Sunday, December 11, 2011

Education in Signs

Water aei
Scorpio e
Cancer a
Pisces i
Shy, Reserved
Earth _cg
Virgo c
Taurus _
Capricorn g
Shy, Modest
Libra d
Gemini `
Aquarius h
Sagittarius f
Leo b
Aries ^

"It's not an exact science, but basically you change within your sign (Gemini will change to Libra or Aquarius for example) when it comes to Emotions, Mental Acuity, Physicality, and Spirituality.

You shift or adopt tendencies from another Element sign when you Gain or Lose Confidence/ Outgoingness."

I am a brilliant monkey. Ha ha ha. I was going to make a point I think I already made. Oh well, I'll just reiterate it then. Education and one other thing I forgot but I know I wrote down in a previous blog... probably Confidence... is significant in defining  person's Signhood. I would also add Vice to Virtue ratio.

The main one I want to focus on right now is Education.
When people are less educated:

1. They tend to act more Emotional. They find it challenging to understand thoughts and concepts outside of their realm of knowledge and become insecure/emotional about whatever topic is given. Some even become stubborn or resistant to it.

2. People who are More educated tend to Worry more. This fear/doubt/worry prevent them from relaxing, participating in, focusing, and enjoying life. "Ignorance is Bliss" is suppose.

3. The Educated are also more "Mental" and their mind becomes a defining factor in their lives (which changes their signhood). They usually act more calm and do not tend to react as emotionally.

All this being said, I know 2 Scorpios. One graduated from college. The other immigrated from a humble life in the Philippines.

The educated Scorpio acts very charming, reserved, quiet, calm, eloquent, rational...

The Philippine Scorpio acts very very Emotional and erratic, spontaneous, lively, loud, spirited, energetic...

It's interesting to see what happens to signs when they don't get the level of education they Need. We really need to be giving this country more of the knowledge its citizens need to reach their greatest potential.

From what I've seen, if a sign NEEDS education, but doesn't get it -they will become more Emotional. If thatsign then has negative VICES, their emotions will also become Viceful. They will become more selfish, aggressive, angry, manipulative...
However, if a sign is less educated and more emotional but has more Virtues than Vices, their emotions will be more Vituous in nature: kind, loving, spirited, happy...

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