Friday, November 4, 2011

Time to Hate Hippies

They always have those stupid overly idyllic non-sensical mantras that have just enough wisdom in them to make them annoyingly true but too much sunshine and good vibes for anyone to take them seriously. Damn you hippies! Ruiners of Truth and Deep Insight!

I'm mopey... The only time I would ever hate on hippies is when I'm mopey. Otherwise it's kind of like hating on someone who thinks that there's literally a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow... only instead of gold, it's just pot.

I actually had a good work day. I'm at this place called Immersion. They make touch technology and computer-software related to human interaction. They're moving from the building they are in and they need someone to help pack up and reorganize/ consolidate all of their files for their Immersion medical branch -which sells medical-related technology and works with a wide variety of hospitals and technology companies.

There are a lot of hospitals named after Saints. After working through to the letter "S" on the alphabetical order of filing, it started feeling like I was listing rhetoric out of the Bible. The company has about 30 boxes that need to be consolidated. I've gone through... 5 1/2. So close. The women who occasionally walk by keep telling me things like, "Having fun?" and "Wow I can't believe there are so many boxes." They're trying to be nice and encouraging because they think the filing is a nightmare I'm trapped in. But I'm weird. I love filing.

I don't know why. I love washing dishes, cleaning, filing, organizing... I'm totally focused when I'm in my task and I actually thought about coming in early today. I thought, "Why do I have a strange urge to come in tomorrow?... It's Saturday tomorrow..." But that's honestly how I feel.

There was once a Zodiac phrase that said that Pisces take after work like a dog to a good bone. I enjoy it and can't seem to tear myself away from it until the work is complete. I wanted to finish it all in one sitting, but it's probably going to be a week long.

The work is from 9am- 4:30pm. I was hoping to go to a "spa party" thing a girl i met at GNA has been inviting me to every Friday. I honestly wanted to go. But my eyes are shot. I don't get to sit, so I was standing all day weaving from box to box carrying files over and staring at poor handwriting trying to figure things out like "Is it Bueker, or Buoker? Stupid writing..." My back and my feet hate me immensely. So I really didn't feel up to going. I would have dragged down the mood of the smoothie-test-tasting party.

So then my plan was to finish my sea shell part 2 drawing and watch shows I'd missed during the week. House!!! Why won't Hulu let me see the new episode???! So I watched The Office, America's Next Top Model, Paranormal Witness, The Daily Show, and the Colbert Report.

Then right as I'm about to start watching my shows to detox and start relaxing, Albert called me out of the blue. Well sort of "out of the blue", ...he calls a lot. He wanted to see if I would be interested in a couch he was getting rid of since apparently he's moving. His mom is going into a nursing home and he gets to stay there for less rent than the place he's staying now since he watches over her. Then after a 2 minute conversation my phone started crying. The battery was dying. So I plugged it unto the wall to recharge its life.

So I start watching my T.V. shows and about 30 minutes later the phone rings again. It's Albert. I just talked to him half an hour ago. And he left a voice message on my phone earlier at work. And he called me yesterday. Normally I answer the phone, unless it rings while I'm at work like it did today and I manage to find the silence button... but I decided -screw it. Albert can wait.
Watching tv.

Then I'm starting in on America's Next Top Model. I check my phone. Success! it's done charging. Then I sit back down after finishing my dinner -my last Avocado... God they're good - and I start back on my drawing and model watching when I get a text from Alexander the Pissed. Dang.

I remembered he had asked me earlier today about November 12th. At the time I had been getting texts in twos. Juan, who is the top leader in my group at WFG, sent out 2 text pairs. He was basically reciting what we learned last night in his first two texts. Then an hour later his next 2 were to announce that Guillermo -who's a leader of another group in WFG and kind of a jerk- would be having his wife speak for tomorrows BPM. Crap..........

I thought his wife was quiet, but then she spoke last night for 20 minutes. I wanted to shoot myself. I have never felt less comfortable sitting and listening to someone ramble on and on... My god. And this is a little harder to explain, but after the first 5 minutes I did notice that her lips were "adjusted" and her breasts were "augmented" and the ring on her finger that seemed like it couldn't be real because it took up 3 fingers and was the size of a golf ball and was so shiny... and her facial expressions kind of frightened me because at times it seemed like she was on the verge of breaking down or throwing a tantrum, but then she would speak more calmly for a couple seconds and I was like, "Oh... so she must have overly-emotional breakdowns as par her nature and that's what I'm picking up on". It was weird, uncomfortable, and annoying.

So then I'm at work noting Juan's texts when Em sends me a text about having to take kitten to the vet again and being really annoyed at dad... And I'm trying to check my cell very subtly every once in a while when no one is around for a few brief moments only texting back when I have the chance. I'd say I checked the phone every hour or two. I felt bad when I did miss texts, but I tried to check it right away.

Alex had texted me twice when I looked at my phone. I had missed his 2 texts and Juan's first 2 texts by about 30 minutes or so. Alex asked me something about whether or not I was available November 12th or not. At the time, I really couldn't say what the current date was... November 3rd-ish. 2 weeks into the future was not within my mind's momentary ability to grasp. I didn't even know what day of the week that would be, so I figured I'd respond back to him on that one later when I had a better idea of when the heck the 12th was.

Fast Forward to me siting at home receiving an irate text from Alex saying I never text back. We got into a weird sort of argument because Alex seems to think I blew him off on purpose. But I just don't like answering people until I actually have an answer because it seems like a waste of a statement. An instant "I don't know" is stupid and pointless compared to a delayed, "Well I looked on the calendar and it turns out the the 12th is a Saturday and I don't have any plans yet on that night so..."

I like answering my texts compulsively and I felt a little like a crack addict smuggling hits of illegal substances at work today. But apparently I decided not to text at the wrong time. Now Alex thinks I'm indifferent and says I'm at risk of being flat-out dumped as a friend by him. I was like, Really??? Really?????? This is all it would take for you to end our friendship. I'm cemented not going anywhere and you want to stop texting/hanging out because you think I was blowing you off and purposely ignoring you. Wow.

I get blown off by friends all the time, it's called being Amigos with Virgos. I understand it's in their nature to be flakey and not respond back quickly. My friend Chelsie took a Day to reply back to a text I sent. And she's Em's age and spends most of her time on Facebook.

Dangz. I'm super-speedy at responding to texts compared to those people. And the only time Alex texts me that is sort of "annoying" is when I'm at home catching up on TV shows. When there's nothing interesting on, sure I like texts. But if it's a show I'm really into, Anyone's text gets a little interrupting. But then I either text back short replies quickly or wait until commercials to see what was texted.

I don't know. It's 10:10 pm and I tired. I'm mopey. I had what was left of a good day ruined by other people's negativity and now I'm going to bed. I think the last thing that kicked this night in the ass was my mom posting on my sea shell pick on Faceoobk telling me  I should frame my work and sell it for $50. Technically I suppose it's a good price -Hellz no for the original, but it's fine for a copy. But it just kind of sucks because I know I don't have anyone to sell it to and ultimately I don't give a damn about selling it and after all the work I put into it all I wanted to hear was a "wow that looks awesome!" from some friend I hadn't heard from in a while. Not a, "You should sell that" cha-ching line of thought from my mom. This night sucks. I'm glad it's over.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this "Alex" fellow sounds like a real jerk. I hope he made up for his actions somehow. If he has, I'd love to hear a follow-up blog of some kind.

