Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is how you know if you need Ginkgo... When you go to order Ginkgo from Usana along with several other supplements and you get to the part where you officially add Ginkgo to the list to purchase it, you can't remember what it was exactly you wanted to order.

I've been having memory slips a lot lately. I'm seriously getting concerned. I forgot to bring my keys with me and locked myself out of my apartment twice this month. Had to ask the landlordlady for the back up key. When I'm online I'll forget what I was going to do. During the day I'll forget certain tasks or errands I was going to do. My brain has been scattered and frazzled lately. And remembering things seems to be an issue.

Another issue is my inability to day dream. I can still picture things in my mind and watch scenarios play out, but three far more reality based and a lot less entertaining. Day dreams are sort of a bad thing because they're a nice comfort zone of distraction I can escape into. It's better than drugs or alcohol and everyone needs a way to release stress by escaping from the world every once in a while, but I'll admit overly day dreaming has been an issue for me for a while. But now that's it's kind of gone I miss it a lot. I want my day dreams back. I blame Usana for "waking me up to face reality" and I think Zoloft may have had a hand in this as well (my dosage was recently increased).

I've ordered Ginkgo and it should arrive sometime later this month. I'll keep an update of how well things go with it.


  1. Hmmm. Concerning.

    I'm not being flippant when I say that perhaps you should play more videogames. Or chess. Or something that gets your brain active and moving.

    You ever hear of something called Brain Age before? A game on the Nintendo DS where you can train your brain everyday to get stronger and stronger. It really works.

    You have a DS? If not I will let you borrow mine as I don't use mine at all.

    I can't let your brain lose it's powers --- I like that mind of yours too much.


  2. It's not my brain losing it's mental quity, just it's memory power for things. Like I just left my sister's house and forgot a movie I wanted to borrow from her. It's annoying. I don;t think my brain or thinking ability are going down the tubes though.
