Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Too Many Spiritual Truths

#1 Spiritual Truths Affirmed 

I've always been an idiot savant when it comes to spirituality. I go through the motions and find my way on the other side of things. I don't have much of a reference point for anything outside of what I've personally experienced. And so you collect truths and then find it incredible when others have come across, and even more clearly defined, the same exact things. 

It's like if you discovered a banana and nobody knew what bananas were and you couldn't describe what they were or how they tasted without people calling you insane and then on some online chatroom somebody's like: "Here's the molecular breakdown of the banana and a diagram of how it slowly forms until ripe on the tree..." It's nice to have insights affirmed. 

#2 Fragmented Realities 

Imagine a mirror that was shattered in a doorway leading to the backyard of somebody's house.

Now imagine 100 years later somebody came across the fragments and decided to glue them back together. 

Some fragments were rusted and covered in dirt from being outside so long.

Some were covered in dust and faded making it hard to see a reflection. 

Some pieces were shattered internally. 

And some as if by magic were perfectly clear. 

That's where we're at. It's becoming clearer as we start to merge more and more as a people where people are genuinely at mentally and spiritually. And these differing persepctives don't have much to do with demographics. 

Who can see truth clearly and who is lost in illusion? 
Who clings to what has been and is failing? Who pushes onward and seeks change for the better? 
Who is behind? Who is ahead? Where are people founded in time and understanding? 

And it's painful. It's like being in the 8th grade and sitting in a 3rd grade classroom. You're yelling out the answers people are confused by realizing ultimately it's not your lesson to learn. 

#3 World Trade Center

I was watching a tv show that was discussing psychic premonitions people have had. Over 30 people mentioned to family and friends that they would die, or had foreboding the day before and then avoided, the 9-11 attack. 

And as I watched the clip of the twin towers falling it hit me: This is a metaphor. World Trade -aka world commerce as we know it -will collapse. It seemed more like a symbol of what was to come than a tragedy unfolding in that moment alone. 

#4 Collective Mindsphere 

People have tried to call it different things. "Collective Conscious". But as others have described there is literally a plane that exists we can tap into mentally/psychically/spiritually that is a collective of knowing. I know I'm personally being led to tap into it more. 

You have to let it envelope and encompass your being -not just your brain. Which means you have to be open and receptive to it like a satellite dish. 

#5 History of Disappearing Civilizations 

The Maya. The Anasazi. The Olmecs. Some Native American Tribes. 

As it turns out there's a history of various peoples globally going missing without any traces left behind of where they went. 

I'm pretty sure I know what happened and it's good news, but definitely something consistent for people to reflect on. 

#6 The Present Future

Things will continue slowly. When things were tense and unpredictable there was a reaction by Heaven to act swiftly and overtly if needed. But things have since been calmed like a passing storm. So no need for direct, immediate, overt intercession. Things will continue to unfold slowly. Painfully slowly, but slowly. 

#7 Compilation of God's Energy

I don't know what the best metaphor is for this, but I wish I had one. 

Like first you wash the meat, then you marinate it, then you season it, then you cook it... It's layers of added influence to achieve an outcome. 

Only in this case it's different aspect of God embodied by different positive, spiritual beings. They're layering on their presence to solidify God's presence as a whole. 

It's amazing. 

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