Friday, August 9, 2019

Recent Epiphanies & Change

It's degrading as a soul to understand HUGE spiritual things that area going on and deeply impactful changes that are set to occur in the world and then 5 seconds later be distracted by frustrating business issues that don't matter and errands that you have to accomplish in the immediate future. 

And just to vent: SCREW whoever decided that when you become a member of XYZ organization and pay $558 a year you get 7 features you could generally care less about and only 1 that you do actually need only to discover you have to pay an additional $146 to get basic online profile features that should have already been inherently included but for some reason are in a completely separate package explained nowhere on the site in comparison to the membership package you currently have and other ones that are out there and... 

Some organizations are businesses but don't have the common sense to function like them. 

Meanwhile in the spiritual universe: 

The veil is being ripped away and we're finally moving forward some more. I've gotten to the point of detached uncaring. 

I don't care if the economic system is shattered to pieces because people finally realize it's a rigged system in nobody's favor: I just want peace. I want some place I can live for the next couple years and lie low until the dust settles from whatever uprooting is coming. 

I don't care if government is overthrown because people realize it's a corrupted system that kills in the name of its own self interest, I just want to know I'm not going to be blown up or bombed or gunned down. Let hell settle its score with itself. The rest of us have peace in our souls and don't need any more pain than we've already had to contend with. 

I don't care if institutions of faith are rendered irrelevant and fade from existence because no one trusts them anymore. I know that people can intuitively be led to good and connect with people as souls without a guide book. We have 3 levels of people right now:

1. The shut-eyed people who need religion to tell them what not to walk into -even though they do anyway and then yell at people who can see as if they were immoral for having their eyes open. 

2. Those who are intuitive, but get distracted and try to figure things out and come to study religion only to find it ultimately tells them to let go and just BE. 

3. Those who don't need to be taught or told anything who just listen as a soul and have the deepest wisdom for that reason. 

I'm usually number 2, but I'm also smart enough to know we should all aspire to be 3s. 

So let religion fall. We'll have less abuses laid out against innocent people. 

All I want is peace. 

I'll let go of whatever future I perceived of and cling to whatever vision God wants me to bring about. 

Let the chips fall where they may. 

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