Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2 Epiphanies

Had a great breakthrough understanding this morning and also decided to lay out a thought I had over a week ago and debated writing about. 

Morning Revelation: I don't know how but for the past couple days my heart chakra busted open and has emitted huge light/energy. I figured out how to circumvent my head/mind (the cause of a lot of stress and worry lately) and silently connect to the core of my soul. I then emanate energy from that space. It helps God's energy and the energy of divine being supporting me pass through to the world around me and below. 

This morning it really hit me that this is the ultimate goal. To unburden the soul from pain, distress, and distraction and to directly connect to being Whole. I'm adding it my ultimate spiritual life mission: 

Help people return to themselves spiritually by being freed from pain and limitation & help pave the way for Heaven to be founded on earth. 

All I do is towards that ultimate goal. 

Previous Thought on "Politics":

It's a pain to delve into "worldly issues". It happens and I feel degraded by it and yet it affects us. If the government decided tomorrow to make it legal for people to set houses on fire, we'd be in trouble. 

So my mind delves towards world issues and the real-life implications of suffering inflicted through systems, institutions, and negative, power-based organizations. 

So here was my thought pattern, which as usual takes a spiritual perspective on trying to navigate through and make sense of world pains like the political arena we're in: 

How did things come to be the way they are with parties? 

Why is the Republican party so deeply affiliated with racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia? Why are Republicans divided from the minority and those in poverty? 


Somewhere in the past century the Democratic party affiliated itself with Minorities in particular. They defined themselves as the party that stood up for the "underdog" and those with no power in comparison to the masses. 

Ripple Effect 1Minorities in this country include 

-People of Color in particular (black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Native American...) 
-People with disabilities and mental challenges
-Religious groups like Jewish people, atheists, Muslims... 
-People in poverty (not in terms of being few in number but in terms of being without much power and influence) 
-Women (again, not by being few in number but by lacking the same amount of power and influence -particularly women of color)
-Members of the LGBT community 

I'm also going to add "environmentalist issues" to this list. It's not a person but it represents animals & nature which have no voice or power so it's been adopted in alongside other Democratic issues that are supported. 

Ripple Effect 2: Republicans represent a group that is in direct opposition to the Democratic party and inherently want to go the opposite direction on almost all issues. If tomorrow Democrats said they supported the color Green, Republicans would call the idiots and say they supported the color Orange. 

What then gets rejected by Republicans as a result? 
Diversity, inclusivity, and being a Humanitarian. 

What does that lead to? 

Well if you're not For humanity -including your own -you're against it. 

Ripple Effect 3: What happens when a large group of people reject minorities, people with little to no power and influence, and equality? 

Antisemitism. Racism. Sexism. Xenophobia. Anti-LGBT. 

What other groups do we know of in the United States that love hating in that way? Hate groups: KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists... 

Throw in a "pro-gun & ammunition for everyone" sentiment and you have the Republican party has devolved into today. 

-It's hard to be a white supremacist and a Democrat. Obama is black. 

-It's hard to be a neo-nazi and a democrat. Bernie is Jewish. 

-It's hard to be a member of any of the common groups that hate women & be a democrat: Democratic Women run for Congress

-Pete Buttigieg is gay and married. 

Democrats represent all the people that hate groups hate. And so in opposition to being a "horrible liberal democrat", you then find yourself in favor of that hatred. 

When you don't see the big picture of what's occurred, people just divert to the naive notion that racism either isn't what it is, isn't capable of being supported by a party you support, or is just an insult of a term that holds no real bearing on you or your party. 

Instead of Republicans changing their party from within by denouncing hatred, they're either denying hatred exists to begin with or that it's just an insult aimed at their party with no founding. 

Ripple Effect 4: Where will this lead us? 

There are only 2 possible outcomes: 

-Option 1: The day comes when the Republican party unmasks itself entirely and says to the public in broad daylight: "YES. We DO hate people of color, muslims, Jewish people, women, those in poverty, people with disabilities, LGBT people... and we're not sorry." 

This day is actually harder to achieve than people realize. Because some individual members of the party are either there or are circling that drain it can look like and appear to be the destined reality, but it's actually pretty far from it. 

70% of Americans support gay people. That's not just democrats. 

The U.S. likes the story of our past consisting of "kicking Nazi ass" and saving Jewish people from the atrocities of the Holocaust. Being antisemitic kind of ruins that. 

People Don't WANT to be racist. They spend a good deal of time trying to convince themselves and others that they aren't -even when they Are. 

People people aspire towards that kind of hatred. And no one wants to see Death or Murder or Mass Shootings. They don't want Genocide. 

Inevitably most Republicans "know somebody" who's an atheist, a gay person, or a liberal. They don't want them to be killed. 

-Option 2: Eventually things will push back and Republicans will veer away from being one big hate group. 

The #MeToo movement won't be a "liberal hoax" because Women have been affected by sexual violence -including Republicans. It's affected devout Catholics and it's affected Republican boy scouts. It's affected members of their party. 

Same with poverty. 

Same with the environment. 

Same with a lot of things. For example, a lot of Hispanic people, in part because they're devout and are against abortion, are Republican or would support the Republican party. 

It's hard to be against YOURSELF. 

This is who we are as Americans. We're people of many races, backgrounds, faiths, LGBT identities, and more. 

We ARE diversity. 

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