Sunday, September 4, 2011

Recession Solutions

I still don't know if I've already blogged about this yet. Went on a journey through past blogs to try and find out if I had... I write too much and don't label my blogs clearly enough to tell :(
To be on the safe side, I'll just talk about it now.

1. Library/ Teacher

Ok so here's how this idea works. Problem1: Teens graduating from high school might not get into college because these days they are over crowded, cutting classes, and charging more. College is no longer a guarantee. Problem 2: Young adults graduating from college aren't necessarily guaranteed a job -especially in this economy. Solution: College grads take the notes and books they used in college and teach what they learned to young teens who couldn't get into college. The "teachers" charge money that the "students" pay to learn a subject. Now, these pseudo- teachers can have basic to intermediate to expert knowledge of the subject, but can't teach anything new they've haven't learned yet, obviously. The then students can get the education and instead of exploring fields they know they aren't interested in focusing on, instead pick 3 or 4 they can become very knowledgeable on. They can then be peer reviewed or take establishment test to show their level of proficiency in the field. They can then be free-lance workers or try to find job placement through temp agencies or networking.

2. Recylcing for Money

Problem: Arkansas doesn't recycle. It's sad. A lot of resources get wasted. A few other states don't recycle as well. It's sad. Solution: Find someone, or some people (It's better if you find a fleet or create a business around this) who are unemployed, and have them rent U-Haul sized moving trucks. They will fil the truck with green trash cans with the recycling symbol on them. Take the cans out when they reach a state/ area that doesn't have recycling and place them where people can use them. At the end of the day, or when the recycling bins get full, load them back in the truck and drive to a state that does have recycling. Get paid for the recylcing items at the Recycling center. Someone will have to work out the details and the lagistics, but potentially you can have a recycling system set up that unemployed people can find work through and get payed for. And it helps the environment.


  1. I believe your first solution will happen one way or is getting too expensive, debt is getting too high...I think the first school to adopt this kind of approach will be successful. Won't happen to the Ivy League schools for a WHILE though, trust me.

    The only issue with the second solution is...who pays for these workers. Government? Hope not...that's the problem with this country, gov't paying for too many things. Maybe a corporation? Sure...but how will they profit?

    If there is no profit in a work, if there is no way for someone to get rich, then it won't happen. Sorry, that's just how the world works. Nobody does anything for cheap/free for long.


  2. They can do what Usana does and call themselves independent associates in charge of their own fleet with each person kind of being their own CEO. That way they get tax write offs for gas and auto repair because it's business related. Government can't touch this -I won't let them. We'll keep it in the hands of the people doing the work.
