Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sagittarius Moon

Thankful for a positive, intentional, motivational shift. Sagittarius moon helps you see what's holding you book while helping you move forward. Its nice. 

Right now I feel like there's an age-old understanding of "don't attach to materialistic things". By the same token we also need to understand not to attach the the times and circumstances we're in. If we're ultimately beyond time and eternal than attaching to time/culture/location is an inverse of that. 

It's hard though, especially with all of the emotionally triggering things happening in the world. 

There is a video of a black, pregnant woman forced on the ground. The policeman has his knee on her throat and kept repeatedly tasering her stomach. She then miscarried. 

Also in the news, a 10 year old black girl was abducted from her home, given meth and sleeping pills, murdered, and thrown in a dumpster. 

It's hard living in a world full of all this cruelty and then trying to live beyond it. Ignorance isn't compassion. Attachment isn't enlightened. So navigating is challenging. 

All you can do is hand it over to God. 

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