Sunday, July 26, 2020

What Does It Mean?

When I look at things going on in the world I try to decipher what's going on behind them to better understand the bigger picture of what's going on. 

For example: 

Solidarity among people of different races/genders/religions/orientations = Spiritual Unity and Culmination

Those people being brutalized by people who are ignorant and hateful = Dark forces trying to enact violence, fear, and abuse to maintain a false sense of power by keeping people isolated so they can't overcome.

So white, male unmarked federal agents openly attacking peaceful protesters -wounding, abducting, and sometimes even murdering some - is clearly a part of the bigger issue of the divide between evil and good going on. 

But at the same time I think what these instances speak to directly are agents of Heaven coming together and starting to preside over the Earth and demonic entities retaliating and acting out of fear and hate. 

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