Friday, December 23, 2011

God is a Visionary

Everyone shares the same vision of a Utopia. Maybe not initially, but when you dig deep, the site is there:

A peaceful place without pain where one every person never has the need for need because they have plenty and are satisfied and fulfilled.

Some may add ice cream rainbows and lollipop forests, but the desire for candy comes from the joy of Taste, which is a sense. Senses and hungers are never satiated, which is why it is even hard to imagine Utopia without them. The ultimate Utopia would have no need for Taste because everyone would enjoy themselves and their state of being as they are, not as they could be. They would not be found wanting in any way.

So you can say you want ice cream in Utopia, but it's only because you've never experienced not having the yearning to want ice cream.

Anyways, I believe this is God's vision for people.

All great institutions have a founding leader who envisioned the purpose and ultimate goal for the institutions legacy to fulfill. Then the leader delegates others to carry out the vision. Then it's like a game of telephone and as the vision gets further from its source it begins to take on a life of its own and become reinterpreted many many times by many many people. The more concrete a system you have in place, the more consistent the vision is with the reality of the institution.

Take Usana for example. Dr. Wentz, its founder, had a Vision. In his mission statement he said he wanted to create the highest quality nutritional supplements to make people have the greatest optimum health they can achieve.

Now this vision is a noble one. Dr.Wentz clearly states he wants to make the world physically healthier. This will decrease the chance for diseases in people in the long run and give people more energy and vitality. He doesn't just want people to live, but to live well -physically speaking. Part of the training process Usananites go through is reading his vision an hearing him speak on DVDs about his goals. It's moving and it hits home with people. I'm sure some individuals could care less, but the system they have in place ensures that at the very least -even if the vision is neglected by the sales crew- the goal giving people better nutrition in their lives is still achieved.

God is such a visionary. He has a dream. I believe the lines of His vision to be the one we all wish for: The Land of Utopia. unfortunately, reality is in play right now. I think what God wants of people at this time is to strive for Utopia and adhere to some basic concepts.

1. Do not act violently, hatefully, or abusively in any way.
2. Don't have inappropriate sexual relations.
3. Don't engage in the abuse of drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances.
4. Act out of compassion.
5. Be knowledgeable, but not condescending.
6. Be Virtuous.
7. Avoid sin -lying, gluttony, greed... Not because it is insulting to God, but because it moves people further from His vision and leads them further off the beaten path into dark forests of emptiness.
8. Do not hurt others emotionally/ physically.

I'm going to stop here. I don't feel physically well. I ate too many cookies earlier. Also this isn't coming out the way I wanted it to in my head.

The point is, God wants us to carry out His vision. If people don't carry it out, it's either because they haven't seen the vision, or they honestly don't care about it. You can talk to people about the most beautiful dreams and goals you can think of, and some are just too blind to see or even conceive of them.

It's like with Usana. Only the Usananites who have seen the vision and carry it out will actually achieve Dr. Wentz's vision. Only through them will it become a reality. Same with people and God. Only the people who see God's vision and try to uphold it and make the dream a reality will 1. get to enjoy the benefits of it and 2. share those benefits with others.

And the fact is, the vision never leaves the person once they've seen it. There are dozens of people I've met who have heard of or were part of Usana. They tell me, "Yah that is a great company". Even if they don't work there anymore, they still believe and acknowledge the vision. They still uphold that the nutritional supplements are of high quality. They still take the supplements themselves and will continue to do so for years, along with others they have shared the products with. They just don't work for the company itself.

I think that's what God gives to people. He gives them dreams and goals all tied into His greater design plan to achieve His true vision. The virtues and visions people strive for are part of a larger, greater line of site not everyone can see yet.

1 comment:

  1. I like your 8 points.

    Bible says that God has a dream for all of us. He believe in great things for all of us.

    Up to us to fulfill His dream in us...

