Monday, September 19, 2011

Morning Thoughts 2

How do you grow as a person? I’ve been working on this a lot over the past year.
The first thing that you need to know is that it’s going to take time. Be Patient with Yourself. You wouldn’t rush a puppy to become a dog or a tomato to grow faster –be patient. Evolution takes time.
The second thing to keep in mind is the fact that to grow as a Person implies several things. What is a person?
A Person is comprised of a Body, a Brain, a Heart, Emotions, Character, and a Soul.  In order to grow as a person, All of these areas should be focused improvement on. If it helps, make a list of “flaws” and “areas to improve in for each category. For me:
Body: Eating healthy –Done (especially thanks to Usana). Working out regularly –Not yet (I’m lazy and busy at the same time) Bike riding –See Lazy and Time Management
Brain: Writing regularly, not watching T.V. all the time, thinking often, learning new skills regularly –Done. Reading regularly –Nope (I haven’t been in the mood to read new things –there’s resistance to it for some reason)
Emotions: Happy –Sometimes, Sad –Pisces, Angry –Rarely, Upset –Only frustrated/ stressed. Things to work on: Not taking things so personally when others unintentionally affect me in a negative way.
Character: Shy, inhibited, reserved, introspective –Taken care f with: Zoloft, Networking, Being around people regularly, ToastMasters, Meeting new people frequently, Sharing my thoughts more. Day Dreaming –It’s come back recently, but as long as it’s minimal and doesn’t interfere with my focus on reality, it’s like watching T.V. when life gets boring. Inability to put goals into action –WFG will push me forward and keep track of my progress more than Usana, especially with my friend Ayu there with me, and I will achieve leadership/ financial goals which will teach me to put more of my goals into action. Becoming a leader: WFG, Usana, ToastMasters, and Friends continuously encouraging me to take more leadership roles and build more confidence in my ability to do so. Determination, Perseverance, Patience, and Stepping out of my comfort zone will get me there.
Heart: I plan on acting more on Compassion rather than just planning goals for it and talking about it. When I can, I want to join some sort of cause or charity. I also plan on working on sharing feelings with more people who provide an open space for me to do so.
Soul: Constantly keep it on mind on a daily basis –Done (Pisces trait). Explore various views and perspectives regarding life/ soul/ afterlife to gain deeper understanding of what a soul is, where it goes, and how it can be uplifted to a better place –Done (Usually talk to friends about this topic and discuss a variety of views people have on it). Do yoga –Eh… I’m avoiding it right now (Yoga is a way to find serenity and unity with body/mind/spirit if done properly. But I can’t afford it right now and I’m avoiding working out right now –‘m resistant to it and I’m not ready for it for some reason). Attending various religious institutions –Mosques, churches, synagogues… -In the future I will ask friends to invite me to their places of worship so I can see their faiths in practice.
I am a weird 23 year old. I don’t fit in with people my age. But from Usana and WFG I have learned that I am one of a few who has made a distinct path that I am charting out to create the best life for myself. Because of this I have come across places God and the Universe have led me to that will make me healthier, wealthier, successful, and fulfilled as a person than many other people my age who have chosen to follow the path others have laid out for them instead of finding their own way.
9:47am September 19, 2011

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