Sunday, July 19, 2020

My New Flag

Had one of the best conversations I've had in a long time with someone! 

Up until now I'd only come out to one person, which didn't really end well. There were 3 people I thought I could confide in and that they would genuinely accept me, but still didn't have it in me to initiate that conversation. 

So when one of those 3 people said, "There's something I want to talk to you about in private..." I had no clue that she was going to come out to me as bisexual and then I'd return the favor. 

That was one of the greatest conversations with another human being I've ever had. She had actually suspected I was Ace for a while... something I wasn't even aware she had heard of before. 

She had also speculated with the other 2 people I wanted to come out to that I was a lesbian or bisexual. So it was great to let her finally know and then discover she was in a similar boat! 

I then showed her my previous Ace-Bi Flag I'd made symbolizing my own situation and it did look outdated and I decided to upgrade it: 

I'm still not out to anyone else. I told her I probably wouldn't be for another 5-10 years. She also was struggling with when/how/if to come out to some people. 

We talked about high school, when we first knew, celebrity women we'd had crushes on, lgbt history, Gay Tiktok/Twitter, sexism in the lgbt community, pride month and BLM... We covered a lot of ground. 

We also struggled with the same thing at one point: Thinking that if we came out a gay person we both knew would be blamed for "influencing us" or us "copying" them. That it would seem outlandish for us to be out when they already were; as if there could only be 1 gay person in existence that was mutually known by others. 

But I want to tell everyone about the exciting conversation and that we both came out to each other and how awesome that felt and how enthused I am... but I'm not out to anyone else. So I kind of have to keep it in. 

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