Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Spiritual Given

Saw a National Geographic video last night called Witchcraft: Myths and Legends.

How does something become a theory? Isn't it by seeing repeated evidence of something that appears to be a recurring natural law? Based on this repeated evidence, you draw a theory. Here it is:

In India, starting with their first real religion Hinduism, there came an acceptance of belief that acknowledge certain natural forces. Most called them Jin (genies). They also acknowledged Naggas and gods. Most of these held the same concept: They were natural spirit entities that controlled certain elements of life (woods, water, fire, crop growth, fertility...) If you made offerings to these spirits, like bringing milk to the snakes which they believed to be Naggas (spirit creatures form the underworld), you would then be protected form them and be given tokens of appreciation. People believed these spirits could do harm if not appeased. They also believed on the God-head (the supreme being of these through which all of life flowed, was created, and emanated from). The source. Each person would pray whichever god or entity he  she chose, but the God-head was always acknowledged as the supreme being.

In Ancient Greece and Rome they believed in these things called gods. There were other beings they also believed in of lesser power like nymphs and goat men- and each god and natural being had it's specific job and purpose. If you pissed off a god or nature spirit -it would wreak havoc on you. Therefore you had to make sacrifices to appease these beings. People could worship whichever being they chose, but there was always acknowledged to be a supreme ruler of these beings. They called him Zeus. The lesser gods could do you favors if you worshipped them -Aphrodite bringing love and Artemis bringing good game from a hunt.

In Ancient Egypt, they worshipped many deities. Each god and goddess had its own specific role -casting night across the land, bringing good fortune to crops, weather control... There were also spirits said roam the deserts and streams. Each person could worship the god of their choosing. Sacrifices were made to appease the gods. As with the other cultures, this usually involved animal sacrifices and food offerings. Sometimes gold. These gods and spirits could protect or harm who they chose. And there was one supreme god that reigned over the others and had the greatest power.

In Ancient Middle and South American tribes -like the Mayan and Aztec- they believed there were multiple gods. They would make sacrifices to appease them. Their sacrifices were occasionally human. I'm not sure if there was a supreme god in their belief system, but I imagine so.

In Africa today and centuries ago they believed in spirits and gods. These entities existed in nature and needed to be appeased through sacrifice. People could ask favors of them to get what they wanted. mall things. Like rain for crops or fertility. This was also the way in Jamaica and Haiti.

In witchcraft -both "dark" and "light", they believe there are gods and spirits one can pray to that must be appeased through rituals and sacrifices. These spirits can harm or aid people. If you call upon them they can do small favors for you. There is a supreme being among these entities.

In Judaism and Christianity, there are said to be other gods people could worship that demanded sacrifice. But a supreme god , the God, asked only that people live as He created them to do. He asked that they worshipped no other gods. He asked that they worship only Him and through Him they would find eternal abundance and salvation. In Christianity, this supreme being came down to earth. Instead of asking for people to give earthly sacrifices to Him, He asked only that they believe in Him and only Him. He then sacrificed Himself for their salvation.

In Buddhism, Buddha asked for no sacrifice and specifically asked not to be prayed to. He said he was Not a god, but was a man trying to find eternal peace. He suggested that people follow his path and he explained his life and his beliefs to them that they may follow his example and achieve harmony with life.

It seems like, regardless of time and place, every culture has acknowledged there are lesser gods and spirit forces in nature. Some of these forces can be destructive or harmful. Others can be benevolent and helpful. People try to appease these nature spirits and communicate with them. They ask small favors of them. These beings can in some cases have direct contact with the person summoning them. From what I've seen, these deities bring no real peace, enlightenment, humility, or virtue to the people worshipping them. Those people still struggle with their flaws and short coming -life in general. They ask for simple favors that ultimately amount to nothing. These deities do nothing for their souls. They do not save them. There is something lacking in the worship of these deities. That they demand respect and sacrifice and obedience, and yet give little of value back in return. Yet I have seen God give people purpose. Deities do not ask people to help others and act out of compassion -they only demand respect and offerings for themselves God asks that His people give help and compassion to the world and sacrificed Himself before everyone had even known He existed.

I believe lesser gods ad spirit beings exist. I also believe these beings are selfish and self-serving. They are put in charge of specific tasks -like weather and crop growth. They therefore lack supreme authority and power. They can aid people physically as they can hurt them physically, but they cannot spiritually do anything for people's souls. These deities are, for the most part, a waste of time in comparison the the Supreme Being from which all life comes from and flourishes. God trumps gods.


  1. "In witchcraft -both "dark" and "light","

    --- which is a bullcrap distinction, IMO. Not that you made it up, but it was mentioned in the documentary. I wanted to pause the video and talk about that, but we were with people that aren't quite in our spiritual sphere atm.

    But witchcraft is dark. Period. Evil.

    "In Judaism and Christianity, there are said to be other gods people could worship that demanded sacrifice. But a supreme god , the God, asked only that people live as He created them to do. He asked that they worshipped no other gods."

    Bible acknowledges power and existence of other gods and withcraft. But the Bible calls them both for what they are --- withcraft being the power of demons, and gods merely being demons in disguise.

    In other words, Zeus exists. He is in reality a demon.

    "In Buddhism, Buddha asked for no sacrifice and specifically asked not to be prayed to. He said he was Not a god, but was a man trying to find eternal peace."

    --- and yet Buddhists do honor and revere him as a god.

    To found a religion and then ask people not to worship you as the god of it is silly and shortsighted.

    Luckily, Jesus has no such shortsightedness. He founded Christianity, and made it clear it's ok to worship Him over it too. *wink*

    "Deities do not ask people to help others and act out of compassion -they only demand respect and offerings for themselves God asks that His people give help and compassion to the world and sacrificed Himself before everyone had even known He existed."

    ---- YES.

    "These deities are, for the most part, a waste of time in comparison the the Supreme Being from which all life comes from and flourishes. God trumps gods."

    --- I have told myself that on the day I tell you I love you, it would be in person. But goodness...when I read things like this, it's very hard for me not to put it in a blog.... >_>

    "a waste of time" --- exactly. Seeking out these lesser demons has a certain value, charm and power. But it is inefficient use of our energy and time. It's like trying to get rich by collecting pennies...much faster ways to make money.

    The book of Hebrews says the same thing to people who worshipped angels. The writer was like, "Why are you worshipping angels??? What a waste of time when you can worship JESUS!!!"


  2. "--- and yet Buddhists do honor and revere him as a god.

    To found a religion and then ask people not to worship you as the god of it is silly and shortsighted."

    -Well it would be like people worshipping Moses as God. That's not what Moses intended, and yet there are probably idiots out there ho worship him as if he was God. Same with Buddha. Some people can't worship without idols. I don't know why but they struggle worshipping without a person to worship to. Buddha said he was a teacher, not a god. But some idiots out there ignore that and treat him like he was one anyway. People misinterpretting a religion should not reflect back on the relgilion itself, though some people treat it as though it does sometime anyway.

    Your last comment was funny because I was just thinking that before I read it. There are people who pray to Saints and angels and aliens, when they should be Praying to God alone. People are crazy :)

  3. As another special side note I will say is that when people open the door to the supernatural/spiritual realm, whether it be to "practice good witchcraft" or not, it's a door that is opened. Everything be it demon, ghost, nature element, or entity is on the other side. You open that door, you can't exactly filter what unseen presence you let in. And you can't exactly shut the door once it's been opened either. Which is why you should avoid opening it in the first place. Don't make portals and don't call out to spirits. Nothing good can ultimately come from it, even if the intent seemed harmless in the first place. Your intentions will not reflect the consequences.
