Monday, June 27, 2016

Fated Meetings

Can't even begin to cover ALL of the crazy stuff that happened over the weekend. I had 4 or 5 significant dreams that occurred, and 2 profound spiritual connections with people. I;m not going into the dreams right now, I'll go into them later in the week, but the spiritual stuff that happened needs to be covered. 

Last week I was invited by my friend Amy who helps people publish books to an Arts and Author Festival at a nearby church. I decided to go there and multiple significant things happened.

1. I found a great new church to go to that's non-denominational and incorporates wisdom and insights from numerous spiritual cultures including Native American beliefs, Buddhist teachings, and Christianity. 

2. I met a woman who had published her own coloring books that were similar to the kind of one I want to make in terms of page layout and function. She suggested a printing company to me that could do what I want to do with my coloring books (which are almost done). God tells you to make a coloring book so you create the pages and the next issue is printing so then God leads you to the right printers. Now praying the right publishing company comes to light. 

3. Met with Amy and got a free copy of her book. I then felt compelled to tell her about the dream I had 2 weeks before about the woman whose book she had published with the afterlife/near death experience. Amy then told me that same woman was giving a speech and art show The Next Day. 

4. Yesterday I went to hear the woman -Nancy Rynes -speak. Was not aware how great of an artist she was (she paints mostly horses).

Nancy spoke about her experience dying on the emergency table after getting hit by a car and then "rising" to Heaven and what she saw/heard/learned there. 

There were several messages that were definitely for me. Some of what she said was stuff I already knew that was more affirming, but the rest was definitely Heaven's hinting their messages to me. 

-Don't go down paths you know aren't meant for you (a.k.a. jobs you don't really want to do that won't fulfill you spiritually like an admin position in a corporation). 

-Validate the souls of ANIMALS. Just as their are numerous human movements going on right now -Women's Rights, LGBTQ+... GOD is leading a spiritual movement to save and protect Nature. God seems to be working through spiritually endowed people to get those messages out. Nature needs to be compassionately protected and the divinity within animals needs to be acknowledged. 

-Horses are deeply intuitive animals and therefore Horse Whisperers have to genuinely be spiritually connected and in the right state of being to work with them and heal them. If you want to help animals you need to be in the right spiritual state to do it. 

-People are like trees, when they become "fully grown" in spiritual connection and knowing they tend to produce Creative Fruits (art, writing, music...) that can then be shared freely with those around them

-My Spiritual Gifts Are: Connection to Animals, Intuition, Creativity, Dreams/Visions, Messages/Clarity, Sensing the Future, Reading People/Situations 

-Find your "channeling" process/place. What is the best state/way to allow divine beings to come through you and act in unity with you?

-Get connected to a community/support group that will guide and encourage your spiritual path 

-Play, daydream, meditate, go into nature, use a notebook, avoid internet, be creative, follow your calling 

Something freaky was also going on when Nancy was speaking. In the upper left corner of the room there was a "light" that kept coming through and kind of beaming down from above and there was a WOMAN -either a saint or some kind of angel -that kept coming through. No idea who it was but I think it might have been someone that knew Nancy or was guiding her -at least that's the sense that I got. She had a presence of KNOWING and was trying to clarify things for me as Nancy was speaking and I was taking notes. 

Afterwards I was so moved by her talk that I ended up buying her book. I then went to go to meetup with my friend Nina -who I thought NEEDED to hear her story since Nina is spiritual to some extent and wants to become a nurse. This woman essentially healed in a miraculous way and came back from death on the ER table. 

Unfortunately (as usual) I kind of got the sense Nina wasn't paying much attention. She's only 18 and people that young tend to have the attention span of squirrels (which is one of the reasons they are so fond of watching videos of them skating around on Youtube). 

Then as I was trying to explain stuff I started coughing continuously throughout. It felt like there was something trying to block me from conveying these messages to her. 

Then out of nowhere the bottle cap that was resting on her soda bottle FLEW off in her direction. It had been sitting on the bottle for maybe 2 minutes and then randomly POP! It just kind of got tossed at her. Nina tried putting the cap back on the way it was, and I checked it out to and there is NO way that thing could have popped off on its own. There was no wind and no way for it to have moved like that. 

After we had dinner I was feeling kind of let down -like Nina hadn't really received my messages or anything. I went to go fill up my car with gas and head home. Then on the drive there I look over and see Nina's dog Cato hanging out of her car as I pull up beside them in the next lane. I looked over and waved at Nina who just happened to be taking Cato out for a walk to a local dog park as I drove past. 

It kind of made me feel like everything was going to work out fine, even if I hadn't gotten through with my messages that day. 

Anyways, so that was my weekend... 

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