Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Updated Revelations

I think God wanted me to have some greater clarity on this whole situation, so I was led to more information and a better glimpse of what's transpiring. 

When we get distracted by the immediate threats and potential dangers we lose site of the bigger picture and the WHY for the things that are occurring. And I'm humble to remember I know nothing other than what's inherently known and what I'm led to know by God. Outside of that, nothing. 

And I wondered this morning, how is it there are so few of us in the world that know or can be guided towards knowing greater truths and what's going on? And the answer cam pretty swiftly in one word: Listening. You have to tune out the voice in your head and take in the unspoken. From there the unspoken unfolds. And sometimes it's more like paying attention to what comes up. Not dismissing things by presuming theories to be intrinsically wrong because they're different, but wading through the possibilities like sifting through rocks in the sand at a beach until you find the gold. 

It's an imperfect, ongoing process like transforming from caterpillar to butterfly in terms of what there is to understand. 

Anyway, thanks to a video on Isaac Newton, I now have a better understanding of what he had figured out. Newton obsessed over the Bible's books of Revelations and predicted the dates for things centuries before they occurred. He believed the "Apocalypse" would occur in the 2,000 era and it would be preceded by Jews reclaiming the Holy Land of Israel. 

From there he predicted The Last War. I think I shrugged off WW3 because we came close to it occurring and that pain was dissipated from our minds like a nightmare soothed away. The difference is, this would NOT be WW3. It would be beyond that. 

Jesus is returning. In person. 

I thought originally He would be reborn to the Earth, and now I know otherwise. He will return and I wish I could go into greater detail, but I'm still apprehensive about laying all the cards on the table -it's something I'm still working on overcoming. 

When Jesus returns, that event will either be preceded by Hell being seen plane as day on Earth or as a consequence of His presence here after. Either way, people will suddenly be able to perceive and see demonic/negative entities and possibly ghosts. 

From there, "Hell will break loose" in a final struggle to reclaim everything. And I fear none of this. 

My biggest concern is millions of people dying. But the sky turning red, huge events happening in the sky, fire, destruction, natural disasters all culminating: Nothing. Because I feel the presence of Christ now at the forefront. And with Christ's presence felt, there is no fear of anything and there is a certainty in knowing all is well and will be well. 

Until then, we're still clearing the path for Heaven and God to come through and holding tight here on Earth. 

All I know is fated events will transpire -triggering the domino effect of everything and chaos will be abrupt and most people will be caught off guard and feel overwhelmed by everything going on.

But God will be with us. And I will be relieved. 

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