Thursday, June 2, 2016

Strange Events and Future Goals

Apparently that last post hit home for a lot of people. Just got 2 new pics saved/downloaded off Instagram today. It works so well once you get it down. :)

Meanstwhile the rest of my day was a clusterf*ck of running around trying to do a million things at once. 

Went to go feed the cat I'm now in charge of watching for the next couple days only to find her owner fed her before she left.

My next mission was to officially drop off some art supplies to a non-profit called R.A.F.T. Colorado because all the other art-related non-profits wouldn't take art supplies. Raft takes bulk of just about ANY item, but is mostly focused on art supplies. Unfortunately like most non-profits it was off in the boondocks where cell phones get no signals, GPS has no direction, and building numbers don't mean crap. Took me 50 minutes on what was supposed to be a 30 minute trip to drop off my container. 

Then I was late to the women's group meetup my friend who helps authors create books was speaking at. The meeting was still good -even though I missed the first 30 minutes. 

Then on my way home I find out my cell phone -which normally only gets MAYBE 1 text a day got 4 texts, a missed call, and a voicemail. REALLLLLLLLYYYYYY?????!?!?!?1?1

Anyways. I am composed. 

So my day has been a lot of running around and not a lot of breathing. Pretty tired. On top of everything else the weather is humidly 80 degrees. 

Then this weird stuff happened in the midst of the storm. 

I'm trying to drive my way to RAFT which is on Steele street and I'm passing by this cemetery out where the cat I'm watching lives and I look over for a split second and the last name STEELE appears on one of the headstones plain as day. 

I thought, "That's kind of freaky". Because it popped out at me so vividly in the blink of an eye. 

Then as I'm driving to RAFT I stop at a stoplight and turn to my left for no good reason and see one of the businesses on a street of shops is Pathlight Property Management. That's the company in charge of the house I'm living in/ parents are buying. I don't know why I looked over and I don't know why it mattered to see it. 

It's like I was being told something but I'm still not quite sure what the heck the message was. 

Then I come home and I think, "What does Doreen Virtue have to say about my day? Any guiding words?" 

And I see she posted this card:

She basically said, "Don't get caught up in all the crazy things and mixed scheduling going on. Focus on yourself and take time to relax today." 

Thanks Doreen. Good to know someone on this planet gets what's going on. 

The other thing I got from today lesson wise was to "Share My Journey". I'm attempting to make a coloring book and live out my life's purpose and I'm meant to share that with people in the hopes that maybe it will help them. Like the last post helped people get access to photos. 

So I'll fill you in on my Coloring Book progress. 

#1 I want to have 28 pages total shared between 2 books (in other words 14 pages per book). The pages will be thicker than most coloring books to detract from ink pens bleeding through. 

#2 I tried to measure how many pages I can finish in each week. I was procrastinating for a while then got inspired randomly and knocked out about half the pages in one week. I average 6 pages done a week when given the time and not the chaos this week has brought. 

#3 To create the pages I upload/scan in artwork I've finished and proceed to outline it by hand with the Illustrator pen -which is like retracing over an image to get its silhouette. 

Thanks to the advice of Google I am now able to take screen shots and show my work to people. (Here's my first screenshot taken on my computer...)

Here's some examples of what I've been tracing in Illustrator for my Coloring Book: 

Some of the images were originally made in color with markers that I had no idea could be used for a coloring book of any kind. Others were ink drawings I uploaded. The last one is what the coloring book itself will look like if colored in black and white. 

Here's a sample page of the way a typical coloring book page would then look. It would have the image overlayed on top of a graph. 

When the image is completed in color instead of black and white it looks something like this:

The biggest part of this endeavor is going to be Creating a Prototype to present to people so they will know what it looks like and then Finding a Book Publisher to launch it. 

Some people say I should just self publish, but then I'd be in charge of marketing it and promoting it on social media. It would be too much work to be the sales and marketing and PR team on this and the distribution of the books wouldn't be very wide. I'm hoping these will reach more people by going the more traditional route of a publisher. I'll probably end up consulting Google on how to go about doing that as well... 

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