Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Got scratched again. These were 2 days apart. I usually don't notice them when I first wake up, but then when I'm in the shower the hot water on them burns and that's when I notice. 

And something pretty incredible happened 2 nights ago, kind of as a response to this. 

There's this thing I've been doing for maybe the past week instinctively where I "let go" of my head. It helps to do it laying down, but you can essentially let your head go limp. When that happens the "chatter" in your brain turns off and the dark entities get kind of pissed off because it's like they've been cutoff from having access to you. Your crown chakra then opens and a line like a tether reaching up can be accessed by those above. It opens your being to beings of light. 

And I realized this is because we're a channel. Most people who identify as being mediums or channels open themselves up purposely to ghosts and negative entities to have them come through to gain some sort of information. This is a mistake. Never do this. 

The fact is, as-is, we're spiritual beings in a physical capsule that are disconnected by our brains. We're easily manipulated by the negative influences by dark entities around. Every negative, hateful, violent impulse or vice people have does not come from their soul/Heaven/God. It's all being directly influenced. And most people channel it unconsciously and adopt it in as a part of their identity. But when you recognize where it comes from you can start to change that. You can actually start to channel positive, divine influences instead. 

And that's what happened. At some point a being of light came through. They don't actually go "in you", they're just near you. But I stood and didn't think anything. I moved my toes to stay physically grounded, but beyond that I just stood. I felt calm, "beyond" that space, stoic/emotionless, and sacred. And the word SACRED became very important. 

I started blessing my apartment and making way for Christ to come through more. I could feel the energy shift and everything opening up and becoming more clear and expansive. And yet it didn't feel like me. It was more of a masculine presence that was taking the lead. I just let the energy flow through. 

And then for some reason I reached my hand to my forehead and the word "Sacred" came up and I felt a light, powerful kind of energy open from the front of my brainspace to the back. Then I touched my throat and felt the same. then my heart. "Sacred". 

And where I touched I could feel my soul within my hand reach to the part of my soul in my head, my throat, and my heart and that sacred part of it rose to meet itself. My whole upper body felt lighter and free. And the word "free" kept coming up. Particularly a song I heard recently that said, "We're free, free, forever Amen!

Then I went to sleep after all of this and sort of relapsed back into being blocked up in my head. It didn't help that 2 nights ago I drank to much coffee, couldn't fall asleep, and the neighbors were playing music and goofing off until 3am. Lack of sleep and binge watching tv are not a good combo. 

But I know how to channel positive entities now. I know how to lend myself over to them. And I know how to get back to having things clearer than they've ever been. It's an ongoing process. 

I also realized that "being pure" is an important aspect to this. If you've eaten too much, if you're drunk, if you're lusting, if you're hating, if you're brooding, if you've watched too much tv... If you're body/mind/soul has impurities it's hard for light/positive beings to come through. It's like someone in a wedding dress stepping into a mud puddle. It doesn't work. 

Christ and angelic beings have also been coming through more. The 3 best things you can do to be closer to them:

1. Say in your mind and extend the corresponding energy of: "Peace", "Kindness", "Grace", "Love", "Honor", "Blessings"... and repeat it several times as you put that energy out there. 

2. Let them come to you. I've worked too hard reaching out rather than being in the presence of. At this point when they come through I just love them. I don't ask them to save me, help me, do anything... I just embrace them and welcome their presence in. 

3. Listen for them. I keep getting Christian songs that pop into my head "randomly" and that's kind of when I know or start to pickup on the fact Christ is around. Sometimes I sense Christ, sometimes I "see" Christ, but other times I don't feel anything and it helps to be cued-in by a sign or a song. 

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