Monday, November 21, 2011

Quote Response 1

I've decided to take it upon myself to write a quote whenever I get writer's block so I will have a jumping off point to expand on and add more to.

«Sometimes the best of God's gift's arrive by the shattering of all the window panes.» — Paulo Coelho

Paolo Coelho is an awesome individual. I one day intend to read his blog. I know his parents sent him to a mental asylum a couple times and forced him to stay there. I don't know why and I'm feeling too lazy to consult Wikipedia. But this man is wise. That much I know.

Basically what this quote is saying is "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" -only in a more eloquent way. 

God is the most popular scapegoat on Earth. People act like God hates them and picks on them and makes bad things happen in their lives... It's easy enough to do -He never argues back or defends Himself when accused. I think it's because He is the Master of Silence. People yell and scream and cuss... but Silence just sits back and calmly listens. Silence is more Powerful than Words sometimes, and people forget that. God doesn't need to defend Himself -people will figure out eventually that He isn't the culprit who misplaced those important documents that were suppose to be in the briefcase for that meeting last Monday morning.

I'd say the only time God breaks any "window panes" in our lives is when He humbles us as people. People hate those moments when they're vulnerable and forced to confront their own EGOs. But breaking through the walls people put up around themselves is the only way they're going to expand out as Souls.

Souls are like light. People think they are confined within us, but usually it's one of 2 situations: 

1. The soul is so far buried and submerged under fear and doubt and insecurities and negativity that you can't even see it.

2. The soul is free. It expands outside of the body like an invisible pond of echoing, vibrating energy -Which sounds kind of weird, but we are talking about a soul. When one person has "expanded" their soul outside of themselves and is open, people can Read each other very well.

Anyways, God needs to reach the Soul and sometimes He does this by coaxing it out and by building up a person's self esteem and slowly making them realize that they are loved and looked after. And then other times is sledge hammer time and walls need to be torn down. People have their own Egos getting in the way of making a breakthrough for their soul. It's trapped and suffocating in their.

The Soul is a Divine gift. Sometimes people lose it. When God breaks down window panes within us it isn't to break us Down it is to let the light Out. That is His gift to us within us that He helps us reconnect to because we need it to reconnect to Him and the world He has given us to look after.

1 comment:

  1. "God is the most popular scapegoat on Earth. People act like God hates them and picks on them and makes bad things happen in their lives... It's easy enough to do -He never argues back or defends Himself when accused. I think it's because He is the Master of Silence. People yell and scream and cuss... but Silence just sits back and calmly listens. Silence is more Powerful than Words sometimes, and people forget that. God doesn't need to defend Himself -people will figure out eventually that He isn't the culprit who misplaced those important documents that were suppose to be in the briefcase for that meeting last Monday morning."

    ---- <3
