Friday, April 10, 2020

Putting Stuff Out There That's "Out There"

I got scratched Wednesday night. Deeper scratches than I've ever gotten before. It's been about 5+ years since the last time that happened. The 2 or 3 entities that are around still haven't left. And they've gained more physical foothold and direct retaliation against me bringing Heaven in closer and closer. 

Before they feared being destroyed by Heaven. 
Then they feared being risen to Heaven. 
Now they fear Heaven just being directly around in general. 

As I've said before, one doesn't want to harm me but is forced to by the other 1 or 2. The other(s) want to kill me. They've made me know they want to kill me. 

I've told people that first saw me contend with everything that things are either "better" (because they have been) or that "they're no longer around" because I didn't want them to continue to worry and in some ways they were more 'gone' than before. It's just this past 3 months or so things have really started ramping up. 

I've had numerous "dreams" while asleep where the demon that hates me spiritually/physically attacks me in bed and I have to fight him off or call Jesus in. It's manic, drains my energy, and scares the crap out of me when it happens. 

But then I wake up and go about my day and barely remember that it happened after that. I'm definitely not as fazed by it anymore. 

So that's where things are at. I told the psychic/spiritual woman I visited a couple weeks ago about all of this and she did a "chord ceremony" where she tried cutting ties between me and these entities. It definitely cut some chords, but when she got to my head it felt like there were 100s. At that point I knew it wouldn't be enough. That God would have to fix it some bigger way. 

And all of this reminds me of what it was like before I started telling people what I was contending with alone. It was very dark and isolating. It's hard to remember because so much has changed and it was so long ago. But I felt like I couldn't tell people because they'd think I was crazy. They were comfortable acknowledging I was spiritual and were spiritual enough to acknowledge some of this is reality, but beyond that I feared their minds would be too short-sited to comprehend and genuinely see. I was surprised how many of my friends and family were onboard and helped me through. They either directly or indirectly had to contend as well when they were helping me so some were "enlightened" to it first hand. 

And there's been stuff lately I've wanted to write about but for the same fear haven't. I can discuss conflicts with demonic entities. After 20 years of dealing with all of that it's pretty easy. But for some reason my mind still has fears around sharing other truths and fears others won't understand. It waxes and wanes. Some days I've put it all out there and others I've withdrawn or watered-down the wording. Today I'm more optimistic: 

#1 Ascension 

What has happened and what will happen? 

In my previous blog I alluded to something that came up for me last weekend: What happened to people of various ancient civilizations that just 'disappeared'? The patterning among them was so similar. 

They started going "dark side" in a prevalent land that had gain power and influence. War was breaking out and blood was being shed. Then "poof". Gone. No bodies. No traces. Just gone. 

At first I feared the worst. That they had been annihilated. Then I was reassured. They Ascended. They were taken up before they would truly be lost to darkness. All that was left after were ruins. 

Some people know more than others about the "UFO" situation. Like I've said before you're either in the casual 'denial phase', you acknowledge facts around military cover-ups, you're familiar with some of the past history on a global scale, or you're spiritually in tune and see a much broader scope of EVERYTHING. 

I started out somewhere between casual denial and acknowledging abductions and government cover-up. Now I'm in the Everything category. There's a lot MORE than I thought. 

Over time they've ascended people. They would help raise these civilizations and get people founded in culture, art, astronomy, and other understandings. From there, at a point among dedicated, isolated people they would ascend when they saw they were taking in too much evil and starting to destroy each other. They would save them and pull them up. 

So people have been alongside them for quite a while. Where we debate whether aliens (or celestials as I call them) exist, they know us very well. They founded us. Not just in terms of establishing civilizations, but in terms of making people what were are. 

And ascension is what they're planing for now. Still not sure the "when" and my bigger question is "how many"? I think it will be gradual. The first wave of people who are ready. Others left behind to make their peace. The next wave and so on. And then those that elect to stay. It might be an overt thing everyone sees and knows about, or it might have to be subtle. There's a lot at play. 

#2 What's Up There? 

When I first posted about what I knew of them I originally thought there were maybe only 2 planets and a small population of around 500,000. That was my guestimation. Now I know things are more complicated. 

There are other planets, but it feels more like they wander through other "realms" or dimensions. Not as much a place as many places -like it is in Heaven. They know how to travel on a purely spiritual level. Our planet/realm is considered heavy/finite/limited/small compared to most. We're "physically" defined rather than spiritually. That's why they've crashed here and never saw it coming. you can "crash" here where you can't in other places. Hell is here and its delusion is one of finite terror. Their places are open and possibilities are vast. 

they still have to contend with negative influences though. there are very dark entities/alien beings that sought to torture, harm, extract pain from people -let alone other species out there. They were fueled by suffering. They gave Darth Vader a run for his money. 

Most of those have been contended with. The leaders of that army are gone and now it's renegade members that are more solitary and dark trying desperately to keep things going. They lost influence elsewhere in the universe so they focus a lot on keeping human beings on Earth in lowly places through direct, intentional, negative influence. The more positive beings will usually drive them off and away. But technically they're still out there. 

There's also this play of "time". When the positive celestial beings come here they see it like coming to the past. Part of that is because they're so advanced but it's also because time is different between realms. Ours moves more slowly, like trying to run waist deep in mud. We register as "the past". Like flying into a planet that's going through the 1890s. 

#3 Who Are They? 

Like people, there's variety. A lot of variety. 

For me it breaks own into a couple main "kinds":

---'Grays' as others have called them. 

I call them Celestials or Light Forces. There are different groups of them. Some dark like I mentioned. 

Some are willing to help people but mostly look down on them. They see us as being annoying. 

Others that are pure light energy that are calm, kind, and gentle. At first they reminded me of children because their presence of innocence was so strong and they are smaller in size.

I call them "mews" because they remind me of Mew the Pokemon. And it's a great analogy because Mew and Mew2 were 'alien' Pokemon in that series. 

Mew2 was the vastly intelligent one that believed he was superior to human beings and that humans were lowly. He telepatichally spoke to others. Kind of an intense guy: 
Mew was light. He was more like Yoda. Very bright, positive, innocent but wise at the same time. 

Mew2 actually tried attacking Mew in an episode on tv. Mew kept teleporting/moving so fast he couldn't be hit. Mew2 wanted to harm him but Mew was beyond being adversarial and engaging in that way. He couldn't be harmed. 

Within the 'Grays' category there are a couple different species, types, and those that can vary in size. I think demeanor is more defining for me than those sorts of details. 

---"Greecian Gods"

There's a reason so many "gods" among distant, separate nations of people were as similar as they were to one another. And for me it was one of the weirder things I discovered about all of this. They existed. 

They aren't human. You can call them 'alien' but they aren't like the celestials. They are what humans on Earth were derived from. We're kind of a lesser version. They are immortal, living for thousands and thousands of years in part because they don't live on Earth. they'd pop in, even stay for a while, but came from and resided off planet. They aren't susceptible to mortality the way people on Earth under the finite influences of Hell are. They were influenced by evil in other ways though. 

They had vices like lust, revenge, indifference, egotism, lust for power... And people could and did suffer by them. On the other hand they could be very giving and helpful. 

Human beings on Earth were a sort of pet project for them. You can make people worship you, do what you want, and come to represent the best of what you are. Like "Toddlers and Tiaras". 

An extension of their kind was found in the East and in Egypt. Blue and green in skin color, but similar. 

---Animal Hybrids

I don't really want to get into this one because honestly it still kind of freaks me out and is hard to wrap my brain around. 

You have to understand, at some point they became obsessed with genetic splicing and breeding. They had their own version of Jurassic Park going on and they combined species, altered species, and spliced species together. Human-animal hybrids became a very popular one. That's why next to every civilization the world over had beings of that kind depicted -often the same ones. 

"Mermaids" past a certain point were a more prominent and distinct one that were more like Neptune or an extension of the "gods" than just a hybrid species. 

Some hybrids created were monstrous and others did find balance and harmony in their being. It's still something I'm less familiar with and is more distant to me. I'm not against those species. 

Ganesha in particular has come across to me a couple times. 

----Snake/Reptilian People

Almost forgot about this group. Didn't really want to think about it in general. You find out this planet was occasionally treated like the British used Australia as a penal colony. Negative beings that weren't getting along with others out in space were basically put on "time out" here. Which is how Hell came to be in the first place. 

Cast out some former 'gods' decided to create another dimensional plane that was dark and could serve their desires. So they founded one on Earth and slipped into it as the puppet masters behind the scenes. "Fallen angels" or in this case cast out 'gods'. 

The same went for some reptilian people. 

Not all of them, it is important to note some aren't evil. But others were banished to caves and lands that are now considered to be cursed. 

It's actually taken me a while to get comfortable with any of this. Truths have unfolded slowly over the past couple years. It did help that I was able to pickup on and be reached out to by People among them at some point. I don't know if I've written about it before, but Maria was the first person that came through. 

I was worried about how Jesus fit into all of this and whether they regarded Heaven, angels, and Him. She came through and showed me the cross necklace she wore. She was Hispanic and devout to Him. Her presence was very reassuring and helped me understand. 

(Not an actual pic of her)

#4 What Do They Want? 

They're coming together across species to enlighten Earth to the truth and "wake us up". They are concerned about us blowing people up with bombs, letting people starve in poverty, and ignoring issues like human trafficking. They want us to live in peace and harmony like they now do. 

The fact is, many millennia ago they divided up the world like Europe did during it's colonization period of Imperialism. Each species took and people and different designated areas on Earth and reigned their people. They led people to follow them in their ways. Most wanted the best for humans. Others used and abused them. 

Then at some point it was mutually decided among all alien species to abandon humans on Earth. This was particularly damaging for people who were devout to them and followed them with a deep allegiance. They kept the word and the truth of their people's connection to them. A lot of those people ended up being conquered and destroyed without any protection. There are still remnants of those groups who stay true and seek to honor their ancestors and the ways they had been taught. I personally hope they get redeemed the most from everything that comes to transpire. 

Celestials have still been around, in part out of necessity. The "gods" left for good having disgraced themselves in past actions and Earth being something they knew they needed to leave in peace. But negative "gray" aliens tried establishing themselves and feeding off the negative influences of Hell here. They became darker and led people to be darker. So positive celestials had to start interceding and coming around a lot more. A lot of "behind the scenes" stuff going on. 

At some point negative Grays tried influencing war. Particularly World War 2 -and not in good ways. They wanted advanced weaponry to destroy more people and inflict more suffering. The US eventually picked up on that and that's when the US military got involved. They wanted the weapons and the power. 

The government and its alignment with darker aliens is a huge reason why positive Celestials tread softly and have largely stayed directly out of our sphere. So right now they're working on the behind the scenes of clearing away negative entities and energy from the planet. 

This "stay at home" period is actually pretty crucial to that. They can directly reach the spiritual plane in places of nature and from there spread "Heaven" to other places. Normally when cities are busy and overcrowded with people and stress, they can't make a dent. But now cities are empty and people are at home, sleeping in, going outside more, and not being overworked. the energy shift is huge and the accessibility to everything is greater. 

It's still a one-day-at-a-time pace for everything, but progress is being made. 

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