Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

Saw Paranormal Activity 3 last night. It was scarier than the second one, but less frightening then the first. It was kind of inconsistent with the other two. Ultimately I couldn't watch the last 15 minutes -too frightening. There were some parts that were really over the top -and those parts bugged me -but otherwise pretty scary.

The first movie showed a couple filming their home after what appeared to them to be a break in. As the demonic activity increased the boyfriend and girlfriend started to realize what was going on. The girl wanted out, but the guy wanted to stay and keep recording evidence. At one point he messed with a Quiji board which he then set on fire. After that I decided he deserved whatever horrible fate was in store for him. Only morons mess with Quiji boards and only bigger morons burn them .

Quiji boards are just a way of communicating with whatever entities are around. You don't need the board necessarily. Professionals can use silver "pendulum" over a paper with the Quiji alphabet and numbers on it. Others just use the pendulum, which will hang perfectly still strait down, and then based on the questions asked will start moving on it's own clockwise or counter-clockwise for Yes or No responses.

I don't know how a scientist or a religious person who doesn't believe in ghosts can explain the Pendulum, but whatever...

The second movie involved levitation and possession to an over-the-top- extreme extent. The dog was a good addition though, since animals will often pick up on ghosts and entities. The sage was also a nice touch, although it is like a band aid for an arm that's just been amputated. Sage only keeps ghosts at bay for 2 or 3 days -not consistently for an extended period of time.

Paranormal Activity 3 spoke to witchcraft -kind of like Blair Witch only with a deeper more distinct connection with Satanism and demons. They had the inverted pentagram and everything. But it was stupid to show that the witches could control a demon they summoned or make the demon attack a specific family.

I honestly don't know how Satanists can sustain themselves or continue delving without having some serious immediate consequences with demons. I don't know. Don't want to know. No one should mess with any of that stuff -to say the least.


  1. "I don't know how a scientist or a religious person who doesn't believe in ghosts can explain the Pendulum, but whatever.."

    Alexander Tullis doesn't have to explain anything. Jessica Power should. For example:

    What is the pendulum telling anybody?
    Who's speaking? Mysterious spirits that nobody can identify, with substance no greater than the wind? Answers that are conveniently choppy from the "great beyond?"

    Can it help me pay my bills?
    Will it help my marriage?
    Can it give me courage to do my job?
    Can it save my soul?
    Can it help my family?
    Can it give me peace?
    Can it do my homework?
    Can it bring peace to the Middle East?
    Can it solve the economic crisis?
    Can it give our president wisdom?
    Can it improve my golf swing?
    Can it help me play videogames?
    Will it take away Nicole's allergies to cats, so I can get two kittens?
    Can it help us out with Bible study?


    Essentially, Jessica, it doesn't matter at all.

    Witchcraft is three things:
    1. Something bored people do.
    2. Something that might get a very small group of people in trouble.
    3. Stuff for movies.
    4. A distraction from giving energy to what really matters and moves life.


  2. Witchcraft is 3 Things... 1, 2, 3, 4. Three things ok...

    Ha ha ha ha...

    Anyways, Pendulum is a silver chain with a silver weight at the end. If you've ever seen one in action, it is completely still until someone asks a question to the entity and then it starts spinning in the air. No wind involved -nice try though.

    Questions asked have to do with the spirit being communicated with -Who are you? What year is it? Are you from here?

    I don;t know why you'd ask a ghost about peace in the middle east/ bills/ or marital advice but 1. It's not necessarily psychic in seeing the future and 2. Why would a ghost care about wars and aying bills?

    You don't ask a Ghost about practical current events. You ask it to 1. Distinguish itself as a person so you can reserach whether that person in fact actually lived to verify you were in fact communicating with something intelligent and 2. Ask it questions about spiritual matters.

    A for Witchcraft, Why Do You Think It's Dangerous if you Simultaniously Think It Holds No Danger In Its Practice?

    You act like witchcraft won't bring demons into the scene and won't have any physical/ emotional reprecussions. It's so Confusingly frustrating. It's like saying Murder is wrong/ ill advised, and immoral but won't ulitmately cause anyone much damage.

  3. We will have a full discussion about demonology one day; both you and I are coming at it from wildly different directions and it is indeed very, very confusing. We are passing each other in the night and speaking different languages.

