Thursday, September 8, 2011

Organized Religion

Damn. I'm pissed. I hate when people mess up God in the eyes of others. Damn.

I was talking to a friend today. He mentioned Santa. I mentioned Santa didn't exist. He took it pretty hard...So I told him, "But don't worry I'm pretty sure aliens exist". And he said, "Oh man, are you one of those annoying people who thinks aliens don't exist?" I was like, "No. I strongly believe in the possibility aliens exist. I've seen enough evidence that supports it." (I'll talk more about it in another blog). He said, "I just think it's ignorant to say we're the only ones in the entire galaxy. I don't need proof, I have faith. At this point I'd say there's more proof of aliens then there is of God". I said, "Ouch".

He says he believes in God or a Higher Power -but not organized religion. He's kind of against Christianity -though he's still open-minded about hearing other people's beliefs.

It turns out he was introduced to Christianity as a young age and raised to believe that religion over any other. My Grandpa was the same way. He was "over churched" as a kid and became agnostic as an adult. Same with John Rzeznik s well. Raised catholic -now he's against the institution, though he still believes in God.

I think parents should only introduce their kids to a religion, not make them a part of it. Kids will then grow to resent it or even repell it as they become older and seek more independence. Especially at teenage times, when they are lost most and need guidance the most, they will repell the beliefs that were pushed on them when they were kids. I think this is due to this thing called "consent". It's the reason 12 year old's can't join the army.

Being told what the truth is and discovering the truth for yourself are 2 different things. When people find truth for themselves they believe in it 100% more than they do when others tell them: This is true, believe it. But kids can't figure things out for themselves, they need guidance. But they also don't need to be forced. It's just better to let kids be open-minded until their old enough to understand and find out things on their own. Then they can commit to a religion or their own beliefs because they have that maturity. It's like marriage. It's something that should be taken more genuinely and committed to when you believe it is True.

An some religions are actually good to avoid. Satanism is an obvious one, but over used as an example at this point.

Anything "Fundamentalist"- oriented is a bad religion. Fundamentalist Islam: Women should be beaten if their faces and heads are uncovered. Yah... Fundamentalist Christianity: There's no such thing as evolution and a woman's place is in the home raising kids -not working. Yah... I don't even want to think about what Fundamentalist Judaism might include. 

They are skewing God. I believe truth to be found in Christianity and Buddhism -above others. In Islam I found too much violence and concern with Revenge. In Judaism I heard too much about God smiting people. I don't believe it, to be honest. I believe God to be Love and Light. I believe his essence and life force to be in everyone -which is how you see some people walking in their own shadows and others glowing bright out from within. Our souls are bound to this life force and we can see it most when we rise above things like hate, jealousy, laziness, apathy, lust, vanity, over indulgences, greed... So to say God smites people and punishes people and hates certain people is to degrade who God truly is. Hate is beneath him.

When we truly know ourselves then we can discover the true nature of God. There's something interesting I've been noticing about people lately. Air Signs from the Zodiac and Water signs from the Zodiac tend to be more "spiritual" than religious. This isn't to say they can't join in a particular religion, but they are less concerned with rules, codes, and regulations and more concerned with Soul and achieving a higher state of being. Fire Signs and Earth Signs of the Zodiac on the other hand, tend to be more stubborn and regimented. They tend to place more emphasis on rules, laws, and codes -though they are still reasonably open-minded most of the time. They are more grounded in a particular religion. The main difference between these signs is this:

Air/Water: Beliefs based on religion, experiences, and the bliefs of others. If someone has chosen a particular religion above others, it is in a respectful and insightful way that is still open to change and skepticism. They encourage others to believe what they choose. Sponge.

Earth/ Fire: Once they have found a set system that works for them an their lives, they commit to it. They can still listen to other's beliefs, but there's has been chose and is more cemented. They encourage others more to join their religion and like practicing it's rules and enforcing them. Stone.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages:

Air/Water are more easily misled and more prone to founding beliefs on "senses" and "feelings" rather than facts and historical, educated understanding.

Fire/Earth signs have more conviction in their faith and often greater numbers of people in their same group or organization. They are also more likely to suffer from certain rules and codes that prevent them from seeing truth elsewhere because if their religion is questioned on it's accuracy, then there is a possibility other parts of it may be wrong. They therefore have a greater tendency to be defensive and more closed minded in some ways to truly understanding the whole truth.

Maye this is just my biased opinion as a Pisces, but I think  Religion is like a fire. When you stand close to it, you can experience its warmth and light. But if you step into the fire, you will get consumed by it and destroyed. People should take from religions and develop their own Belief Systems.

"It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read." — Thomas Jefferson


  1. I don't know how to reply to this...too much to reply to. You occasionally write blogs that seem to be a stream of thoughts rather than one subject...the stream ones are hard to reply to cuz there is so much! an adult actually believed in Santa? Wait---really? I thought Santa and Toothfairies and Leprechauns and Transformers and Super Heroes were things we all grew out of and speak about them just for fun. O.o

    People who say that they are Christians but don't believe in "institution" or "organized religion" are like Buddhists saying "I'm against meditation". There's only so much you can cut out of any religion, and it still be called that religion.

    Bible says that the Church is the very Body of Christ. So if one is against the institution, one is against Christ's Body. And if one is against Christ's Body, one can obviously not be a Christian.

    Can't have it both ways. I understand the history of people abusing the name of Christ for power and abuse, but every single item under the sun has been abused --- doesn't mean the item itself is bad.

    All kids are raised based on their parents values. And it's supposed to be that way --- that's why it's called being "raised". If kids were left to their own devices and opinions growing up, they would literally die.

    But every child will have a time in life when they must figure out what they want to do. I was raised to be a Christian. But a time came when I had to figure out why I was. At this time I studied all religions, studied myself, and concluded most solidly that Christianity is the way to go.

    The word "fundamentalist" is extremely relative, Jessica...For me, "fundamentalist" Christianity is nothing like what you describe above. It has nothing to do with evolution or women in the What you describe is the traditional view of Christianity from select sub-cultures. Many, many Christians believe in evolution and many, many Christians are working women.

    A loving parent will punish a child for doing wrong, yes? How is this unloving? If anything, it would be unloving, even hateful, to not punish a child for doing wrong. Imagine how that child would end up, and the harm that child would do for others.

    So why do you feel a God of "Love and Light" would not/could not not punish His people for doing wrong? O.o

    I like what you say about the two sides of half are more law-abiding and the other half are more spirital-oriented. As you say, we need both sides. Bible says that His follower are people of "Spirit and Truth". A true person of God must be someone who is both abstract where need be, and accurate where need be. Both sides are needed and compliment the other.


  2. Oh, your last paragraph --- "people should develop their own Belief systems".

    Sounds nice. However, if everybody developed their own belief systems, the word "religion" would not exist. And if the word "religion" does not exist, then nobody would be able to draw any beliefs from anything --- hence even "belief systems" would not exist.

    I believe that everybody has to try their best to follow a religion in a way most suitable to them, but one can't go too far --- you can't pick apart and mix and match too many conflicting "truths" or there is no truth.


  3. Reply:

    1. " an adult actually believed in Santa?" -No we were joking around until we got to alien/God subject.

    2. "Bible says that the Church is the very Body of Christ. So if one is against the institution, one is against Christ's Body. And if one is against Christ's Body, one can obviously not be a Christian." -I made a point about this. It seems like if you call anything about a formalized religion into question people accuse you of calling the whole religion into question -including it's founding beliefs. I'm not against churches or people coming together to worship the same beliefs-thos CAN be positive places- but sometimes they become overly emphasising of rules and then you wind up with situations like the one that occured recently where a 25 year old girl came forward that she had been raped by a priest in a fundamentalist christian church, and the church had "silenced" hre from coming forward. At some point you risk a church becoming its own self-serving entity, and precautionsshould be made to prevent things like that from happening.

    3."raised to be a Christian". Parents are suppose to rais their kids -not a religion. They should introduce their kids to the religion, but not hold a child to the laws and rules of that religion until he/she is oldenough to decide for themselves if it is something they want to follow and adhere themselves to.

    4. "So why do you feel a God of "Love and Light" would not/could not not punish His people for doing wrong?" -God doesn't punish people in the traditional sense. The sytem he created punishes people who condemn themselves through worngful action. God tries to vear people away from condmnation by providing a path of Love and Light to guide people back to Him and their true selves. hen a person murders someone -God does not punich that person. Thei soul becomes condemned/weighted/tainted by their action and they condemn themselves to whatever fate awaits them when they die. God/ The Universe is a lighthouse giuding people away from crashing their ships on rocks at night.

    5. "Both sides are needed" -Yes. To only follow the writing or to only follow "spiritual senses" is to be ignorant in some ways.

    6."if everybody developed their own belief systems, the word "religion" would not exist." Are you kidding me? Religions are established and concreted and have been for centuries and new ones are being created in this era as well. yet millions do not adhere to one and come up with their own beliefs systems on their own. They base their beliefs on Religion, Personal Experience, The Experience of Others, Reasoning, and Compassion -all on varying levels. It's not just "religion". It's a belief system.

    7. "you can't pick apart and mix and match too many conflicting "truths" or there is no truth."

    -You don't mix conflicting truths -that would be stupid. You find truths validating each other in various religions. Like "compassionate detachment" -found in Buddhism and Christianity and other religions. If conflicting "truths" are found ou need to find out why they are conflicting and which one is correct and which one was mistaken for being correct.

  4. First off, let me applaud you for replying to all of my points. I find myself a bit taken aback by this, actually. O.O. Ahem.

    2. I agree that churches can get jacked up and cult-ish, and that group mentality can lead to horrible things.

    3. Totally disagree. You are relegating spiritual health below physical and mental healthy, when spiritual health is more important than the other two. Imagine if a parent allowed a kid to "figure out for themselves" regarding physical health.

    "Hey Timmy, you can brush your teeth and shower if you want, ok? That's up to you?"

    That's called child abuse, Jessica.

    How about mental health? "Timmy, you don't want to learn multiplication? Sure, go ahead and play videogames instead."

    Child abuse.

    Spiritual health is more important than physical and mental health, and a parent who views it as such as every right to raise their child up following a religion. THEN that child, when they are older, can reject any spiritual, physical and mental training as an adult. And considering all the guys I know who don't have good hygiene, I'd say many of them have done just so!!! =)

    4. You know all of Are you making this up? I agree that God allows us to suffer for our own mistakes --- but don't be confused, God most certainly enacts punishment for wrong and separates the bad from the good (if only so the bad don't harm the good). Why do you think God is called "Father" (or some people say "Mother") and yet you suddenly make him out to be a bad parent? Again, what if a parent did no scolding or punishment with a child and simply let a child "learn from their mistakes"? What kind of Father/Mother is that?

    6. Do you know what a religion is? What the word means? "a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion."

    It is the exact opposite of what you seem to be describing as "Do your own thing, build your own opinion".

    7.Well said.


  5. "3". I'm not saying parents should neglect their kids spiritual development -but there's more than one path to God and what may be a fitting path for one person may not be so for another. A boy raised Christian by his devout mother became a Satanist because he didn't like being forced to believe things and told to obey a religion before he was old enough to understand why he was being taught it. I'm just saying if parents want spiritual development for their kids they should make sure they're helping them grow instead of stunting them.

    "4" What do you mean God punishes people exactly? How? In what ways? It seems to me plenty of guilty men go unpunished for their crimes when they are alive and many men suffer even though they do good. You ust be talking about punishment in the afterlife -heaven/hell. Those were systems put in place by God. People wind up in those places by putting theselves there through good/wrongful actions. I would als add Karma to this concept. The system is in place and people suffer for doing wrongful things -they get punished by the system God put into place that they decided to go against.

    "6" Religions are concrete - "a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon". Beliefs systems are what you take from these religions and believe to be truth. For instance: Hinduism is a religion. I believe in the concept of reincarnation presented by this religion. But the Caste System -No. Judaism is a religion. I believe what they say about Moses having a connection to God and speak to His people to guide them out of enslavement. I don't agree that Jesus was not "the mesiah". Christianity is a religion. I believe in many of the teachings of Christ and the Bible. I don't take the story of Genesis and Adam and Eve literally.

    A belief system is like a mosaic. You take shards of painted stone from various perspectives and put them together to create a whole image.

  6. 3. So, a child raised as a devout Christian becomes a Satanist. So what? It happens. I was raised as a devout Christian and...turns out I'm a Christian and believe it's the best way to go. Just because a child chose to go against a way he/she was raised doesn't mean a child should not be raised in a certain way.

    You are completely ignoring my point on a child being raised with good physical and mental training.

    Some kids are raised with great parents and end up beating their spouses. Some are raised with great parents and training and become mass murderers.

    You are completely underestimating the ability for an adult to have free will and choice no matter how they were raised.

    If I have kids, they will be forced to 1. Brush their teeth 2. Take showers 3. Go to church. 4. Learn math.

    Yep, lock me up for being a horrible parent if you wish. What a horrible man I am for "forcing" these horrible practices upon my child.

    But they will also know that they can choose to do whatever they want once they leave the house. My job as a parent is to guide my children to be the best person I believe they can be, as I see fit. It's the right of parents.

    4. Now it sounds like we are agreeing, suddenly. Yes, I am talking about the afterlife. But please do not think that a man who escapes justice for a crime he has done will escape the guilt on his soul. Nobody ever escapes the wrong they have done. All will be punished, and God will see to it that it's done.

    6. Sounds like we agree again. O.o You are either backing down from your statements or there was miscommunication. Let me read your original words...

    No...I see. You are elevating personal beliefs above religion, and I suppose I disagree with that. If anything, they are both equally harmful when abused, equally beneficial when enlightened and done as intended.


  7. "Parents" oh geese... I mean jeez. I'm saying being overly dependent on a religion to "raise' your kids is not a good thing. It's obviously good to tell your kids how to be healthy/educated. It's a little more complicated when it comes to spiritual guidance. If you're going to have your child be guided by a religion, I just think people should be cautious about it or not so stringent about it. A kid could feel pressured into "fitting in" to that religion or struggle with "not being perfect or fit" for that religionas they grow up in it. This could end up causing serious issues during teen years.

  8. I gotta remember, I'm talking to a Pisces. The entire idea of "stringent", for anything, is negative to you. Got it.

    You will find that the only kids who end up bucking their parents' teaching about anything are when these kids see hypocrisy in the parents, and/or the parents teach these things without love.


  9. That is true. Parents have a lot to do with it.
