Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Brain Swirling

I'm busy and yet I'm busy doing nothing. Procrastination at its finest.

I need to find a car. Thank God my dad's around. The insurance company wanted to give me a lower price for what my car is worth. Dad figured it out and is trying to fix that. Insurance companies are confusing. They are nice in theory, but when it comes to actually using them after damage is done they are frustratingly hard to understand. Maybe it's because I'm just use to people being honest and genuinely trying to help people out. I'm not money motivated. I'll put the clients needs first befire profit. Yah I need money like everybody else, but I'm not going to take it from people who don;t owe me it or people I haven' earned it from. I have a conscious. Guilt is annoying. And with my emotional-prone state of being guilt can cost me much more than whatever profit gaining money dishonestly would.

Toastmasters is also coming up. I'm stepping in for mi amigo Timo manana as Sergeant of Arms. Oh crap that means I need to get there even earlier to set stuff up. Craps...
I also have a speech to give next week. It's suppose to be an inspiring speech. I have the outline mapped out but I'm not sure about the starting/ending thoughts.

Appointments are hard to schedule for WFG. As a trainee I need to make sure the time is right for the potential client as well as the trainer. I think Juan is avoiding me. I think he's a little hesitant to go on an appointment with me since the last one he went on involved awkward silence followed by a car crash. Awkwardness... So yah I sent Juan a message on Sunday and yesterday. Still haven't heard from him.

I need more appointments. I don't know why people consider it a burden to take 45 minutes out of their week to learn about ways to save money and invest it in the right places. 45 minutes could end up saving years worth of money that can be better accumulated at higher interest and taxed far less. We're essentially financial planners with insights into how the IRS system functions and what methods wealthy people are using to ensure their financial security.

Here's how I know they work: A wealthy and financilly secured couple I know were shown Our system of how to properly invest money and not only did they say that they followed all of the recommended savings and plans, but they also said they might be interested in some other services our company offers that theynhadn't heard of. They have a financial advisor who has been guiding them over the years. If they hadn't gotten one, they wuld not be as wealthy or financially stable as they are now. Why most people don't think they need a financial visor and they can go all Yoda on their finances themselves, I don't know. If I have an financial needs or questions I'll go to Ernesto or Ayu before anyone. WFG knows what it's doing.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about Juan before. >< Hope he gets back to you.

