Monday, September 12, 2011


I was texting with mi amigo Timo and we were talking about how we were both good pals of Abraham Lincoln. I said that Abe and I use to hangout in a past life. But Timo said that he and Abe played Halo on the Xbox -apparently Abe was really good at it.

And I text, "How would Abe be playing Xbox now since he's dead. Unless he's a ghost, in which case wouldn't he be haunting racists instead of playing Halo?"

Then I asked Timo for a writing prompt and he said, "Write about how Abe was good at Halo".

And I said, "Nah too easy. He's a pacifist and only fights when he has to. He always wins when he does though".

Then Timo said, "Then write about Abraham Gonzales, Mexico's 16th president". Timo said he freed the whites from slavery in Mexico just like Abe did in America. I thought it was weird that I'd never heard of Gonzales before.

After I did some "research" I texted back, "I consulted wikipedia and they didn't say much about him other than he prevented a dictator from taking over. And other sites about him were in Spanish. I'd need to know more info about him to write a prompt".

Timo replied, "Wait, Abraham Gonzales? I totally made him up... I had no idea he was in politics".

I re-consulted wikipedia and told Timo, "Abraham Gonzalez was born June 7, 1864. He was governor of the Mexican state of Chihuahua and a main leader of the Maderista movement against the re-election of Dictator Porfirio Diaz. In 1913 after the President and Vice President of Mexico were assassinated by another dictator seeking power named Huerta, Gonzalez (next in line) was forced to resign as governor, was arrested, put on a train, and assassinated by Huerta's forces".

Timo replied, "Haha cool".

Oh my Godzilla... my friend is psychic... or he was a Mexican governor in a past life.


  1. All I know is this --- I was watching a black comedian, and he was like, "There's no such things as ghosts, white people. If there were, all of the black slaves would be coming back and messin' ya'll up..."...LOL

    Credible argument!!


  2. Are you seriously telling me you don't believe in ghosts? Or are you just admiring the joke I made about Abe Lincoln's ghost?

  3. No, I don't believe in ghosts. They belong in the same category as vampires, aliens, bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster. Cool things to talk about, write stories about, watch movies about...but in reality?.....

    C'MON SON!!!


  4. Yah... my mom;s house is haunted. This is definitely more of a personal subject for me. I don't really care if you believe in ghosts or not, but I can honestly tell you they do in fact exist.

  5. Until the day I see a ghost walk in front of me in broad daylight, or see it walk through Times Square in middle of the day, or see a ghost on camera in HD (I notice how all ghost footage is consistently fuzzy and hard to make out), or repeatedly appear before many people at once, I shall not believe.

    Even if something happened to me where it could be interpreted as a ghost, I'll first believe that it's 1. My mind playing tricks 2. An animal 3.Someone trying to scare me on purpose.


  6. 1. I was awake

    2. There was a man standing in the entry way of the living room (I had been sleeping on the couch in there with the lights partially on trying to -go figure- avoid the ghost)

    3. I was home alone for 3 days watching my mom's house.

    4. I had known the house was haunted for a while (hence the reason I no longer sleep upstairs And the reason I was not sleeping the guest bedroom down stairs -it's cognisant)

    5. My mom's dog Riley ran right up right where he was standing and growled and barked.

    6. He disappeared 2 seconds later -I did not here him run off. I did not see him run off. He disappeared.

    7. After living in that house for 6 years and going back to visit it for the past 5, I think I'm smarting enough to know where it's haunted or not. One or two things might seem like a coincidence, but when things happen to you consistently over a period of time -You Know. When he's there in the room and you feel his presence, but you're alone in your room -You Know.

    8. It bugs me when people say they don't "believe in ghosts" -especially when they acknowledge the fact that demons and other forces exist.

    9. People die. When they day, some linger -especially if they haven't gotten over their own daeth. People spend years mounring the loss of a loved one -imagine losing your own life in a tragic way. Other times people choose to stay because they're afraid to "cross over". Some stay to watch over family. Some stay to hurt people. Some don't know where to go. It makes sense. This is a limbo-land where people are stuck in the physicaly realm but can no longer interact with it effectively because they have lost their physical bodies. They are just lost souls who need guidance to the other side, or just need to accept andlet go of this life.

  7. Well, look. I can tell you my feelings and beliefs about the matter. But if it's personal to you and the subject bugs you, then I won't.


  8. I'm still open to hearing your views and beliefs. Just know that this topic isn't about witchcraft or aliens -things I haven't experienced personally. This one I take very seriously.

  9. Well, I take the witch subject seriously. Think we're equal on the alien subject. Ghosts, that's all you...doesn't matter to me if they exist or not. However, here are my thoughts about the idea.

    1. God. The Bible says that every person dies once(that also speaks against reincarnation, but that's another subject for another day), and then they are judged, and then they go to heaven or hell. Any other belief is another religion or simply ignoring the Bible. I believe the Bible speaks the truth and I've seen zero evidence against any word of it in my entire life.

    The idea of ghosts is basically saying a few souls "slipped through the cracks". It is saying that God's system is flawed like that of the gov't, where bad guys sometimes get away, good people are sometimes put in jail, etc. God is perfect and hence would not let any soul slip back to earth to haunt people.

    (As a matter of fact, the Bible has a story called the "Rich Man and Lazarus". The Rich man wanted to go back as a ghost to warn his brothers of their bad way of life, and God would not let him. Nobody goes back to earth once they leave.

    2. *Complete* lack of objective proof. Every single ghost story involves one or a few people. Every single ghost experience is something that happens once, and is not repeat-able. Science says that anything that is true is something that can be seen happening over and over again. Every bit of ghost footage is blurry...never is there clear footage in high definition. There seems to be certain conditions for ghosts to appear, and these conditions conveniently are ones that involve a complete lack of eye-witnesses.

    3. The power of the human mind. Not only can our minds construct *anything*, but if a mind really wants (or really doesn't want) to see something, the chances of a mind producing that increase tremendously. This is why ghosts appearances always take place in isolated, personal scenarios. Two people aren't going to have the same hallucination at the same time.

    I said that ghosts can appear to people who really don't want to see one. Funny thing about really not wanting something is that we tend to think a lot about what we don't really want. And hence our minds create it, frightening us. You described how you even wouldn't go into certain rooms for fear of seeing a ghost. You were home, *alone*, for three days...ample time for your mind to build up the right condition for an experience.

    Your dog barking at first seems to be certain proof that this took place...your dog would seemingly be the non-biased eyewitness of your experience.

    But again, the mind is a powerful thing (yours especially), and upon seeing the ghost you would naturally immediately look to your dog for confirmation/safety/support. Your mind already producing a ghost, it wouldn't be hard at all to produce your god barking.

    Now, before you get offended at me, this is all merely theory. My theory. I myself have had experiences that were very personal and hard to explain. But I also know that my mind is powerful and I have done experiments *on purpose* to make myself hallucinate/dream what I wanted/see things.

    Sometimes, two or three people can hallucinate the same thing, for the same reasons (an idea planted in all of their minds). But you will never, ever hear of a crowd of people seeing a ghost at the same time.

    Again --- just my ideas.


  10. Ok, good to know. I'm not that good at hallucinating, just F.Y.I. Also, when I was living at my mom's house, upstairs alone, I could feel the presence -and this was not brought on by fear (I had none in those moments or even days/ weeks before). I was actually in denial -always writing it off as something else. But patterns started to show and it was consistent. My sister has experienced things as well and she slept downstairs and we had never spoken to anyone -including each other about the things we were experiencing. Mom, Emily, and I were home watching a movie and... You know what, never mind. I don't feel like posting it all here. Maybe in a different blog. I'm glad you shared your beliefs. Sorry I didn't reply sooner -Usana meeting from 6pm-11pm. You did not offend me. I've heard of an experiementinvolving 3 people in a room who "invented" a ghost -they gave it a name/ birthdate/ backstory. They kept talking about it until they atarted to believe it and weird stuff started happening. Of course, they were going out of their way to invent a ghost, but I can understand how someone people could imagine things and confuse things.

  11. Wow my spelling and grammar were really bad in that last post. It's 11:35 pm. Just saying. My brain is on autopilot.

  12. LOL for real I thought I offended you. I was like *CRAP*. You were like "I'm very serious about this subject", and then I saw your FB/Twitter post, and then after I posted here you got mad silent, and then I texted you to no response and I said to myself:

    "You finally did it. You finally offended the tender deer."!

    Like I said, hey, you want to believe in ghosts, fine. I learned that a person's experience is a person's experience. But let me tell you about my "experiments".

    One day, I purposely kept my eyes open while falling asleep. (It's very hard to do, but possible...I don't recommend it) I can't tell you all of the crazy crap I demons and evil spirits and the wall was moving and the curtains were morphing and all kinds of things. Sound/feeling/fear was all included.

    Our subconscious comes out at night. We are more prone to our fantasies and ideas (that we're not even aware of) coming out --- our hidden fears coming out then.

    This supports my theory as to why ghosts are only "seen" at night.

    I also tested my ability to envision exactly what I wanted. I once had a crush on a girl that I knew I would never see again. Her name was Sheila. I didn't want to allow myself to dwell on her forever, and so I decided to give myself one night of thoughts of her, and then move on (a power we Aries

    So, I repeated her name over and over again as I went to sleep. In my dream, we had a date, and I said goodbye to her forever --- something I was too shy to do in real life. I woke up feeling very at peace with never seeing her again (and I never have).

    I am not discounting any of your experiences...that would be me disrespecting you. I'm married...Trust me, I've LEARNED TO RESPECT THE VIEWS/FEELINGS OF OTHERS AND HONOR THEM AS TRUTH, EVEN IF I DON'T BELIEVE IT MYSELF(LOLOLOL).

    All I'm saying is that scientifically speaking, based on real experiments that I've personally done and those elsewhere (easily found and studied), your experiences can all fall under the realm of scientific explanation.

    You don't hallucinate, but you do daydream(not recently you once miss those days)...something which I know is a very Pisces trait.


  13. Oh, and btw, I WISH vampires(I would totally be Blade if I could), ghosts and aliens were real. I love all of the stuff. I write about it, read about it, play games all about it.

    I just have a very clear line between reality and fantasy --- I have to, in my profession, if I'm going to effectively assist people in life.


  14. daydream -Yah, that's in my head when I'm spacing out of reality. I never mix relaity with daydream, because daydreams are like dreams you are in control of when you are awake and spacing out. They are often very movie-like and never have to do with the obring place I'm currently at when I'm having them. Like if I'm at a doctor's office waiting around with nothing to do -day dream time. I don;t daydream aboutsitting in a doctor's office. I usually imagine woods, exotic places, I'm usually outside either way in my day dreams... And they are completely within my control.
