Friday, December 2, 2011


My friend appears to be spreading concerns that I might be doing wrong by stating that I think "I'm wise for someone my age, especially when my limited experiences in life have not helped me obtain that wisdom; it's a Pisces thing".

He thinks this line of thought will make me pretentious and ignorant of other Truths I am unaware of. So to ease my friend's mind i ill write this blog to explain my sense of "wisdom".

Firstly, part of being wise is realizing there is infinite amount of information to know and the only being capable of obtaining and withholding it all is God. Consequently, there are a lot of Facts in the world, but not as much Wisdom reflecting on them. God's been around longer than anyone and has more time to reflect on the entire expanse of life. God will always be Wiser and more knowledgeable than man.

Secondly, when I say I am wise it is because I acknowledge I have
Found Wisdom. This "wisdom" is Truth I see repeated over and over again from the mouths of people many consider to be wise. The advice and knowledge imparted is also greatly helpful in guiding yourself through life along the best path. Some of this wisdom I figured out on my own, but most of it came from other sources I believe all trace back to the Divine where it came from.

So saying you have obtained wisdom is to say you have come to a higher state of reasoning and enlightenment. But most people are smart enough to realize -there is No ceiling to wisdom. There'sno point when you can stand in front of all that is and say, "I know everything." That's stupid.

I think what my friend fears of me is that I will believe to no more than I do and out reach my hand further than my grasp. I've seen this with people and Pisces have the vice of being condescending. But that doesn't come from what we know of wisdom. Wisdom speaks to Humbling Yourself. It's from Facts accumulating that people get pretentious. They think because they know fact and are intelligent they can hold power over people or raise themselves up. The wise know better than to be condescending. I don't know how you can be wise or claim to be wise and be condescending about it. It's like a paradox.

Thirdly, to be condescending you have to have an Ego -and a highly developed one at that. This is a vice of a Pisces because Pisces lack self-confidence. They doubt themselves. Therefore, having rarely experienced self-confidence they invest in Ego instead and place more emphasis on their appearances than in acceptance of self. It requires wisdom to make the distinction within the person. Steve Jobs for example invested in Ego -not Spirituality and Wisdom. Steve was smart, but not wise.

Fourthly, you can say you are wise without bragging about it or using it as a way to boost your own ego. It's all in how you look at it. I don't take credit for all the wisdom I've obtained. Many others before me had the wisdom and simply passed it on to future generations -same as Jesus and Buddha did. Knowing wisdom is a shared benefit that no one outside of God can take credit for, there is no Ego or Pride to be found in it. Wisdom is there. It's available to anyone to know and understand. But it usually takes people a while to do the understanding portion of it. Like when your parent gives you a rule not to break -you don't understand the rule until you break it or follow it and see the results. Galileo wasn't wise for knowing the sun didn't revolve around the earth -he just found a truth others hadn't figured out for themselves yet. There was no Ego to it. Just truth.

There was actually an instance where this occurred yesterday. In WFG there was a guy trying to hit SMD before December 1st. So on top of doing appointments like crazy, he actually got members of his team to buy life insurance policies. He asked them too and really pushed for it. Granted the life insurance will help these people beyond greatly with their retirement -but the decision was pressed on them more than it normally would have been. And when recognition came last night and all those who sold policies stood up and this guy was asked how many policies had he gotten and for how much -he hesitated and stumbled around saying it was a team effort and he didn't want to say the amount. He couldn't take credit for somebody else's work. His humility stopped him and kept his Ego in check.

Lastly, most people don't understand or fully appreciate wisdom even when it is handed to them until they Live it. Until they experience something that speaks to what the wisdom was talking about, they are just dead words. Sometimes there is wisdom I come across that I can recognize as being of a higher state of reasoning and reflection, but can't apply to my own life because I haven't experienced it.

 It's not wrong to say I am wise, or I have obtained wisdom. It's when you believe you've hit a ceiling that isn't there and are now better than other people because you think you know more than they do. I know of more wisdom than some, but that doesn't make me wiser than anyone else -just wise in my own right. This wisdom can be passed along to anyone who can grasp it just as well, and often it is -as it is meant to be


  1. I hear you. I feared you would begin to think of yourself as so wise that you were above reproof or more knowledge or correction. There is something else in you that I don't see on the Pisces charts:

    You are VERY stubborn.

    I feared that this stubbornness linked with the belief that you were above correction would render you to be a pretty useless person in time. But you have gotten rid of those fears with this blog.

    It is not wrong to call yourself "wise" as long as right along with that declaration, you say that you have a long way to go in terms of knowledge and your wisdom is like a spit in the wind compared to that of God.

    But you can make it much easier on yourself and just say you're stupid. =) Shorter, more accurate, and it's Biblical. =)


  2. Pisces stubborness isn't like other signs. They are gullible in some ways -but mostly through Socaial situations. Depending on the level of education there can be some pisces that come off as condescending, but most have Humility written on their genes because of their subordinate nature. Only a pisces that reaches Leadership positions has to worry about developing an Ego over Self-Confidence.

    The way it works: When a blue liquid is mixed with clear water, at first it just kind of swirld around. Over time it sinks in and becomes one with the water. My thoughts are like this. I rarely jump on the bandwagon and say, "This is true!" without follow-up relfection and further discovery. And rarely am I deeply attached to any one truth that I may later find out is false.

    The only difference is, When i discover things on my own and am allowed to make my own mind up about it, I can add truth and discard falsehood quickly. When others try to persuade me to believe what they claim to be true, I debate it more rigoously and have a harder time accepting it if I feel it is being pushed on me. I need to make Truths my own by deciding whether they are -not just because someone tells me they are. At least when it comes to the important things, which in my book is Spirituality, Soul, and God.

  3. " I rarely jump on the bandwagon and say, "This is true!" without follow-up relfection and further discovery. And rarely am I deeply attached to any one truth that I may later find out is false."

    --- Not sure about this. You are very gullible, and you cling to certain things like your life depends on it. =)


  4. I cling to my strongly held belief. I view them as structure in my life. Pisces need structure and my beliefs give me that. To shake the foundation of my beliefs, my faith, and what I've founded my life around -yah I can cling tightly to some things. Like Buddhism. And God.

  5. I will never tell you to give up Buddhism. It is a strength of yours. I would only potentially tell you to make sure it is secondary to higher truths.

