Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alternative Medicine

If somebody came to me and said: "Look, I've talked to doctors and tried alternative forms of medicine and they all say I'm beyond help at this point. Nothing medicinal or prescribed will do me any good. Is there anything you can think of that could help me? Anything?"

My answer would be this: If you're looking for spiritual forms of healing, I would do 3 things.

1. Usana. I would take an entire bottles worth of whatever nutrients your body is lacking to combat whatever illness you are fighting against.

2. Raiki from a Virgo. Virgos have the gift of spiritual healing. It's the same way with Pisces, only we have the gift of reading people and being border-line psychic. In order to achieve that level though, you have to grow spiritually and develop those kinds of skills. So I would look for someone who was born a Virgo, acknowledged their spiritual gifts, and has purposely gone out of their way to master it by becoming a spiritual healer. That's actually the only kind of spiritual healer I would believe in. Someone who was a verifiable Virgo, who had mastered healing spiritually, who was a spiritual person.

3. Convert to Christianity. This one may sound a little crazy, but if it were a person who was serious about getting healed and modern medicine wasn't working -I'd do this. I would baptize that person and start them reading the Bible daily. Thy would have to practice "spiritual reflection" daily too to get their mind re-oriented where it should be. I would also recommend they do yoga just because it is a good way to get yourself in-line with your inner soul. I would make sure they were being honest and open with the religion and really allowing themselves to take it in -you can't half-ass this.

Reasoning: Some people might say I'm a little bonkers for suggesting steps 1-3 so now I'd like to present my reasonings.

Reason Number 1 for Suggestion Number 1: Medicine isn't as effective as people think it is and when you really look at it, it can seem almost frightening. Pharmaceutical companies don't take as much care as they should in developing drugs. They're more interested in quick profit than testing a drug out for years and years before giving it to the masses. Who knows how much money is "wasted" in testing drugs that then turn out to be no good. So, because they are a profit-seeking business, occasionally pharmaceutical companies take short-cuts and put out drugs before they are thoroughly tested.
Then doctors are often paid by pharmaceutical companies t give their products to patients. So suddenly it is easier for your doctor to skip the waiting and the lab tests and the suggestions of living a healthier lifestyle, to just give you a pill.
The body is a linked system. When one part of your body is having issues and you give it medicine, more often than not that medicine will have negative side effects on other parts of your body. Sometimes it's just headaches or slight fever, but other times it's blood clots and kidney failure. At some point the medicine you take almost seems more harmful than what you are treating it for.

In this scenario medicine has been eliminate as a possible solution to your medical issue, so Nutrition/Exercise/Eating Healthy is your next best bet.

Reason Number 2 for Suggestion Number 2: I watched a show about kids with "psychic" gifts. One kid could predict natural disasters. She would get a headache and a sever stomach ache, but doctors said they couldn't find anything wrong with her. She would then have visions of bad things happening -like floods or volcanoes. This would occur maybe once a year. She predicted Hurricane Katrina and other known earthquakes. She says he doesn't know where they will happen, but she does feel them coming the week before they hit.

Another kid said she was a spiritual healer. She's about 10 years old. She first found that when she brushed her arm along a relatives body she could see/feel what was wrong with them. She predicted her uncle was having internal issues that he wasn't even aware of until after she'd told him. He then went to the doctor and it was confirmed that he had what she said he had. She has also diagnosed other family members and people outside of her family. Because she is unfamiliar with medical terms, she would often describe what she was seeing happen internally and would draw pictures to describe what the problem was and how it was causing pain.

Like I said, it isn't magic it's just the way people's minds work. You'd think it'd be the way their souls work, but technically we're all endowed with the same spiritual essence -so really it's how people tap into their spirit and use it in their physical environment. I think a lot of general spiritual healing -the kind any average person can sign up for- is actually just more of the placebo effect. If people genuinely believe they will be healed, they start to recover. Either way, Raiki by a Virgo is a good way to go.

Reason for Solution 3: If the physical environment can't heal you, then you have to turn to Spirituality. And if your going to go the spiritual route and give it all that you've got, the Raiki will only get you so far. Like most psychic interactions, it is mostly dependent on how open and spiritual the person being read psychically or healed spiritually is. The person doing the spiritual healing has to be spiritual, but so does the person being healed. The highest point a soul can be uplifted to is heaven. If you want to uplift your soul on earth you need to make it heaven-bound.

Here's another way of looking at it: God did not intend for man to feel pain, sickness, or death. God intended man to live forever in peace and grace. Sin/Vice/the Devil ruined those plans and here we are. If you want to remove pain and illness from your life, you have to remove vice and all negativity, and embrace God and the Light. This involves spiritual focus, physical invocation (baptism), mental faith, and emotional endurance. If illness and disease is the mud you wander around in on earth, you must wash yourself clean of the earth itself and rise to a place where it cannot touch you. 

Anyways, if nothing else after going through these solutions you will end up healthier than before and more spiritually at peace with yourself and the world.


  1. "Convert to Christianity. This one may sound a little crazy," ---, becoming a Christian was the CRAZY part of your list? LOL...'re the best, Doe. =)

