Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zodiac 48: Capricorn/ Sagittarius/ Scorpio

Capricorn Behaviors
Capricorns are detail-oriented and cautious people. Their perseverance in getting what they seek is their unique gift. As a Capricorn you may be your own worst enemy, being hard on yourself for tiny imperfections that others ignore. A Capricorn patience and practicality mixed with intellect makes them very successful individuals. If you have known a Capricorn for a longer time, you must have noticed that this individual seems to have an impregnable wall around them. If you look at a Capricorn you will find a calm and reserved person who seems to be oblivious of their surroundings. Capricorn actions are preplanned and rehearsed before putting into action. As a Capricorn occasionally, you will reach for something and having it still doesn't make you happy. A Capricorn can be very unforgiving when crossed. As a Capricorn you have a tendency to believe that your way is always the best. Capricorns understand and values time. A Capricorn hates careless errors. Capricorns will remember everything and make it a point to let everyone know that they do. Capricorns have a down-to-earth approach to thinking and communicating. Capricorns aptitude to persevere, no matter how difficult the road, sets them apart. As a Capricorn you're at your best when you're building on your past and seeing your future come to view. A Capricorn refuses to look at any alternative measures whatsoever - even if it's obvious that things are headed in the wrong direction. A Capricorn under no circumstances will allow you or anyone else to undermine their authority.
Capricorn Relationships
Capricorns' biggest problem is confidence. They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Divorce will be avoided by a Capricorn even if it means having to become more distant or accepting a lot of blame. A Capricorn only says “I love you” when it is meant and does not see any reason to keep repeating it. You won’t catch a Capricorn breaking a promise. On the other hand, they are cautious people who do not enter relationships easily. Capricorns always pitch in when help is needed. They also make sympathetic friends and partners that you can count on. If you are in trouble a Capricorn will surprise you with practical help and support when you need it most.
Capricorns at Work
Capricorns are the ideal people for positions requiring public trust. Ambitious and very goal focused, a Capricorn can take things very seriously until he or she has made it to the top. Capricorns are extremely motivated and disciplined, engaging in strategic planning and long-term results. Capricorns are determined to "make things work". They understated style and are very knowledgeable. As a Capricorn you give an air of financial success so people around you may feel a greater sense of security when dealing with you. Capricorn is the epitome of ambition and accomplishment. As a Capricorn you pride yourself by being successful, ambitious and disciplined, and would make a fabulous teacher.
The Virtues of a Sagittarius
Sagittarius are direct, optimistic and always look out for ways where they can try new things and have fresh experiences. As a Sagittarius you have the knack of being in the right place at the right time. A Sagittarius questions absolutely everything. A Sagittarius isn't likely to leave any stones unturned. The Sagittarius sign knows what it wants and it knows how to make it happen. Knowledge, understanding and answers are the main driving force for a Sagittarius. Sagittarius has an attitude of enjoying a situation until it is entertaining. Sagittarius are level-headed people who think before they act. They look to many different sources for answers. A Sagittarius will laugh about their misfortunes and mistakes, even while being upset or in pain. Sagittarius are very honest and fair-minded. Sagittarius doesn’t follow society’s rules and regulations, even when the world thinks they’re insane. As a Sagittarius you aren't one of those people who needs to have a hundred things on your to do list to feel productive. As a Sagittarius you relish a good debate, a give-and-take conversation of views and ideas. Sagittarius are optimists and always look at the sunny side of the things. Sagittarius interestingly use logic to the maximum in almost everything that they do. There is a kind of spark around the Sagittarius sign that just makes them fun to hang out with. A Sagittarius will provide a very stimulating home. Sagittarius are classic and elegant, a kind of timeless person. As a Sagittarius you would give everything you own to a trusted friend and travel the world at the drop of a hat if you had the means. As a Sagittarius you tend to set higher goals for yourself than others might set for you. Sagittarius never take a step back if danger comes in their way while seeking knowledge. A Sagittarius gives and expects total honesty from everyone. From an early age Sagittarius appreciate the value of things and the satisfaction they can bring.
The Vices of a Sagittarius
A Sagittarius questions absolutely everything. Sagittarius are very critical of those who deny their talents. As a Sagittarius you'll interrupt someone's conversation bluntly if the thought strikes you. You can generally spot a Sagittarius as they keep to themselves and believe that others should do the same. Sagittarius interestingly use logic to the maximum in almost everything that they do. Sagittarius rarely stick with the same group of friends. Sagittarius tends to be too direct though, which can cause turbulence in a relationship.
Sag Work Ethic
Not really team players, Sagittarius assume command and then follow their hunches rather than carefully mapping out things. As a Sagittarius you tend to expect the best in people, even if they disappoint you time and time again. A Sagittarius is enthusiastic, willing, and generally ahead of everyone else in their workplace. As a Sagittarius rather than take your time with a project you're likely to leave it behind or do without it altogether.
Scorpio’s Nature
Scorpios can understand subtle and hidden aspects of situations very easily and absolutely nothing can be kept hidden from them. Scorpios tend to always get what they want. Scorpios are easily adaptable, determined, and instinctive. Scorpios are rulers of their own destiny because they'd rather kill than be killed. Relatively, the overall features of a Scorpio man or woman are always good looking and striking in appearance. Scorpios love experimenting in life, but are also very loyal to whatever they choose. As a Scorpio you like secrets, but you hate dishing the dirt. You believe that is better to keep the secret than to pass it on. As a Scorpio you’re a quietly observant person, keeping an eye on everything. You file all the things you hear and see. Scorpios forgive but never forget, often plotting an enemy’s downfall for years after the betrayal took place. A Scorpio confronts problems directly. They believe if you going to do something then back it up. A Scorpio is never self-effacing. When faced with life challenges, Scorpios typically rise up undefeated. Scorpios don't believe in being indifferent toward anything or anyone and are either 100% involved or 100% uninvolved. Scorpios have a very strong intuition and always focus on knowing who is who. As a Scorpio you have the ability to self-destruct and to destroy others in a matter of seconds.
A Scorpio in Business
If at first a Scorpio doesn't succeed, it only makes him or her more determined to try again and try harder. In business dealings, a Scorpio can use his or her ability to intimidate others as a strength. Scorpio wants to dominate, but can accept some restriction in order to win in the end. As a Scorpio hard work and turning your ambitions into realities are natural to you; once you've decided, then that's it you get on with it. There's nothing that a Scorpio can't uncover, accomplish or manifest. Scorpios do not accept excuses for shoddy or slipshod work, preferring a frank admission of failure over attempts to explain it away.
Scorpios around Others
Scorpios are very secretive and tend to keep everyone at a distance. Scorpios can be demanding in their family relationships, but their actions are generally motivated by love. They prefer the stability of home and hearth. Scorpio relies mostly on their highly developed intuitive faculties to decide how to deal with the immediate surroundings and people. If a Scorpio isn't careful, he or she can become a controlling lover, who is emotionally manipulative to the point of being cruel. A Scorpios rather enigmatic personality can attract or even repel people. Scorpios put up with a lot of crap from their partner due to the innate fear of failure. A Scorpio will never accept that end of relationship (friends or lover) is their fault. It can be difficult for Scorpios to find true love. They have trouble sharing decision-making powers with a partner. A Scorpio eyes stay on the prize and if you want them to notice you, that is where your eyes will be as well. As a Scorpio others can’t help, but be in complete awe of you as well as be totally envious.

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