Friday, December 30, 2011

I Wonder...

My friend suggested to me that Buddhism -along with being redundant with things already pointed out in the Bible- deviates into a false land of spirituality that misleads people to believe in things like emphasis on "the self" and crazy notions like reincarnation.

Firstly - "The self" is what Buddhism tries to eliminate. "The self" is what gets people into trouble. It is called Ego and barrier and keeps people from coming together as ONE. Which is kind of what Jesus wanted. He kept telling people not to judge others and divide themselves from coming together as One Nation under God Inadvisable... and yet people kept doing that anyway. Both Buddha and Jesus tried to unite people and make them see they were all One in God's eyes.

Anyways, that aside, I was wondering: What would have happened to the East if Hinduism hadn't been (which of course led to Buddhism).  It's kind of like wondering what would have happened if Judaism had never existed (which paved the way for Christianity). The each "first religion" was a good start in the right direction but only reached a state of "perfection" when the "last religion" came around to complete it.

What would the East have been like without Hinduism/Buddhism? Maybe they would have founded some other religion of a different name, but the with the same notions and the same end result. It seems almost Destined and fated that the East would have developed these religions as it has. Buddhism isn't Satanism. The East could have done far worse. And it was too strong to be concurred by the West. The East wasn't meant to only adopt Christianity, just as the West was not destined to adopt Buddhism by concurring and hostile take over and conversion. So given that the East would never have been christian on its own and the West would never have been Buddhist on its own -Both were lucky to find the religions that they did. They could have done Far worse.

It seems like a Christian can understand and respect Buddhism and a Buddhist can understand and respect Christianity. Both have lots of common ground to agree upon -kind of like the East and the West itself. But neither religion is compatible with Satanism. In fact both would reject that religion instantly because it directly conflicts and contradicts theirs. Even a "live and let live" Buddhist would take issue with someone who went out of their way to justify violence and hate -Darkness. Both Christianity and Buddhism aim for Perfection through Grace and Spirituality.

It would be a shame and a loss to any individual -be it a Christian or a Buddhist to have their religion erased from history. It would in fact be a loss to humanity if either religion were denied and taken away from those who practice and follow their teachings. What would the West be without Christianity? Nothing. What would the East be without Buddhism? Nothing. Neither would have anything of quality and virtue and faith to fall back on. There is no other system in their cultures that stand to uplift and lead people to good the way those two religions do.

So how can it be said that either religion would misguide people and lead them astray? Without either religion in an individual person's life -what are they being led by if not astray itself?

I believe with the whole of my being there is Validity that cannot be contained, fathomed, or ignored in each of these two religions. People were not meant to "accidentally by chance" come to understand and practice these to faiths. These are Faiths of Fate. To exclude one or both is to deny an individual of his or her greatest chance in life to Be in connectivity to the Divine. To become Spiritual and Perfected through these beliefs and to find a path to God. These two religions are needed on this planet just as they were needed in their own separate hemispheres. They are needed to complete a vision and a message sent by God to His creations. That message is to Understand life and Respect it and all who share it. To come together and live in Grace.


  1. You're equalizing Buddhism and Christianity --- my official stand is that Buddhism isn't even a religion, it is a philosophy. That's the only reason why one can be a Buddhist AND a Christian, because in terms of divinity, Buddhism doesn't threaten the authority of God.

    Also, you're cutting east and west in half as if one can do it so easily. What about the billions of people who lived and died in Turkey, Asia Minor, other words, the people right in the middle?

    What about the billions of Christians in China today? The thousands of Christians being baptized in India today?

    The fact that Christianity began in the Middle East, the very center and cradle of the whole world?

    To make Christianity a "Western" religion is...well, it's actually funny. Christianity is worldwide now, was worldwide meant, and worldwide planned by Jesus and not focused on any one region.


  2. It was Westernized in its cutlure originally. It was written closer to Europe and the East didn't really adopt it. It was the Middle East, but Europe was the one who ran with it the most, promoted it, converted other nations to follow it... And most Europeans weren't Buddhists. India and China and "the East" ran with that religion initially. And now today they have crossed and blended more globally. But I'm still pretty sure most Christians are in Europe, South America, and North America. And most Buddhists are in India, China, and more Easten countries.

    Some would say Buddhism is a philosophy. But philosophies deal with earthly life, not really the afterlife. You get into afterlife notions, you start wandering more into Religious territory. And Buddhism mentions Spirituality, the Universe, and Reincarnation, Karma,...Most philosophies don't usually include things like that. They may mention God every once in a while, but they deal with more Earthly situations and concepts.

    I think when Buddhists say it's just a philosophy, not a religion it's because they are afraid to commit to it in front of people. It's a cop out. They don't want to be "controversial" or cause a stir because they have a different religion than others. It's the same reason people say they're more "spiritual" than religious -and by religious they mean Christian. They're afraid to commit.

  3. How can Christianity be "Westernized in its culture originally"?

    Just because "The West" took it and ran with it doesn't mean "The West" influenced the core of what Jesus taught.

    If you let "The West" define Christianity, then you won't believe in baptism as part of salvation, will not understand the Lord's Supper, and will think Jesus is a white guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

    Again, it is a religion which is meant to be shared by the entire world. That's what Jesus' intent was, and that's what's happening.

    Here are the official stats:

    Among all Christians, 37.5% live in the Americas, 25.7% live in Europe, 22.5% live in Africa, 13.1% live in Asia, 1.2% live in Oceania and 0.9% live in the Middle East.

    And it's the fastest growing religion in the world...still (depending on who you ask, but even people who don't say it is say that it is very close to first).

    You don't understand the massive number of Christians on the planet.

    There are 2.1 BILLION people who claim to be Christians.

    That is 2,100,000,000.

    There are 376 million people who claim to be Buddhist.

    That's 376,000,000.

    In other words, Christianity is 5 TIMES BIGGER THAN BUDDHISM. The entire Buddhist religion can fit in CHristianity 5 times.

    I don't see how you can match the two sides as if they are equal sides of a cake. It makes no sense geographically, historically, mathematically, or culturally.

    Mathematically, there are 273 million Christians in the "East", and growing faster than any religion there.

    There are only 376 million Christians in the WORLD. TOTAL.

    To say that Buddhism should only apply philosophically is indeed a cop out. But a wise one, IMO


  4. *There are only 376 million Buddhists in the WORLD. TOTAL.

  5. Among all Christians, 37.5% live in the Americas, 25.7% live in Europe, 22.5% live in Africa, 13.1% live in Asia, 1.2% live in Oceania and 0.9% live in the Middle East.

    -So 63.2% live in "The West", 22.5% live in Africa, and 13.1% live in the "East".

    And does "Christianity" include Catholicism? And what is the primary religion of Asia? And how does Population size compare in Asia v. The Americas and Europe?

    And for my final question: Why would there be more Chrisitans than Buddhists? How is it that Chrisitanity got spread so vastly to various parts of the world? Oh yeah, crusades by Europe. They forced people to convert to Christianity. I don't recall buddhist forcing anyone to convert. Maybe THAT is why there are less Buddhists and more Chrisitians. It's at least a major contributing factor.

    And I don't think size counts because at one point in time there were more Greeks believing in their mythologies about gods than there were Jews. And at one point there were more Jews refusing to believe in Jesus than there were Chrisitians. And how many Muslims are there currently in the world compared to Christianity? Since the size of Islam is so large, then that religion must have great validity to it that should be followed.

    You make it seem like Buddhism is an amusing notion, and nothing more. And it's ironic because that's what a lot of "spiritual" people say about Christianity -that's it's all show and hype -though they still acknowledge they believe in God.

  6. "And does "Christianity" include Catholicism?"

    --- Yes. And?

    "And what is the primary religion of Asia?"

    --- Islam. 1 Billion people in Asia are Muslim.

    "And how does Population size compare in Asia v. The Americas and Europe"

    --- Population of Asia: 3,879,000,000
    Population of N. America: 528,720,588
    Population of S. America: 385,742,554
    Population of Europe: 731,000,000

    "How is it that Chrisitanity got spread so vastly to various parts of the world? Oh yeah, crusades by Europe."

    --- The Crusades took place only in a very small section of the Middle East, around Jerusalem. That does not account for the worldwide growth of Christianity, sorry.

    "Maybe THAT is why there are less Buddhists and more Chrisitians"

    --- Would be good to study the really wasn't that big of a deal in terms of Christianity around the world. In fact, in the end, the Christians got beat! Please study up on this.

    Christianity is the world's most popular religion because it's the only religion truly with a worldwide view that appeals to all classes and peoples.

    It's the only one created and endorsed by God for the people of earth. *shrug*. It's no surprise that it is very successful, honestly.

    "And I don't think size counts because at one point in time there were more Greeks believing in their mythologies about gods than there were Jews. And at one point there were more Jews refusing to believe in Jesus than there were Chrisitians. And how many Muslims are there currently in the world compared to Christianity? Since the size of Islam is so large, then that religion must have great validity to it that should be followed."

    --- You make a good point, however, the validity of any religion is, well, if it survives. Greek mythology is dead. Judaism is barely around outside of Jews, and not practiced how it originally was. Islam is already dividing amongst itself.

    Judeo-Christianity (because you cannot separate Christianity from Judaism, they are together) is the oldest religion in the world that is still around.

    That means a lot.

    "You make it seem like Buddhism is an amusing notion, and nothing more."

    --- ....and this is why you were annoyed with me yesterday, if you honestly believe this.

    If you *honestly* believe this about me, then you were annoyed.

    Or you were just trying to make me feel some kind of guilt over it, which is an interesting new technique you are using on me recently. O.o

    Either way, it's a ridiculous thing to say to a fellow truth-seeker.


  7. I honestly feel sometimes you belittle Buddhism. It seems like you do that to a lot of religions actually. You are always marking flaws in them and counting them out. I guess for you it's process of elimination logically, but it also marks the difference in our natures and the way we choose to view things. You are more exclusive in what you focus on religiously and I try to be more inclusive. It's the same with the way we view people as well. It's not bad or good, it's just the way we see things.

    It reminds me of when I play cards actually. When I played Hearts on the computer yesterday, I would do this thing where I would get rid of all the bad cards I and focus on not getting stuck with any more bad cards. It seems that way with you. You hold on to the good cards, discard the bad cards, and play low observing what's coming and pushing it away into somebody else's hand. You keep hold of your religion and when people present theirs you assume there's going to be something wrong with it so you don't take any cards for yourself you just let others take them all. In that way you get the benefit of never having to risk getting a bad card. The Queen of Spades and hearts (negative points) gets avoided. But you also don't take enough risk to get the Jack of Diamonds (Positive points). You seem closed off from taking in some of the risk to obtain something greater. Exploring spirituality and being honestly open to take in new religions involves risk -like being led into witchcraft and scientlogy. You have to be strategic and wise about it, but you can ultimately embetter yourself if you do find the religions that give advice and guidance in a way that isn't necessarily given in detail in the Bible.

    You can widdle down a religion and flaw it beyond recognition in your mind until it's shards of nothing. Or you can cut away the fat and find the substance within. I like to see the good in things and discard the negative (at least in religion and with people -in cards I avoid the risk and possibility of getting negative cards altogether letting someone else take the Jack). I see great truth and wisdom in Buddhism -whether it be deemed a religion or a philosophy and whether it be practiced by everyone or just a few people. I'm going to take in the good. You say it conflicts with Christian views, which is why I seek to understand Christianity more so I can understand those views and see if there aren't places where what seems to be contradiciotn is actually just a lack of spiritual linking that is in fact there, but has not been commonly understood or explained.
    For instance reincarnation can be a part of the spiritual system -as I believe now more fully and clearly that it is based on recent readings. The concept of Heaven is also more clear and real to me now and Both are more closely linked than I initially thought. All of this has brought me deeper and greater peace of mind and heart. I feel more at ease with the life and death now. Sometimes I worry though that if I share my views they will fall on wasted words with you. I feel like until I fully know the Bible, you won't really appreciate or accept anything I have to say on a spiritual level. You will see me as uneducated on spiritual doctrine and therefore whatever beliefs I may share would be deemed more "fantasy and illogical dream" than anything reality based. I will come in handy to you when it comes to sharing thoughts on the Bible as we go through it. But as for any notions I have independetly that don't directly reference the Bible, I don't think you'd honestly be interested in entertaining the idea of any of them. And that's fine. I would genuinely prefer just focusing on the Bible with you and going through it.

  8. "I honestly feel sometimes you belittle Buddhism."

    --- Where? Do I insult it? Put it down? I simply don't place it at the same level of Christianity.

    "It seems like you do that to a lot of religions actually"

    --- Where? We have the same exact view on other religions...we *only* disagree on Buddhism (right now). You are the one who made a whole blog doing comparative religions...please show me where I'm doing this in a way that you are not.

    "You are always marking flaws in them and counting them out."

    --- I'm interested in going to heaven and helping others get there. It's my life's purpose. I am a caretaker of souls. My job.

    If you were working for the American government and your job was to test which cars were the safest, it would be your job to point out which cars were good, which cars were bad, and which cars should be avoided.

    You'd be working for Consumer Report. That's what they do.

    You seem to be putting a negative light on what is my profession.

    "You are more exclusive in what you focus on religiously and I try to be more inclusive. "

    --- A danger for me is to be so exclusive that I turn into a bigot, and a danger for you is that you become so inclusive that you become useless in terms of helping anyone. We've been through this before. I don't believe either of us have gone too far in the wrong direction, but we are both about as close to going to far as one can go and not go to far. And so this causes irritation in the other.

    "It's the same with the way we view people as well.

    --- Examples please? I'm a minister of a church of over 150 with peoples of all shapes, sizes, and cultures. I'm extremely inclusive when it comes to people. I don't know where you're getting this stuff from.

    "Exploring spirituality and being honestly open to take in new religions involves risk -like being led into witchcraft and scientlogy. You have to be strategic and wise about it, but you can ultimately embetter yourself if you do find the religions that give advice and guidance in a way that isn't necessarily given in detail in the Bible."

    --- O.K. This is how I've always lived my life and this is why I have good knowledge of every belief that I've ever come across. Just because I chose one to be 100% Truth doesn't mean that I don't see the value in others. You're preaching to the choir (which means you are telling me what I already know and live by)

    "Sometimes I worry though that if I share my views they will fall on wasted words with you."

    --- Since when have I not entertained every single one of your thoughts? Where the heck is all this coming from? I have entered the world of your blog willingly and have learned much from you. I give you my thoughts to Improve. I trust you. Huh?


  9. "I feel like until I fully know the Bible, you won't really appreciate or accept anything I have to say on a spiritual level."

    --- O.K. Now I'm tripping out.

    At times, I feel as if I gloat about you too much...because when I do, you stay silent. You never say thank you. You just move on. And so I figure you don't want to hear it.

    But dear many times do I have to emphasize your importance in my life? How many words do I have to use?


    I have said you are on a path WITH me. I want to teach you all that I know so that we would have equal standing, and I have shown you by my actions (joining your blog, working on a comic with you, contacting you daily) that I want to learn more of you.

    Do you not believe a word I have said? Do you still not believe it?

    So amazing. This morning I had a vision of us traveling the world and exploring different cultures for one purpose... LEARN and EXPERIENCE. Finally someone who I know would value learning above any discomfort, above food, above sleep.

    I don't understand...just because I'm showing you different angles of Buddhism, you forget all that we have done? Really? Blow it all up because of Buddhism?

    "But as for any notions I have independetly that don't directly reference the Bible, I don't think you'd honestly be interested in entertaining the idea of any of them. And that's fine. I would genuinely prefer just focusing on the Bible with you and going through it."

    ---- SINCE WHEN????

    What more must I do to prove that I'm interested in you? Dear I thought I was doing too much, and it seems I haven't done enough...


    What more must I do...


  10. Since our Conversation today I feel more reassured. Whenever I see you give Kudos to my thoughts I feel accomplished and happy, and then I move on to where I can contribute new thoughts. It feels weird for me to say thank you because that's a "polite response" for a compliment someone gives to you to be polite. I didn't think you were saying it just to be polite, I thought you genuinely appreciated.I don't exactly know what the proper response is to someone genuinely embracing and appreciating your thoughts. I know I feel a boost of confidence and I'm happy, then I forge on to see where my next typing adventure takes me.

    And I still don't think you'll like to hear about some of my thoughts and beliefs -especially the more spiritual ones- but we'll see. I'll type and see what happens.

  11. You simply need to start believe the full magnitude of my words. I give you props 95% of the time. You hate and despise the 5%. But if I lied about the 5% to you, I would be useless to you. Just a mere flatterer.

    I tell you the truth about how I feel. So you should know that even if the 5% hurts, the other 95% is very true.

    "And I still don't think you'll like to hear about some of my thoughts and beliefs -especially the more spiritual ones- but we'll see. I'll type and see what happens."

    --- I probably won't *like* to hear them just as you don't *like* to hear my views at times. But this is the challenge in one another. This is why we can be assured that we are real with each other.

    The day we both sugarcoat our thoughts spiritually within ourselves and within each other, that's the day our friendship will lose the special quality that it has.

    We'd still be friends...but just a typical one that really doesn't have much meaning anymore.

