Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Writing Prompts

1. Jesus calls Himself in one place a Door, in another the Good Shepard, in another place the Vine. How do these thoughts translate to you?

Jesus calls Himself many things -Son of Man, God... well actually mostly just those two. Others called Him: The One, Savior, Lord, Messiah, the Lamb of God, the Lion...

But the ones in the prompt sound more like things He would have called Himself in various Metaphors trying to illustrate various points. When concepts are too complicated for people you need to break them down into concrete things the can visualize and understand. This is why the Spirit is compared to a Dove and the Body of Christ is compared to the Bread of Life. If I had to venture a guess as to what context and point Jesus was trying to convey by calling Himself:
1. a Door,
2. the Good Shepard
3. the Vine

The Door is often metaphorically referenced to convey something is an opening. Jesus could be comparing Himself to a Door through which people can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Without this door they will run into a wall. They need not only the door, but for the door to be unlocked. Jesus is the unlocked door people can enter through, but they have to choose to enter through and cannot be forced or pretend to entering through it. In this sense Jesus (the door) has His purpose and people (who enter) have theirs in relation to Him.

The Good Shepard is the easiest one to comprehend because of the phrase "leading His flock". Without a Shepard sheep go wandering off on their own and get lost, then becoming prey to wolves and other wild animals. A Shepard looks after beings that need guidance and someone to watch over them. Jesus is the Good Shepard of Man. He is also ironically called the Lamb of God, but this is due to His sacrifice to absolve men of sin.

The Vine is one I believe I may have heard before at FCA in high school. If I remember correctly, the Vine gives nutrients to the fruit it bears, but the farther the fruit gets from the source of the Vine the more it whithers. Jesus is the Vine providing a source of Spiritual Sustaining Life for people to take and grow from. The further they get from Jesus and God, the further they remove themselves from what they need to lead a fulfilling, meaningful life. Their lives then waste away into nothing worth having.

1 comment:

  1. "If I remember correctly, the Vine gives nutrients to the fruit it bears, but the farther the fruit gets from the source of the Vine the more it whithers. Jesus is the Vine providing a source of Spiritual Sustaining Life for people to take and grow from. The further they get from Jesus and God, the further they remove themselves from what they need to lead a fulfilling, meaningful life. Their lives then waste away into nothing worth having." ---thank you. I'm stealing this. =) =)

