Thursday, November 17, 2011

Back to my Writing Prompts...

1. Using the Penn State "scandal" and how it will effect the victims involved as an example, illustrate the theme of how we all have a tragedy in life, as Christ Himself was given, and we all must find a way to overcome that which weighs upon us.

2. Seeing the Good that comes from past Sins.

(1) I hate this topic now. Penn State has been overly discussed at this point. I actually saw clips from the interview on the news with Sandusky asking him very strait forward questions. It's so creepy that stuff like that can happen now. Like if a serial killer is convicted of murdering people, he can go Charlie Sheen on the media and give full testimony denying his crimes in detail.

Interviewer: "When you were spotted raping a ten year old in the showers, how would you describe what was occurring?"

Sandusky: "Well I would say it was more like horseplay and whipping each other with towels and playing tag in the showers than anything".

That disturbing issue aside, you are then reminded of the ten year old victim. How is he going to make it through this?

How can and do people -especially the young- overcome these sorts of issues when, God knows at this point, young people have taken their own lives over less. Especially teens.

Well, I'd say kids have a better shot -especially through therapy right off the bat. Most ten year olds wouldn't think of committing suicide -at least not as much as older teens would. Because kids are resilient, but teens are not.

Teens have multiple issues on top of whatever abuse or trama could be added. They have stress, depression via hormones, rebellion mixed with the suffocation of being "trapped" at home, fears and doubts mixed with a lack of self-confidence, homework... it's not looking good for teens. At least adults don't have all the given stresses added onto their lives because at that point they've made it over the hump of being a teen.

But what makes someone more able to overcome things than others? I'm giving a glance over at the Zodiacs at this point, because let's be honest -Inner Strength has to do with Inner Personality and Beliefs. Zodiac signs give a good indication of human nature and where people's vices and virtues are.

Knowing people, I know this: There are two kinds with a few reaching into the golden middle third kind.

Group 1: Those who act out of Duty. These are individuals who will act based on standards, concreted references such as books and personal experiences, ideals, and fastened beliefs. The more Adhered an individual from Group 1 is to their sense of Moral Duty, the more capable they will be of handling life and its struggles.

Group 2: Those who act out of Compassion and Intuition. These are the people who hate rules and regulations, and go just with their gut. They don't need to be told what's right to know for themselves what is right. However, there don't have a direct source o strength and guidance to draw from and can therefore lose themselves and become disheartened more easily when they don't have as great a founding in their beliefs and sense of self or purpose. The people from Group 2 who Adhere themselves to their Sense of Moral Compassion and Intuition will have a greater ability to handle life and its struggles.

Group 3: Those who master the art of balancing Compassionate Intuition and Duty. They will struggle the least in life because should one line of strength fail (Duty or Intuition), the other can be drawn from to carry that person through. Christ was the ultimate master of this group and spent his days trying to teach others who were stuck in Group 1 to gain more strength by joining Group 2. He championed Compassion to the lives of those who were blinded by a misguided sense of Duty that left no room for it. And He also reminded those who feared acting out of Duty, to remember the Moral Lessons they were taught and to Adhere themselves to the Bible.

Ultimately, if people are going to overcome anything in life they must be Uplifted in some ways to rise above their struggles. In Buddhism you can refer to this as the Lotus rising pure and white from the muck and murky waters beneath it. Either way, the Divine is the most Pure, Uplifting, Strong, and Radiant sense of Grace man can come close to. But to to that, man has to be willing to sacrifice his own Ego to get Close and Become a part of it.

(2) Seeing the Good that comes from past Sins.

My views of Sins is more aligned with Karma than anything. People act like sins, flaws, or past mistakes are something that defines them. When in reality, it's something people learn and grow from. Or at least they can if they're open to it.

I'm a Pisces. Our motto for viewing the Past/Present/and Future is: Looking Back Toward the Future.

We look back at our past to see what we can learn to help guide us in the present to achieve the best future outcome. I'm honestly surprised more people don't do this. This is just the natural way I've progressed in my life. I wasn't told to do this, I just do it out of habit and common behavior. It's ingrained in me. Call it a Reflective Instinct or an Instinct to Reflect. I replay the past and potential futures in my mind to make the best decisions in the present.

What are my past Sins? Hmmmm... I didn't have much of a life before, which consequently means I didn't have that many past sins. You have to Live in order to make the mistake of Sinning. I was a "good girl" who was afraid of the consequences of misbehaving. So I didn't.

I'd say Sloth may have been Sin, and is still an occassional one. The greater "sins" that will get you and ruin you and your existence have to do with hurting people -but I never hurt others. I will say I did hurt myself though. Usually with self-doubt more than anything. I don't know if Doubting yourself is a sin, but I know lack of Faith is. Most people just apply it to Faith in God or the Universe. Those forces I alsways believed in, but I didn't feel I was worthy of them. I lacked Faith in myself. And in some ways I guess lack of Faith in yourself is a lack of Faith in God.

God put you on this earth for a reason. And that reason was Not to question your existence and wonder why you in all your insignificance could possibly have been chosen. You were not meant to question this gift, but to share it with others. Calling it something unworthy of being shared is selfish and an insult to your Creator. You are from God. You should never doubt Him. Doubting yourself is a form of doubt in God and a lack of Faith. This is a Sin.

With normal sins, not the Great sins that will send you packing your bags to Hell the instant you do them like Murder and Adultery, you mostly have to worry about the level of consistency and frequency with which you sin. This is how the 7 sins and other daily sins will get you.

For the major ones, the lesson is usually instant as is the regret and the baggage you now have to carry around with you because you not only ruined your life, but more than likely someone else's as well. For these types of sins, Time and Constant Relfection are needed to learn fromand overcome these past mistakes. A person will need to constantly try to redeem themselves, which will be hard but ultimately worth it. Don't do the crime if you don't have the Time. Action will matter geratly as well. Acts to humble and uplift will be imperative.

For the minor, normal, ordinary sins people give into -the lesson is a little different. It's never as obvious as it is with greater mistakes and people really need to reflect more and acknowledge how these sins have negatively impacted their life overall from the time they were first acted upon to see their Full impact.

People become their "normal" sins. They do not define themselves by them as they would a past mistake. You can say, "I use to be a drug dealer" -because that one sin defined your entire past life up to this point. But most people don;t say, "I use to be lazy". They usually still are. I use to be "greedy". I use to be "a glutten". It's easy to put these "vices" aside and only focus on major mistaken action.

For someone to overcome and learn from these sorts of past sins, they are required to first Overcome them. You can't say "I use to be" if you "still are". The only way to gain some Good from these sorts of past sins and learn from them is to Stop doing them. The results will pay off on their own and be reflecte more and more as time goes on until one day that person Fully understands why it was a "sin" that needed to be let go of.

"I use to fear speaking to people. Now I don;t have a problem with it." It took time. It sure as hell wasn't easy. But I overcame this set back and now I no longer fear talking to new people. In fact I look forward to it. I have grown from this. Sins must be grown up from in the same way in order for them to become Good past mistakes.


  1. Beautiful. I too am sick of the Penn State topic, and that's why I don't plan to focus so much on it --- I plan to equalize what happened to this kids to our own argument will be that we too have such a tragedy in our own lives.

    As for your talk on sins...first of all, your past sounds a whole lot like mine. =) I didn't really do anything wrong. That being said, as you stated, even in that "not doing anything" there were sins. You mention sloth, for example...or lack of faith in oneself. (Which would be lack of love in oneself, a sin).

    You also begin to define sin in categories. Let me tell you what I believe:

    I don't believe there are sins of a higher degree than any other. In God's eyes, murdering someone is = to, say, sloth. The Bible says this over and fact, it says "The one who is lazy is brother to one who destroys." Sin is sin in God's eyes...Jesus died even for the "minor" sins.

    Your differentation, is valid, however, if we look at sins from an earthly point of view. On earth, certain sins have greater earthly consequences than others. On earth, murdering someone will have far greater consequences with the mind/body/soul/others/law than say, stealing a candy bar from a grocery store.

    Also, allow me to give you a term for what you were trying to describe, the "sins that people should stop doing".

    We are talking about sinful acts vs sinful lifestyles. There are certain sins that happen being rude to our mother when we're tired or cutting someone off in traffic. We are not KNOWN or identified by these sins, but they are sins nevertheless and we should stop.

    But then there are sins of lifestyle...the sins that define us. Things like prostitution, assassins, gigolos...these are sins that define us and we need to change our lifestyle to stop them.

    That being said, sinful actions, if unchecked, will become a lifestyle. Someone can do so many rude things that they become a "rude person". Someone can be lazy so often that they are called a sloth. Someone can steal candybars so often that they are called a thief, even if they are a child.

    Very good write up --- third topic coming Saturday morning. You are a precious resource...I will especially be using your "Overcome" paragraph. =)


  2. 'I don't believe there are sins of a higher degree than any other. In God's eyes, murdering someone is = to, say, sloth. The Bible says this over and fact, it says "The one who is lazy is brother to one who destroys." '

    -Yes I know that is your stance and had it in mind when writng, but I honestly don't agree.

    "The one who is lazy is Brother to the one who destroys" -means they are related, not the SAME.

    He didn't say "Twin". The sins are broke down into two categories, they are related in their nature but spearate in teir severity.

    Too much of any sin in great frequency can amount to a sinful act or lifestyle of severity. But most people have the common sense not to do too much of the "ordinary sins".

    I don't think lazyness = murder, unless the Entire life is Slothed away which would be killing your capacity to live a fulfilling life.

  3. I don't see how you can disagree with a very obvious and direct teaching in the Bible.

    To state that laziness is brother to one who destroys is far from "related", it is brother to brother. Equal. The same station. The same name. Close. Separated in name only, but equal in birth!

    If it said "cousin" or "nephew to" or "son of"...

    In fact, if it said "son of" that would also mean they were equal! Remember, when Jesus said He was Son of God, the Jews knew that this mean Jesus was saying He was equal to God, because to even say you are related to someone means you have the same blood/status.

    So in the Jewish mind, the mindset upon which this was written, laziness is indeed equal to murder in terms of it being a sin that that will send someone to hell if it is not repented of.

    The earthly consequences are different (a clarification that you ignore for some reason), but the spiritual consequences lead to the same problem (hell) and the same solution (repentance).

    If you are to say that one sin is greater than the other, then this leads to the idea that one must do greater things to repent from certain sins, and this is a very dangerous, Catholic/Pharisee point of view. It leads to people thinking they must do more WORK to solve their sin problem...which is what the Pharisees and Catholics said back in the day.


  4. "The earthly consequences are different (a clarification that you ignore for some reason), but the spiritual consequences lead to the same problem (hell) and the same solution (repentance)."

    I acknowledge there is a difference between earthly and spiritual consequences -namely what happens to a soul when such "sins" occur. But you only see 2 possibilities of outcome: Heaven and hell with no inbetween. But I acknowledge Ghost realm -the state before corssing over into Heaven, Hell Or Reincarnation. The state of the soul at death, which depends upon the kinds of acts and abuses it has been put through, determines where it ends up. I also believe Hell to have different levels.

    "If you are to say that one sin is greater than the other, then this leads to the idea that one must do greater things to repent from certain sins, and this is a very dangerous, Catholic/Pharisee point of view. It leads to people thinking they must do more WORK to solve their sin problem...which is what the Pharisees and Catholics said back in the day."

    I'm not a Catholic or a Pharisee -but I agree that a person has to do more to overcome more. It's simple. If the mountain is higher, you have to climb more and put in mre effort than if it is just a mole hill. You do't do more by adding more rituals -like the Pharisees and the Catholics made the mistake of doing. You have to Act and Believe to a higher degree. You have to build your soul back up -which is hard depending on how far gone it is or has been twisted. You have to change and act out of Compassion and Duty to a greater extent and with more emphasis to overcome the damage done.

    It's like a disease. Getting over a cold won;t require as much effort and dedication to overcome as getting Cancer. To prevent either sickness from happening, metaphorially speaking, you should lead a healthy spiritual life.

  5. As for the ghost realm/reincarnation/different levels of hell...I cannot say that they are right or wrong until I can prove it to you, or at least help you to have a clear view of that world. As I can't right now, we'll leave it alone.

    When we look at the nastiest ideas of the Catholic church, or the Pharisees, we might be sometimes tempted to think that these groups were evil from the start. But that's not the case --- their false doctrines began with innocent motives.

    We have discussed the conflict between faith and you are more of a "spiritual" based person and I am more of a "work" based person.

    Innocently, however, you are now taking the side of the work based person, which is how I believe Catholics and Pharisees started out.

    If you say that we must DO something to EARN righteousness or to WORK our way out of it, then we are reducing Christ's power to save. We are saying that Christ's power alone isn't enough. You are saying that there are people who are in a place where they need to work harder in order to achieve salvation.

    Let me tell you how Christ's Power works. You know how if you take the number 1 and multiply it by zero, it = zero? Same with Christ's Power. If you take a sin, and bring it against Christ's Power, there will be nothing left.

    If you take the #10 and multiply it by zero, it will end up being zero still. So it is with sin...take 10 sins, and bring it against Christ's Power, and there will be nothing left.

    In fact, you can take ANY NUMBER...I don't care what it is...take the number 381,492,029,942,331,934,232 and multiply it by zero...and the end result is zero. So if a person did that many sins...or if a single sin was so bad that it equaled the power of that number...against Christ's power nothing is left.


    What a person does has *nothing* to do with their ability to be forgiven.

    One single sin, not given to Christ, will bring someone to hell.

    A billion sins, the nastiest of all, given to Christ, will bring that person to heaven.

    Christ is the only factor, and our faith in Him, not what we do.


  6. Here we agree. In terms of our views on Sins asthey relate to Hell and Punishment we differ. In terms of sins and how they relate to Heaven we differ. But with Sins in terms of how they relate to Divinity itself -we are on the same page.

    God loves Unconditionally. He pitties us for being in sin. Divinity can wash away and Does wash away All sin. In this way, All sins are equally concorable.

    But certain sins cause people to lose themselves more and there fore lose site of their divinity more.

    You can say a person who is a pure glutten and has been for years who values Food above all else is sinning as much as a murderer. But which can Overcome their sin more easily if the Power of Christ is introduced to them by others? At least the glutten would be willing to listen. Do you think a Man who murders is likely to have enough repsect for the lives of others to listen to a person preach about God or hand him a Bible?

    I suppose it would be different on a case by case level, but in General the sins of Habit are easier to ovecome than the sins of Murder/Rape/Abuse...

    Can God wash away these sins from man...Ummmz YAH. Only the Divine could uplift a man from the muck he is drowning in. No one is beyond salvation, but certain people are far furrther from it than others.

    It is easier to convince someone to stop smoking after you show them what the habit will do to their health overtime than it is to convince someone who kills cats why a cat's life has value and why it is wrong for them to do kill cats.

  7. I still think you are rating sins higher or lower than another. Do you really think a person who murders is unreachable compared to someone who eats too much?

    There is a man who wrote 2/3rds of the New Testament. His name was Paul.

    He was a murderer.

    The man who's name is most mentioned in the entire Bible, who wrote the book of Psalms, who Jesus says he's the son of over and over --- his name is David.


    Yes, arguably the two most important people in the Bible outside of Jesus were both murderers, Jessica.

    We'll get to those stories...but I still believe you are putting too much mental energy into dividing sin and not enough energy into the the redemption of God.

    With Christ, sin = who cares what it was?

    Outside of Christ, yep, sins can be rated against one another.


  8. Ha ha ha look how long our comments are. I don't think the topic even relates to the blo anymore.

    Anyways, I'm saying from a Spiritual stand point different Sins have different degrees of challenge and implications/ reprecussions. And you seem to acknowledge that now "Outside of Christ, yep, sins can be rated against one another."

    And we both agree that the key to Spiritual salvation comes in reaching the purified divinity within us a letting go of all the sin and uglyness we bury it under. Essentially to find God in ourselves and let Him overflow our being with His presence. No man is beyond God's redemption -that is agreed.

    So it looks like we're both agreeing now. Either that or I'm just not seeing things strait because I stayed up so late last night. I think I'll go with "we're finally seeing eye to eye".

  9. No, I think you were tired when you said we agreed on stuff I don't know why you dared to blog after a 4am day, but...

    Here's what I believe: I said from the start that from an earthly/physical/flesh/mental point of view, different sins have different consequences. You and I agree on this 100%...on this point here.

    For example, a mass murderer will have a harder time ON EARTH getting over his sins than say, a glutton.

    However, when it comes to the spiritual realm, a glutton and a mass murderer are equal. Both will go to the same place if they don't take care of these sins through Christ, and both will go to the same place if the DO take care of their sins through Christ.

    Christ is the only difference (spiritually) between a righteous person and an unrighteous person. It has zero to do with us, outside of accepting Christ or not.

    And I don't believe we will find God in us anywhere. It's about letting the God outside into us. There is no purity or divinity or goodness in us apart from God.


  10. Awwww... sorry you feel that way. We have souls within us. Spirit and life force. Some are in touch with it and others are not. A man can say he is a Christian and is aligned with God, but ultimately lack that kind of a connection. We allow God into our lives, but that's around the time the Divine was within us the whole time -just burried.

  11. You've been saying "awwww" a lot lately --- you sound like one of those blond valley girls, stop. =) lol

    Anyway, you're confusing. I know this --- without accepting God into our lives, we are lost. Or "Lost", as you would write. I don't care how much "Divine" we have in us.

