Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Alcohol and Ghosts

Well to start with, I had a freaky experience none that long ago at mumsies house.

But before that happened I had an awesome experience at Wealthbowl in Palm Springs!!! This event took place from Thursday-Sunday.

The Monday after I got back in town, I repacked and headed out to Oakdale. I had an early flight the next morn with my mom and step-dad. Monday night I experienced some seriously messed up stuff. Nowhere else on earth do I experience these sorts of things.

It's hard to remember, but I woke up in the middle of the night and my head felt weird. It was dizzy, but more than that, it felt strange in a paranormal sort of way that I hadn't experienced before. It seriously felt like radio waves were mixing up my brain signals or something. I trade to shake it off an ignore it, but I couldn't. To be honest the best I can describe it is some sort of space alien brain scrambling.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror my head didn't seem right to me. I felt the top of my head, and it seemed strange and abnormally large. I honestly felt like a conehead and for a second I thought I was hallucinating or my body and head were part alien. I didn't know what was happening and I was scared. I went and turned on the light in the kitchen -something I'd done once before when i experienced ghost stuff. I was so freaked out I actually walked over to my mom's room and called her name -something I'd practically never done before. Our dog Riley came out. She wasn't acting strange or sensing anything unusual, so that assured me.

I went back into my room, keeping the light in the kitchen on. I laid back down thinking that the moving around would make it all go away. It didn't. It kicked back into full gear and my mind started spinning again. I got up and turned off the computer that had been left on in the room -thinking that may have been what caused it. Nope. It kept happening.

After a couple of minutes my step-dad came in and asked why the kitchen light was on. I tried to brush off what had happened. I told him I felt dizzy, but not nauseous. He said, "Ok, just go back to sleep." Then my mom came in and asked if the ghost was bugging me. I told her no. Then they both left. The brain issues then started up again and I was frightened. I thought about calling my friend Alex, but it was late and I wanted to believe what was happening wasn't that bad and that I was just over-reacting. It's hard for me to ask for help from people for some reason.

I did post some tweets on twitter hoping someone -namely my friend- would call. I was actually debating recording the event, but I was too tired and decided not to. I hate that house. There is seriously something wrong with it.

The next morning we got up early to head out for our flight to Arkansas to visit with my sister and her husband who just had a baby.

The visit was actually kind of boring. We mostly hungout at their house and watched videos. The baby didn't cry much, but it also didn't do much. She's too young to crawl around and stuff. She mostly slept, drank milk, and pooped. It was good seeing my sister Sarah though :)

Every time I spend time with my mom I wonder why I have a rule not to spend over a week with her. I keep thinking that it won't be that bad. Then by the end of the week I want to get as far away from her as humanly possible. Some people grow on you and some people grow apart from you.

My resentment started when we got on the airplane to Arkansas on Tuesday. My mom had two little shot glasses of alcohol on the plane. It was noonish and I was like, "Yup, that's mom."

Then during the week at Sarah's house, she kept talking over and over again about her experience raising kids. She kept saying what a loser my father was in the baby-raising department. Then she would have a glass of Crown Royal in the afternoon. Another around 3-ish and a bottle of beer at night. Each night. Then she would have another glass when we got to the hotel at 10pm. She was also going through hot-flashes so the air conditioner would turn on in the middle of the winter night and freeze the room.

By the end of the week my mom was getting more and more incoherent and annoyingly redundant. On the plane ride home she had a drink at 6pm on the flight. Then another full glass of beer at 7pm waiting for the next flight. Another shot of alcohol during that flight. Then a glass of of beer when we got home at 11pm.

My mom is an alcoholic. It bugs me. She still functions technically, but her health keeps plummeting. I don't feel sorry for her anymore. I've told her she should watch the beer, but she always takes it personally and says she's a grown-up and knows what she's doing.

Last night -Monday night- I woke up at exactly 3pm. I sensed that uncomfortable feeling like someone was near. Stupid ghost. But at least it wasn't that weird brain feeling. I spent a week in a hotel and feltnothing, then the one night I pop in at mom's I wake up for no good reason and start sensing the "presence" feeling. I turned over and tried to ignore it and focus on my breathing. It didn't work at first and I still felt afraid, but after 5 minutes or so it depleted. The feeling remained for about 30 minutes, and then I finally went back to sleep. I hate that house.


  1. "It's hard for me to ask for help from people for some reason." --- It's your pride. I have begun praying every day for it to be killed in you, because it can really mess you (and I) up one day.

    Nevertheless, because of this incident, you got me checking up on you on twitter like crazy...sigh...

    "The feeling remained for about 30 minutes, and then I finally went back to sleep. I hate that house." --- We need to figure out a way for me to spend a night there with you guys.


  2. No one should spend the night there. It's a vortex of things that will create lack of sleep.

  3. Yeah well, if you want me to believe in your theories, I'd need to experience for myself.

