Thursday, January 20, 2022

Changin' times

A couple significant things going on in the world now. We've shifted a little... 

1. Since we're essentially holograms, living metaphors, and figments of God's imagination - what we imagine and what we dream can be realized in this kind of world. Everything's dissolving into the immaterial and so mind, energy, and being will rule the day. We're still transitioning and the remnants of Hell are still being cleared out, but living in a kind of harmony or even Heaven are more feasible now. 

2. I keep getting the message "Don't Choose Violence". As strange as this sounds we're entering into a tricky territory that's new -especially for women -where the option to enact violence, especially in self defense, is coming up. 

You have the Zeitgeist of the era and Gen Z sentiments that equate to an attitude of "We do not tolerate abuse, or sexual violence, or domestic violence, or gender-based violence and abuse, or pedophilia, or trafficking PERIOD." But you have a system that inherently fails to uphold the same stance and justice. We are now at a point of reflection where it is more likely and more possible for women to react in violence towards what they're facing. 

-You CAN save your life. This system does not legally afford women the right to kill men in acts of self defense. the legal right insisted is for women to be raped, trafficked, and murdered. CC: Cynthia Brown. But women have gained a greater sense of autonomy and KNOW that's wrong. They will feel far more inclined now more than ever to defend their wellbeing and life -even knowing they might end up in prison. Women know the value of their own lives. And they CAN act in instances that genuinely consist of self defense. 

-What's begin cautioned and discouraged is something else. Women acting out of hate or revenge. Something that historically has rarely been seen. Women are now free to express ANGER. This, mixed with the current Zeitgeist, might lead to more women enacting revenge against perpetrators after they've committed a crime. especially since in most instances rapists, pedophiles, and other criminals tend to go free -women will have greater access to them. And rather than just anger being at play, there would also be a great level of INDIFFERENCE. If someone who lacks empathy hurts or harms you or someone you care about you are less likely to have empathy towards them. Attitudes when it comes to the murder of a pedophile can surprisingly be mixed. Some champion that kind of action and others deeply denounce it. But some may take up the sword and take action in their own way now. Ultimately, and spiritually, this is discouraged. 

But it is a choice and people -particularly women -now have the freedom to grapple with it. 

-Murder is on the rise -particularly murder against women. This doesn't bode well and tends to set off the issue of revenge mentioned above. But most crimes are gender based. Men are the perpetrators, women tend to be the victims. If the universe is self-correcting and bringing balance, this WILL shift. So if murder is now coming to light as something that commonplace in every city, state, and country world-wide, more women in particular will start to register how thoroughly screwed they are against something that extensive and how currently it's on them to defend themselves. 

My personal philosophy has always been the Dobby approach -to maim or injure in self defense, but aspire not to kill. The goal is to save a life -not take one. But I also acknowledge for a lot of victims that kind of luxury isn't always afforded in the moment when someone is violently attacking you. 

3. We are in a New Universe with New Rules. We don't need to fret about systems that fail people as much anymore because the Universe will start covering the welfare of people more. We're under new management and philosophies towards life will inevitably shift for us as a collective to follow suit. The best I can describe the theme of these new rules are:

A) Justice does exist and should be achieved. Justice is founded in autonomy and people's lives being respected, protected, and supported. Anyone who abuses another or infringes against someone's autonomy (not just bodily autonomy, but also in terms of energy) can and should be held accountable. 

B) No one is alone. We exist as a collective and everyone has belonging to and in this collective. All are considered. All are valued. 

C) Truth, including the truth of people's experiences, is NOT invalidated. The truth is free for all to see, cannot be hidden or denied, and is meant to be shared and acknowledged. 

4. Along with these rules will also come an understanding of "I'm not going to ask someone to do something I'm not equally willing to do for another". Meaning if slave labor isn't something you'd sign up for, it will have to end. And the harsh realities of manual labor won't keep getting pond off on the marginalized and those in poverty.

This also effects the Supply Chain issue. It's a worker's issue as much as an issue pertaining to physically shipping things all over the world on a whim. We don't need that much crap in our lives and in the world. We shouldn't be demanding that much of people blindly to accommodate it. 

We shouldn't live in a world were Amazon exists -it's exploitation of workers, the nature of things being shipped that frequently and that much, and the obscene wealth of it's CEO. 

Given the Supply Chain is breaking, and will likely fail in the long term and being unable to sustain -order what you genuinely want or need now. the message right now is "This is going away so get what you need to get NOW." 

This will also push us to buy more locally and only purchase things that matter most like food and clothing. It will also change the nature of the economy. Less emphasis on spending to buy crap you don't need, more emphasis on possibly bartering or only getting/giving things everyone needs that shouldn't require money. And if money doesn't mean as much neither will being an employee for the sake of survival. The office/work environment will shift. 

5. Hatred towards the government. The government has long used the tactic of dividing citizens on the basis of ignorance and hatred against one another so the government can centralize it's own power over them. Now tables are turning. People will be unified in their hatred and distrust of the government as something to destroy. I summarize it this way:

Do Native Americans trust the government? Why not? 

Do LGBT people trust the government? Why not? 

Do women trust the government? Why not? 

Even white men who are Republican who directly benefit the most from the government... do THEY trust the government? 

There's a reason they have stock piles of food and supplies to last a year in a bunker somewhere. They says they do not trust the government and anyone who does is an idiot. 

No one likes the government. No one trusts the government. No one wants this government. 

Just today the government voted on whether to make voting more accessible -particularly to people in poverty and black people. The government voted against ensuring people can vote fairly. 

6. It's not Heaven or the Celestial Light Forces -it's BOTH. I forget this every once in a while, being able to perceive of both separately since they're on different spiritual planes. But both work in tandem and overlap. It's not one or the other. The one paves the way for the other. 

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