Friday, April 17, 2020

New Insights

Time & Distance/Space:

I've mentioned this one before, but it's been coming up again this week. I was slowing down to a stoplight and the car behind me thought I was going too slow so he moved to the lane next to me to speed ahead. As the light turned green and he sped on I saw the next stoplight start to turn yellow to red. I thought, "I'll see you at the light in a minute". Then my mind flipped responses and I thought, "See you at the light in a couple of yards." 

And there was a split second where I couldn't decide between a minute or "x" amount of feet. And I realized there wasn't any difference. Time and Distance were the same measurable amount in that sense -just different kinds of measurements. 

It's like saying something is 100 pounds or 10 car tires. The weight is the same. 

It's important for us to start to understand the concept. 


I've been thinking about getting a house lately. Never thought that day would come. As it turns out if you can make a down-payment of at least $2000 and pay at least $1200 a month, you can own a home. I wish I had known about this and not continued feeding into rent all these years, but then again I didn't have $2000 at hand to deposit first. 

So now I'm looking into home-owner options. And I was debating moving closer to my family. Then family drama emerged like a sign from God saying: "Nope, don't go there." Then I debated my original instinct to move to the mountains. Then I was debating leave the U.S. altogether. The quality of life for most Americans is pretty sad compared to most other developed countries at this point given healthcare, government corruption, and other extensive issues. 

So I was open to the possibilities and genuinely didn't know what was out there. So I handed it over to God knowing the perspective of Heaven was a much fuller line of sight than my own. 

And it made me think of Fate. What is genuinely Fated if it doesn't occur to you in that moment recognizing it that God had some hand in it? That it was Fated by God. Fate isn't random. 

So I knew whatever positive outcome would be fated for me would be good because I was placing it in God's hands to be fated in the first place. 

Material Attachment: 

Material Attachment is going to hurt. As a pack-and-go kind of girl raised to grab what I could and be shuffled from one house to the next, I was used to travel and carrying everything I needed with me. It's actually the reason I debated getting a couch in my apartment. I had a "bring up only what you can carry yourself" kind of mentality. And it wasn't a bad one. 

It is frustrating to know you can live lighter and with less stuff and be able to move around more freely. Attachment to physical objects is something you work on letting go of. 

The thought of moving from apartment to house is hampered by the physical stuff you own you then mentally move in your mind with the notion. 

And there may come a point, as many others have already come to experience in the world, where you have to move on without it all. 

Lens of History: Truth is Complicated, Often Hidden, & Layered 

I can extend more sympathy to the past knowing how little truth they were aware of or understood. Ignorance is easy when truth is inaccessible. 

And when you look at history and the narratives people played out over the truth to paint a picture rather than see it for what it was, you get how things became so convoluted. 

I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately. 

Anyway, the 60s -90s were sh*t. The 90's first allowed people a glimpse into seeing truth, but was still mostly lost. The early 2000s still surprise me as being as behind as they were in terms of clarity and understanding. Like 10 years had made little difference. 

But come 2010 and moving forward, a lot more truth and understanding was there -largely thanks to the internet. I wish we had had it sooner. 

Karmic Cycles Ending:

Somehow Hell had hooks in people. Some of it was from past lives and "karma", but in other instances it wasn't. Hell would convince people (or those who could even begin to understand in that way) this is happening because you need to learn a lesson. Darkness and pain were then enacted. And then whoever enacted the pain would then need to learn from it later on, and so on and so on. It was a ceaseless cycle. 

I realized in 2012 it was a lie. 

I thought, "Why do I need to suffer to 'understand'?" I can understand better through compassion than pain. That love was a way for people to be better enlightened to truth. That making people suffer for the sake of getting people to understanding suffering was bad didn't make sense. That kind of "karma" was just Hell making excuses. 

And then once you moved past karma there was just the blatant cruelty. Women being attacked was the clearest form of this. Women in past lives didn't do that to anyone. They weren't violent. So what "karma" explains that? It was just the feminine divine being wounded. Hell lashing out. 

So you realize at some point, particularly when negative cycles are happening in your life, that they don't have to continue. You can call Hell out and say "No more". It takes a while to end a cycle, but it fades over time once you make that shift. Re-occurring pains can end. 

7:14 on 4/17: 

Synchronicity? I'm still not sure what's being communicated through these occurrences, but it's happened about 5 times in the past week so I've definitely noted it. It was 4:11pm on 4/11 when I went to turn off my computer and saw the time. The cashier gave me $4.16 in change and I noticed the receipt showed our transaction at 4:16pm. For the most part, the numbers have been 4/16 or 4/Something. 

And I thought, maybe they're telling me that things will pull out of this heavy darkness around 4/16 or 4/17... Still not sure. Things definitely started shifting yesterday, but there's still a lot of heaviness around in general. 

Doubling Abundance: 

I noticed for the past 2 weeks or so good tings have been happening in twos. The most overt one was taking reservations for cabins at our adventure park. 

I'd put the word out that we were open to essential workers in the area needing temporary lodging/extended stays at a discounted rate. We had lost 80% of previous bookings and had whole days with no one staying at all. Before we had about a 90% occupancy rate. 

Then that Monday a person booked 2 cabins for 3 days and 2 other people booked 2 other cabins for 2 weeks. 2 major bookings, both double cabin bookings, both for the same dates. I was like ,"Whoa". It was a lot out of nowhere. 

And that's kind of continued. Double blessings and occurrences.  

Exodus Part 2? 

I don't remember what I was watching but a sort of Exodus was going on. And the thought hit me how much fear and uncertainty would feed in to a moment like that for Americans and people in the world if it occurred today. Then I watched the movie Harriet for the first time a couple hours later. 

"The Moses of the South" leading people to freedom. I had known her history before and it disturbed me that she isn't more commended and championed more in general. 

As far as new insights from the film, it's confounding to think "Christians" called her Moses, were sending out invites for other "Christians" to join by the river as they drowned black children, and were enslaving people ---and it still didn't occur to them it was the same EVIL as out of Exodus. 

The only other things I kept thinking was I want them to run to freedom and not hesitate and just run as fast as they can out of there. I watched the Shining that same weekend and it was the same thought. Run from evil. Just run, just get out, just leave. The hesitation was unnerving. 

And I've had moments in my past like that, where I did have to just pack up and get out. Actually had to do that last Monday morning. 

It's been a pattern. Evil has chased and God has led me to evading it and coming to a greater good. But I'm tired of being moved by darkness and led to light that way. I told God I'd rather just stick to the light and tell darkness to f*ck off. I'm not a yo-yo and I don't want to be at the mercy of always having to evade. 

I'd rather just be led by the light and not have darkness interfere. 

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