Monday, July 13, 2020

Heaven Moving Through

Huge energy shifts are occurring now. They're depleting negative energy in the world and clearing things out on a massive scale. Last night I had 3 very clear metaphorical dream come through -a couple that answered some doubts I had an some others that just showed me what's going on. 

One of the more interesting ones was traveling around in the woods exploring like a kid wood and coming across these caves that had strange wolf-like beings in them. At first these wolf trolls jumped out and chased me, but then I saw there was a cub. And the second I saw they had offspring I completely changed the way I saw them. They went from terrifying beast to animal with babies to protect. 

I was then slowly able to put the animal at ease and enter nearer the caves. From there it seemed like the caves had some interesting things inside them, but nothing of "value" in terms of a hidden gold mine or anything. 

This was a significant dream because it parallels with the "underground" situation we have here. 

There are some unknown creatures that are subterranean. The fact we're aware of how vast the ocean is and acknowledge there could be forms of aquatic life we don't know of but then fail to extended that to land is kind of strange. No one dives that deeply into dark, forsaken caves in the middle of nowhere. There are humanoid and sometimes purely animal creatures down there. 

I wouldn't advise people to explore those regions anymore than I would say people should play around with a beehive, but they are there. 

The fact that Native Americans and Indigenous people the world over have had those places well marked for centuries and non-natives just say, "Yah it's just some random legend they have..." before they go off into that area and then disappear is pretty telling. There's a racist ignorance in ignoring native legends and insights as pure fantasy. 

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