, part of the reason sexual violence against women and children and satanic cults as well as an exaggerated phobia of them exploded in the 70s-90s was because of Scorpio. The occult, the dark, and the sexually aggressive crop up during those periods -including whenever a Scorpio moon comes out. This happens particularly around the end of October -hence Halloween.

As for right now, it has led to an increased awareness and concern over child abuse and trafficking. It has also led to rumors of satanic cults, including in Hollywood. With the cults, it's unclear if it's an exaggeration or reality. 

As for the brain, there are 2 fluids at play that are important to note: 

First fluid is a healing liquid that flows between the brain and the skull. I discovered that the more you connect to innocence/ childhood the more it flows and covers your headspace. 

The other is an adrenaline excretion fluid that comes when you panic or feel threatened. Pigs actually release the same liquid as well. Apparently if you siphon it off it can actually be used as a kind of hard drug like heroine. 

It's also rumored the goal of some satanic cults who abduct children is to gather this liquid from their heads when it is excreted to use it as a drug. Not sure if this is true, but again it's part of the information being put out there.  

Monday, July 27, 2020

Scorpio Moon -Dark to Light

I hate Scorpio moon. The second darkness starts seeming surmounting and encroaching and the world gets bleak I know where the moon is at in the sky. 

Right now we as a collective are bringing to light any unhealed pain or darkness from our past or in the world. As a result we've actually managed to finally bring up issues with child abuse and trafficking that haven't seemed to register with us as a people for quit some time. And there's a couple things being made clear (or clearer) that haven't before: 

1. If you didn't know already there are instances where police will know/be aware of trafficking and might even be participating in covering it up.

2. Wealthy, powerful people engage and perpetuate those sorts of abuses. 

3. The government as a whole or in whole departments might be aware and turning a blind eye. 

4. The media seems to actively bury, down-play, or choose not to report instances of trafficking.  

What was less known and is also becoming clearer are issues involving the Occult. 

It does seem like there were factions of cults that took children and didn't just abuse, traffic, or kill them but actually seemed to be extract things from them. 

There is a healing fluid "sac" that runs over the surface of your brain. It's felt most strongly in the back of your head but can spread throughout. There are rumors of this fluid being drawn out in some of these occult practices. Not sure what it's being used for but it would lead the victim to suffer that much more to not have it in them. 

As far as I know you would specifically need some knowledge of extraterrestrial understanding in order to know that fluid even exists within people. Some species of E.T.s have it "built-in" to their entire being and are self generating in terms of healing. 

So if this is the "Cabal" or a negative group of demonically influenced beings then the rumors of that group existing on Earth would carry more klout. Up until now I still believed that most of the negative influences from those sorts of beings was harbored out in space because they'd been driven out of the planet to a good extent by positive forces. 

Beyond that there are also rumors that the government's going to start moving onto its next phase: Staged Alien Attacks. 

Out of desperation to hide the shadow of the government and be overthrown from power, an attack will be used to divert people's attentions to a false flag elsewhere. This has been rumored and government documents have even alluded to it for a while. But it seems like we're reaching a point where they might actually enact it. 

This is also a historical pattern: "The population has grown to large and could overthrow us in power so we must destroy some of them." It was used as an excuse to drown the children of slaves. It was used as an excuse to begin the Holocaust. It's an old pattern, and it seems our government fears its own people and wants to enact the same. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

What Does It Mean?

When I look at things going on in the world I try to decipher what's going on behind them to better understand the bigger picture of what's going on. 

For example: 

Solidarity among people of different races/genders/religions/orientations = Spiritual Unity and Culmination

Those people being brutalized by people who are ignorant and hateful = Dark forces trying to enact violence, fear, and abuse to maintain a false sense of power by keeping people isolated so they can't overcome.

So white, male unmarked federal agents openly attacking peaceful protesters -wounding, abducting, and sometimes even murdering some - is clearly a part of the bigger issue of the divide between evil and good going on. 

But at the same time I think what these instances speak to directly are agents of Heaven coming together and starting to preside over the Earth and demonic entities retaliating and acting out of fear and hate. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

My New Flag

Had one of the best conversations I've had in a long time with someone! 

Up until now I'd only come out to one person, which didn't really end well. There were 3 people I thought I could confide in and that they would genuinely accept me, but still didn't have it in me to initiate that conversation. 

So when one of those 3 people said, "There's something I want to talk to you about in private..." I had no clue that she was going to come out to me as bisexual and then I'd return the favor. 

That was one of the greatest conversations with another human being I've ever had. She had actually suspected I was Ace for a while... something I wasn't even aware she had heard of before. 

She had also speculated with the other 2 people I wanted to come out to that I was a lesbian or bisexual. So it was great to let her finally know and then discover she was in a similar boat! 

I then showed her my previous Ace-Bi Flag I'd made symbolizing my own situation and it did look outdated and I decided to upgrade it: 

I'm still not out to anyone else. I told her I probably wouldn't be for another 5-10 years. She also was struggling with when/how/if to come out to some people. 

We talked about high school, when we first knew, celebrity women we'd had crushes on, lgbt history, Gay Tiktok/Twitter, sexism in the lgbt community, pride month and BLM... We covered a lot of ground. 

We also struggled with the same thing at one point: Thinking that if we came out a gay person we both knew would be blamed for "influencing us" or us "copying" them. That it would seem outlandish for us to be out when they already were; as if there could only be 1 gay person in existence that was mutually known by others. 

But I want to tell everyone about the exciting conversation and that we both came out to each other and how awesome that felt and how enthused I am... but I'm not out to anyone else. So I kind of have to keep it in. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Heaven Moving Through

Huge energy shifts are occurring now. They're depleting negative energy in the world and clearing things out on a massive scale. Last night I had 3 very clear metaphorical dream come through -a couple that answered some doubts I had an some others that just showed me what's going on. 

One of the more interesting ones was traveling around in the woods exploring like a kid wood and coming across these caves that had strange wolf-like beings in them. At first these wolf trolls jumped out and chased me, but then I saw there was a cub. And the second I saw they had offspring I completely changed the way I saw them. They went from terrifying beast to animal with babies to protect. 

I was then slowly able to put the animal at ease and enter nearer the caves. From there it seemed like the caves had some interesting things inside them, but nothing of "value" in terms of a hidden gold mine or anything. 

This was a significant dream because it parallels with the "underground" situation we have here. 

There are some unknown creatures that are subterranean. The fact we're aware of how vast the ocean is and acknowledge there could be forms of aquatic life we don't know of but then fail to extended that to land is kind of strange. No one dives that deeply into dark, forsaken caves in the middle of nowhere. There are humanoid and sometimes purely animal creatures down there. 

I wouldn't advise people to explore those regions anymore than I would say people should play around with a beehive, but they are there. 

The fact that Native Americans and Indigenous people the world over have had those places well marked for centuries and non-natives just say, "Yah it's just some random legend they have..." before they go off into that area and then disappear is pretty telling. There's a racist ignorance in ignoring native legends and insights as pure fantasy. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

You Can't Gentrify Hell

Today was a nasty mix of negative junk getting dragged to surface to be re-examined and acknowledged. 

Most of what I've tried to do in this life behind the scenes is act as an anchor and facilitate Heaven coming through. Today is was made clearer this world up until now has been an extension of Hell. On some level I already knew this, but I'd always phrased it as "Hell has reigned, but Heaven's been buried underneath the whole time" rather than "This place is Hell and needs to be treated in the same regards as that place". 

Between the physical pains, finite limitations, poverty, greed, murder, corruption... At the end of the day you see what good Heaven has done in terms of phasing out Hell below, but also how little of a difference it's somehow seemed to make on the surface of this planet. 

Why are we still here? Why are we still stuck? What needs to be done? 

And the answer seems to be a complete overhaul of everything. They way they cleared out Hell and the level of directness in which they did it needs to be done here. Forget gently misting the surface and wiping it with a towel, we need a bulldozer and a massive drill to get through the rest. 

Something swift and drastic and overt. 

Rip the band-aid off. This nightmare needs to end -it's insane that Hell still exists to any extent here. Let what negative entities or forces find another realm to haunt and leave this place in peace to heal and find its belonging with Heaven. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Moving Forward from the Fourth

The 4th of July is always an important spiritual time because it's the one time of year families get together in the day to be outside, enjoy life, and then stay absolutely present when giant, miraculous-looking fireworks go off in the sky. 

It's a window for Heaven to come through. And this year it also involved a giant full moon and the planets being aligned along one side of the sun. It's a way for things to get cleared out within people. 

Part 1: Unsolved Crimes

Before that, for the past 2 weeks I've been deep into watching mini-docuseries about unsolved murders and crimes on Youtube and Netflix. At first I was a little confused why I was getting sucked into it, but knew it was for some good reason and there was something to be learned or let go of. 

There was a time when I had to stop watching crime shows -as a sensitive the pain and depression from it was too much. Now I can watch -it can still hurt to see people's past pains, but I know how to make peace. 

Then some patterns started emerging from watching dozens and dozens of episodes, so here are the issues Heaven is bringing to light and will address: 

1. Police can be lazy, incompetent, and corrupted. 

I can't tell you how many instances arose where the police labelled obvious murders as "suicides" so they didn't have to do the work entailed in investigating. Pair with that a number of times it was clear the police actually had some kind of involvement in the crimes. And this includes crimes from present time to over 100 years ago. Given the deaths of Breanna Taylor and Elijah Mcclain, police still leave much to be desired in terms of actually carrying out justice. 

2. TOO Many Murderers and Suspects 

The other disturbing reality brought to light is the shear volume of murders and disappearances -particularly in city-scapes. Then add to that some crimes that have 3 or 4 suspects that had committed previous crimes like rape, shooting someone, child molestation, and murder itself that were never previously held accountable. You can have 3 to 5 suspects that legitimately could have murdered this person based on their vast histories of violence never answered for. When violence is swept under the rug, more emerges until it reaches its boiling point. 

3. Sexual Violence

Because rape and in some instances repeated offenses against children aren't taken seriously, prosecuted, investigated, or held accountable the subject itself of sexual violence being linked to murder is rarely mentioned even though it's tied to it 90% of the time. Rapists dispose the "evidence" of what they do by destroying the body. This also includes serial killers. 9 times out of 10 a serial killer is also a serial rapist. And yet this is never mentioned. 

4. Open Mystery 

Sometimes the plain and simple reality to a crime is there is no evidence, witness, motive, or suspect. There are no clues. Sometimes there isn't even a body. Sometimes it's purely a mystery with no direction to turn to for answers. 

5. Lack of Technology 

You wish technology for the past -particularly for DNA sampling. The would discard items with fingerprints and DNA evidence because at the time it wasn't something that they could use. There's a kind of helplessness in that. And sometimes even when they did have DNA samples they weren't properly stored. 100s of rape kits became useless. Evidence lost or filed away in a leaky warehouse. 

6. New Eyes on Crimes

I think the frustrating thing to experience as a "viewer" listening in is how obvious some of the crimes can be. And with thousands of eyes on it, more gets uncovered and justice is demanded more consistently. Where the police were content to let something go 20 years ago, if brought to light today thousands would demand it be looked into again. 

7. History of Violence 

Like I said before, most murderers have committed violent crimes before it escalated to that act. Those crimes going unnoticed or unaccounted for give the opportunity for more violence to occur. 

8. First 48 Hours 

The first 48 hours are crucial... but you can't report someone missing until they've been gone a day or two. And there you find a prolific problem with the criminal justice system. Bureaucracy and the system itself impedes on people being saved, found, and rescued. Family and friends are left to be their own detectives. Past a certain point, if someone I loved went missing I would skip the police and hire a private investigator who might actually do something. 

9. Globally: Families Still Hurting

A son's mother was raped and murdered. A sister's life was taken. A child was abducted. 
All around the world these pains have yet to be healed. There's a silent outcry for the truth to come to light and souls to be returned home. 

10. Knowing the Truth -But Can't Do Anything 

The worst failing of the criminal justice system -those professionally tasked with addressing these issues -is when they know for a fact who the murderer is, how the person was killed, the motive, and facts surrounding it... but because of a technicality nothing can be done. Sometimes people turn to civil court and end up making more headway. Other times families have to live with the knowing that the murderer got away and is roaming freely. 

And this is how you know God will step in at some point. When we fail to look after one and another as a people and souls -including children -are that easily lost, Heaven inevitably steps in where we fall short. 

Part 2: Pose 

After I made my way through unsolved crimes I thought I'd move on and see the light of some kind of good news in the world. That turned out to be the lesser known world of Drag Queens and Transgendered people. Lessons learned from this step into a different, beautiful world: 

1. When a person has breasts, bleeds monthly, can bear a child and give birth, and couldn't be picked out of a line up of other women... I call her a woman. Being a woman was never defined by flesh alone. Beyond death we are men and women. When I've encountered ghosts and entities, since they're hard to see and can sometimes only be sensed, I perceive of their state of being and often times their gender. 

And it follows: Before a person has breasts, gives birth, and bleeds monthly... if they IDENTIFY as being a woman -they ARE. 

2. I didn't realize how much of drag culture was prevalent in so much of the culture in the world -and for how long it had been. The LGBT community created its own sub-cultured and that culture was mined from for years. It was founded in fashion, creativity, and diversity. Beauty. Vibrance. Boldeness. Madonna and Lady Gaga pale in comparison to the heart of what they drew from. And yet the community was invisible, voiceless, and ignored. 

3. LGBT people of color were a part of that culture. Race being ignored within the community let alone outside of it is also ending. 

4. I found it comforting to know when they were homeless, suffering from AIDs, utterly discarded by the world, and unseen -they could be looked after, cared for, and protected by souls within the community and by some outside of it. Some cared when the world didn't and it means everything. 

Part 3: Darker Entities and Mysteries 

Then after seeing that glow of radiant light, things shifted focus back to a layer of darkness being lifted. Rather than crimes and murder this had to do with negative spiritual entities and strange beings. It's a territory I'm familiar with and had sought to avoid looking into. 

For demons -it's old news. I don't need to see and hear about it. I know. And they're being ushered out slowly but surely in the world -including in the places they have the most foothold. I think some instances may arise where their existence becomes harder to ignore and brush off. Physical attacks and possessions may occur in a recorded way that's harder to dispute -especially as they lash out to maintain what little power they'll have left. 

For other beings... I'm still at a bit of a loss. I know within me there are dark physical creatures that exist in this world. Sometimes I like to think they're just misunderstood undiscovered species of animal. But there's something within me that pulls towards the acknowledgement that some of these beings seem more deeply founded in darkness. 

Between goblin-like creatures depicted in different parts of the world to fur-covered humanoids, it's clear there's more out there. And though they are few in number -allowing them to remain hidden far better -we're becoming more aware of it. There are no-human beings that are either animal-like or humanoid that exist. Not sure what to do about that other than be like, "Well that's something..." 

And beyond that there's also the acknowledgement that at some point an "alien" race of beings of some sort were banished and exiled here. They mostly dwell in caves and rarely come out, but globally there's indigenous people that almost always have some area that's "cursed" by strange beings that they avoid. This pattern is far from new. And photos and evidence taken -along with disappearances around certain areas -seems to confirm. Dark, negative, underground humanoids. And again you think, "Ok well I'll avoid all of that as well, no exploring abandoned caves and mines..." 

Then there were some new revelations with the Men in Black situation. A new pattern has come to light that suggests at least a good portion of the "Men in Black" caught on video and camera showing up in situations where UFO instances have occurred might actually be alien beings themselves. They disguise as people, but clearly aren't. Some people might work with them, but it seems like these beings are trying to keep UFO instances under-wraps so their own cover isn't blown. 

The understanding that some beings have "infiltrated" or have influences into higher positions of power on the planet is a disturbing one, but also seems to have some level of truth to it. However, I find that rather than lizard people being presidents or queens -they instead would likely just have some level of influence without their knowing. I could get into the "why or how" they'd have influence but that understanding is a bit more complicated and long-winded to explain. 

Phases of Acknowledgement: 

When I talk about this stuff I consciously understand it sounds "out there". It sounds like the conspiracy theory of an irrational mind. So let me explain this pathway: 

From Addition/Subtraction you can then understand Multimplication/Division, and can then understand Alegebra 1, and can then understand Geometry, and then Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus... 

And so we have our phases with acknowledging the Celestials: 

1. Denial. 

Fear around thinking about it. assumption it's preposterous. Not listening to any of it. No understanding. 

2. The Possibility. 

"They exist out there, but not here and we'll never meet them". Still fear-based reasoning. Keeping the subject at arms length where it can be controlled. Some listening, but not much. 

3. Declassified military accounts. 

Officials making statements on record. Video. Photos. Globally. For decades. All the tangible evidence you could ever want. Eyewitness accounts by hundreds is various cities. The news covering some sky events live. An understanding of the fact this is real. 

4. The History. 

Expanding beyond acknowledgement into the truth of what it consists of. A better understanding of the global history, evidence of the who/what/where/when/how of it all. 

Right now people who veer into this territory are still mostly mocked. You have huge stone laser-cut, but people will not see it, look at it, acknowledge it. they don't want the history to be there. 

5. Direct Connection. 

Everyone is technically able to perceive psychically/spiritually, but it can take time to tap into and is a challenging road to navigate. Between dreams/visions and direct interaction you can tap into this phone line. I never suggest people walk into that territory blindly -in can be a lot more deceiving and misleading when you aren't perceiving clearly. But there is a reason most psychics who perceive of ghosts at some point veer into perceiving of "them". 

From there, you navigate to your "tribe". Those who align with you and those you align with. You can also be introduced to the variety and the natures of many. Some kinds are like a flock of geese -almost indiscernible from one to the other. Others are much more distinct in personhood and identity. You see the variety and Heaven starts to blur with this new sphere and scope of consciously spiritual beings you can interact with. 

6. Inter-Dimensional 

We call it Extra-Terrestrial. Wrong word. They aren't just from another planet. They can move through different planes. Hard concept to understand if you don't understanding the layering of energy and the illusion of physicality. 

From there a somewhat frightening world opens up of the spectrum of "good and evil" and how they walk through this world and others. An invisible interstate of access points, portals, and entering into. 

I mostly feared the dark coming through -which they can and did. Negative "aliens" can influence what we call demons and entities and ramp up their influence in the world. 

On the plus side, the light, positive Celestials/Light Forces can also come through and their consolidated light energy clears out the negative. 

This back and forth can be intense, but also reassuring. Long before our species would ever come to know what was behind the scenes, it was being addressed for us and we were being protected from things. 

I think that's one of the most astounding aspects of all of this. The greatest period of time in spiritual history is occurring and 99% of the planet has no clue what's going on or that anything is going on. And when they come to this planet and start emerging in flesh people will fear and not know what was happening as if this was the first time in the history of the universe they appeared and made contact. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Transmuting Pains

Transmuting darkness and your susceptibility to it is challenging and painful. It feels like you're being twisted upside-down while being asked to walk. It's heavy, it's misalignment, it's wounding... and yet you can't grow beyond it if you don't acknowledge it as a pain you don't deserve in your life. 

Thankfully you don't go through it alone and it doesn't last that long. These sessions only make it about a couple weeks or a month at the most. Then the clouds part, you return to yourself, and your stamina and resiliency comes through. 

This process allows us to realize what still needs to be changed within us and pushes us to make that shift internally. Right now is a huge transitional movement within people and the world. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Race to the Finish

It took a couple days for me to fully understand what was happening with the rioting and protesting. 
I understood socially what was happening. 

They said "Why are they using violence?" while ignoring the fact that it was 'violence' towards objects -never people. Violence against people of color has been an abuse by police for decades, and never spoken out against by white people this loudly. 

So I understood where protesters were coming from. But I was wondering what was going on spiritually. 

For 2 weeks preceding this I kept thinking about Malcom X -about 5 times total -and kept affirming: He was essential part of black history. He was labelled controversial -not because he said he would hunt white people down, but because he simply said black people had a right to defend themselves physically from attacks by white people. White people today can still state, "If someone comes for my gun I'll kill them onsite", without anyone being shocked. 

So spiritually I was being cued into what was coming as far as the kinds of protests and the fabricated representation of them some in the media would take. 

Then I realized after seeing how many days and how many states and countries this was occurring in that this was a "final stand" and major push towards real, lasting change. 

The LGBT movement has been quietly humming along and making progress slowly but surely. Injustice against black people hadn't wavered or halted to any degree -even in a pandemic. 

It was always going to take a historical push this big to get this issue to register with people. You will NOT kill black people anymore. Without protests this large and long-lasting with a good amount of white people present themselves, the issue would have continued being ignored like it had been. 

Too many lives lost and for too long. Not just speaking out against the brutal murder of one person in particular. A demand for justice -and not just within the United States but everywhere. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Recent Developments

Past Lives have been coming up a lot this month. I feel like we're meant to flesh out the last remaining residual patterns of the past from our lives. From there a new revelation kind of hit me: "We're in Heaven and of Heaven, but drug down here to transmute, work out, and detach from these negative patterns of our past that hold us back". 

Along with this, Heaven/God/spiritual beings are helping to create a peaceful divide with attachments being lifted, healthy boundaries established, space created, and the acknowledgement of the soul rather than familial bonds being understood. 

Shadow World: There was also the understanding that since spiritually we're in Heaven -including our higher selves being up there -this world and our life is kind of a shadow.  We're a projection and a shadow caste behind ourselves. Just as there is a shadow of vice and darkness we have to let go and move on from, we as well are a kind of shadow from our truest selves. 

Once all the old karmic energy is gone, we'll enter into a new age of harmony and prosperity. The transition into this might be abrupt and chaotic, but that's what we're heading for. When no one is against anyone, we can all move forward together and build off of that connection. 

The other development happening was in the mind. Before it felt like my brain opened up into a sphere of Heaven above. That the mind could merge with Heaven in that way. Recently it's been more like an internal eye opening up. I can see Heaven from within as well as having that overall sense of Heaven being extended from my mind. 

In other news, Hell having been erased from the map, they have now placed the new world down there and are continuing to rise it up so what is below will merge with Earth from "within". The founding for the new world is established and you can see it down there -continuing to be contributed to. 

I've also been navigating interactions with new celestial beings. It's challenging. We are not meant to worship them ---they can assist people but it's not really what they're for. You can mostly just connect to them one being to another. Not call upon, or rely upon, or be led or guided by. Just connect. 

Christ is the only being I'd knowingly hand my life over to without concern. All other spiritual beings, including angels, aren't meant for that. They can assist, but not guide you fully as a soul in the same accessible way. 

Mary has been coming through a lot as well. Now that the way has been paved for Jesus, He paves the way for Her. 

In spite of all of this good, the outside world seems hectic and people appear lost. People are frustrated, angry, and fearful. It's a lot of negative energy and pent up aggression. We're advised to keep taking life slowly, on pace, letting things unfold as they're fated to without fear. 

At some point the financial system will fall. It's become clearer and clearer. And yet it comes as a relief. There was also an immediate understanding of being taken that much more care of and being covered in terms of needs by God. You can really rely on God that way now, and at some point it will be necessity to do so. It feels like you can trust in that and breathe it in. 

Trust fall backwards into Heaven. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dream 5/6

Most of the dreams I had last night were muddled, but this is one that for some reason showed up a lot more clearly:

I walked by a woman who seemed to be a kind, spiritual person and she saw I was carrying around angel cards. She looked and said she worked for the publishing company that made them (Hay House). I said that was awesome and we started talking. 

Then she said, "Hang on I have to give a presentation now..." 

A crowd of people out in the open had been hanging around, sitting down in a circle. She got up in front of everyone and announced she was going to be speaking spiritual concepts. 

About 10 guys who had been sitting down immediately got up, scoffed, and walked away. They thought it was stupid. 

I thought, "Yah that's how it is with most guys" and then felt sorry for them. 

The circle was mainly women and about 5 other guys who had stayed. 

My sister showed up kind of out of nowhere and I sat next to a guy I felt a strong connection to  -as if he was my brother. 

It was an interesting dream and had some insights to it. I remember waking up this morning and thinking: Why don't guys take spirituality more seriously? 

But there was a woman once who told me women were hard-wired for connecting internally. We intake. Yin. So it's been bred in us instinctually and is there with us pretty innately. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Insights 4/25

#1 The Path from India 

The best way to grow in God is by understanding that God is multi-faceted and is in Everything. There's always going to be pieces of God that we connect to internally since we're from God and pieces we then connect to externally from that internal place. The challenge is stepping into what's seemingly "foreign" or less known to us that is also of God. 

Basically I've gotten the message in my own life: Christ is close to you and you know this. You've connected very well to the attributes of God found in certain faiths -particularly Christianity, indigenous beliefs, and Buddhism. Now it's time to better connect to other faiths you keep at arms length. Particularly what there is to learn from Hinduism. 

Christ is vividly with me in consistent and close way, which makes it easier to venture elsewhere with Him. I acknowledged truths from Hinduism but was leery and had anxiety around some of it. That's now being alleviated. 

Understandings around the chakras and healing are coming up a lot right now. How to elevate the soul within. 

#2 Healing in India

I learned 2 methods of healing and growing in spiritual practices from India a couple weeks ago while laying in bed and reflecting. 

One was the understanding that they heal through HEAT. The spices, heat of the climate, and yoga practices mean your body is always pouring out heat -which can be a purification process. Heat heals. 

the other is by overloading the senses. Insense, spices, a vast array of colors, mantras/humming, intricate architecture -all of it. India is known for overwhelming the senses with sight, touch, sound... and the mind doesn't quite know how to keep up. Eventually the mind gets overloaded and gives up. This leads to inner-quite and release. 
When there's too much to be distracted by, you focus more. 

#3 Ganesha 

Ganesha has popped up more and more over the past 2 weeks. I'm not used to perceiving of Ganesha, even though i had once or twice in the past. Since I'm a very vertical soul -focusing mostly on my upward connections with Heaven -I tend to struggle with width.

Vertical = Peace & Mind-Heaven Connection
Horizontal = Love & Heart -World/Heaven Connection 

Ganesha teaches how to have a more grounded, abundant presence from your being out into the world. Ganesha is also affiliated with wisdom and prosperity/harmony. 

 #4 Prana/ Light/Life Force 

I realized after watching a spiritual person lead a guided meditation that I've been mediating in a less successful way. I don't usually meditate, but lately it's become a daily activity. I'm meant to rest more, eat healthier, and meditate more right now. 

The spiritual person showed how that you connect first from the base/root chakra and work your way up. You connect to prana/life force energy and bring that light in internally from the base of your spine to above your head -opening the chakras as you go. 

Before it was always easier for me to open crown chakra and work my way down -being more out of touch with the lower chakras. But when you start at the base it grounds you more in this energy -I call God's energy -and you draw it up and expand your presence more. 

I also realized the distinction between your soul, this prana/life force/ God energy, and the surrounding presence of God is ultimately indivisible. It's divided in you, but unified in that connection the second the divide is removed. Like a cup of water being dropped into an ocean. 

I think I understood this concept before, but it's always more powerful when you get to experience and live truths of that kind. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dreams 4/22

I haven't been getting as many dreams this past month, but this one seemed significant. 

It started out with my family and I living in an affluent neighborhood that was "Catholic"/Italian  themed. The Doge could have popped out of the housing style we were in. And then all the neighbors were also in similar style homes -some looked more like Venice/Masks/Festival themed. 

Then the Pope came through. Pope Francis came into the neighborhood and nobody seemed to notice. then he went up to a symbol of a 5 pointed star in a circle and changed it into the Star of David. For me, the Star of David is one of the most powerful spiritual symbols out there and has shown up in multiple cultures and faiths around the world. 

then I was talking to people in the neighborhood about how strange it was nobody noticed Pope Francis visiting -especially given the Italian themed housing -and they looked at me weird and couldn't see the connection. 

Then my dream shifted and I flew/aerial view high above to a location further out. I was hovering over a Jesuit University and as I started to land at its entrance I thought, "Is this Santa Clara University, am I going back to college, what is this?..." 

Then I entered the university and became a part of an advanced class/group of students actively working on applying spiritual belief into life. They were talking about improve the community and contributing through compassionate work... We were also openly discussing our beliefs and creating a collective understanding of spiritual life and reality. 

My step-mom then popped in and she acted kind of dismayed/looked down on me for being back in college at my age. I told her I wasn't a student and that this was a separate and distinct group outside the classroom that had gotten together, but she wouldn't listen. 

I was then tasked with helping to find a location for our group to meet. They were looking for a place to rent that would only be $50-100 per month per member of the group (around 7 of us total). We couldn't find any place to rent less than $700. 

I then said, "Why don't we just work out of a restaurant?" I've been in numerous groups where we meetup at restaurant locations, eat, and go over plans. 

This then shifted to me house hunting nearby. I found an amazing house that was huge, had a big backyard, and looked wayyy out of my price range that I could afford. My first thought wondering through was, "This is too much space for me alone -I want to share this space with someone else or go in on this house with someone to offset the cost." I also thought it'd be a great place for the group to meet at. 

It's clear that present and future concepts/ places/ people/ occurrences were being alluded to in the dream pretty specifically. Still not sure what it all means or how it all fits together.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Got scratched again. These were 2 days apart. I usually don't notice them when I first wake up, but then when I'm in the shower the hot water on them burns and that's when I notice. 

And something pretty incredible happened 2 nights ago, kind of as a response to this. 

There's this thing I've been doing for maybe the past week instinctively where I "let go" of my head. It helps to do it laying down, but you can essentially let your head go limp. When that happens the "chatter" in your brain turns off and the dark entities get kind of pissed off because it's like they've been cutoff from having access to you. Your crown chakra then opens and a line like a tether reaching up can be accessed by those above. It opens your being to beings of light. 

And I realized this is because we're a channel. Most people who identify as being mediums or channels open themselves up purposely to ghosts and negative entities to have them come through to gain some sort of information. This is a mistake. Never do this. 

The fact is, as-is, we're spiritual beings in a physical capsule that are disconnected by our brains. We're easily manipulated by the negative influences by dark entities around. Every negative, hateful, violent impulse or vice people have does not come from their soul/Heaven/God. It's all being directly influenced. And most people channel it unconsciously and adopt it in as a part of their identity. But when you recognize where it comes from you can start to change that. You can actually start to channel positive, divine influences instead. 

And that's what happened. At some point a being of light came through. They don't actually go "in you", they're just near you. But I stood and didn't think anything. I moved my toes to stay physically grounded, but beyond that I just stood. I felt calm, "beyond" that space, stoic/emotionless, and sacred. And the word SACRED became very important. 

I started blessing my apartment and making way for Christ to come through more. I could feel the energy shift and everything opening up and becoming more clear and expansive. And yet it didn't feel like me. It was more of a masculine presence that was taking the lead. I just let the energy flow through. 

And then for some reason I reached my hand to my forehead and the word "Sacred" came up and I felt a light, powerful kind of energy open from the front of my brainspace to the back. Then I touched my throat and felt the same. then my heart. "Sacred". 

And where I touched I could feel my soul within my hand reach to the part of my soul in my head, my throat, and my heart and that sacred part of it rose to meet itself. My whole upper body felt lighter and free. And the word "free" kept coming up. Particularly a song I heard recently that said, "We're free, free, forever Amen!

Then I went to sleep after all of this and sort of relapsed back into being blocked up in my head. It didn't help that 2 nights ago I drank to much coffee, couldn't fall asleep, and the neighbors were playing music and goofing off until 3am. Lack of sleep and binge watching tv are not a good combo. 

But I know how to channel positive entities now. I know how to lend myself over to them. And I know how to get back to having things clearer than they've ever been. It's an ongoing process. 

I also realized that "being pure" is an important aspect to this. If you've eaten too much, if you're drunk, if you're lusting, if you're hating, if you're brooding, if you've watched too much tv... If you're body/mind/soul has impurities it's hard for light/positive beings to come through. It's like someone in a wedding dress stepping into a mud puddle. It doesn't work. 

Christ and angelic beings have also been coming through more. The 3 best things you can do to be closer to them:

1. Say in your mind and extend the corresponding energy of: "Peace", "Kindness", "Grace", "Love", "Honor", "Blessings"... and repeat it several times as you put that energy out there. 

2. Let them come to you. I've worked too hard reaching out rather than being in the presence of. At this point when they come through I just love them. I don't ask them to save me, help me, do anything... I just embrace them and welcome their presence in. 

3. Listen for them. I keep getting Christian songs that pop into my head "randomly" and that's kind of when I know or start to pickup on the fact Christ is around. Sometimes I sense Christ, sometimes I "see" Christ, but other times I don't feel anything and it helps to be cued-in by a sign or a song. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

God and Illness

It's always strange when I see people blame God for Hell's action. God isn't affiliated with creating disease and Pestilence. Diseases don't exist in Heaven. 

But then you see people who acknowledge that, but then blame God for not fixing and healing it. 

Again it's frustrating. Hell has reigned here until now. There was no been no cure for the black plague. There was no cure for tyranny. You just died from it. 

God was with people through their suffering, but because there was so much of it and Hell reigned, God couldn't get through -at least not most of the time. That's why you called it a "miracle" when something did happen. 

God can get through better now, but most of that is because people globally have been led towards better action and mentality. Scientists are working on the cure for Coronavirus. We were led to the science and technology by God to be able to do that ourselves. 

So you have to ask at this point, how are we acting in partnership with God in ways that are helpful and ways that fail ourselves? 

We could withstand any kind of disease a lot better if we had a better infrastructure. There could be a future date when a disease worse then this fazed us less as a people. If we covered people financially. If our healthcare system wasn't an issue. If we gave food, shelter, and other necessities freely. If people weren't dependent on external things like a job or the government. 

If we as a people were more in alignment with Heaven and God, they'd be able to get through more and we'd be able to get through this better. But we've chosen GREED instead. Greed and fear. 

Money takes precedent and we fear not letting it. Lives come last. 

That's not the order God puts things in. We're backwards. 

Beyond that, we're going through an incubation period. Meaning God sees what's going on and is leading us to embrace quiet time, solitude, and reflection. We're hibernating for our own good and greater good of the world. 

And when we get led out of this we'll be in a better place. 

Nature is also being given the opportunity to heal from people. That's why so many animals are starting to pop-up more and explore the world. 

So incubation is where we're at, patience is what we need, don't blame God for our mistakes as a people.