Friday, October 18, 2019

Spiritual Updates

#1 Clearing Away

Heaven's been working hard on clearing away all the negative energy on this planet. Someone called the substance "plasma" and it is a spiritual Substance of some kind. Not quite like smoke -even though it can be suffocating. Not quite like mildew, although it does block out the light and gunk things up. 

Whatever it is, it's being cleared and it feels like you can finally Breathe and when it's peeled away from your eyes it feels like you can finally See. The room feels clear. And as a result, a lot of spaces have been cleaned physically and cleared of junk. My office space just got that makeover as well as my apartment. Without thinking, it's suddenly very easy to clear things out. 

#2 Division Between Christianity & New Age

Along with clarity in the environment around, there is also new clarity being brought to you. 

I had a mini epiphany and a better understanding of this divide between Christians and New age people. 

Originally since it seemed pretty one-sided I thought "Christians" were just being insecure and egotistical in trying to control the beliefs of others (a usual mispractice by those sorts of people). 

Now I understand what they were barking at. 

When I practice a faith and engage with it: I bring in the good -focus on the good -and bring about the good within it. I extend the light of my soul into it. But not everybody does that. 

Where you can bring compassion and justice and grace to Christianity, others have brought abuse, violence, and genocide. 

And the same is true for New Age. Where some connect to angels and channel their inner Buddha, others worship the devil and bring in much darker energies. 

But the truth is the same in both groups. In Christianity, Hell is mistaken for Heaven and publicly executing people is called "grace" and "mercy". The darkness is called light. 

In New Age, at least there's more clarity. It's not a veiled attempt at enacting Satanism, it's sympathy for the devil and embracing Hell as a fun/exciting place where you can mostly just be "human" without having to worry about "sin". 

Both make excuses for darkness in their lives and in their faith. Ones at least a little clearer on that front. 

And so Christians see New Age Satanism and don't seem to notice New Age Christianity. As one observant person put it: "Maybe the reason people are turning from traditional Christian practices and churches in favor of crystals and meditating is because of how devoid the Christian organizations are when it comes to actually engaging the Spirit within people". 

But I don't pick and choose truth on my end. I follow Christ because Christ is with me. I avoid stringent religious institutions because their devoid of God's presence. I acknowledge the truth in New Age beliefs and that there's a bigger picture and cosmos to all of this and that omnism exists in reality. I see the darkness. I am of the light. No divide in any of this is needed. 

#3 Big Change

Some big change is on the horizon. I mostly know of what it consists of -at least the important parts, just not the details. 

For the record, there are rumors the following might occur during this age of upheaval leading to freedom: 

-Our Economic system will collapse. It's not a bad idea to have $500 on hand in cash should your bank account be rendered useless in a time of immediate survival. I recently realized that my life insurance account has $3000 in it that I have access to. Should banks fail, at least I have that for the short term. 

This also made me realize (even more than I already did) how vital non-profits would be in that moment. Food, shelter, clothing... The more we invest in those in poverty the more we would be protecting ourselves ultimately in that sort of circumstance.  

It reminded me of "Do unto others" and the understanding that the concept was never an abstract platitude, but a more literal warning and suggestion. 

-Power Outages. 
Again, it's not a bad idea to have a week's worth of food, some flash lights, and other necessities in your home. 

These power outages might coincide the economic collapse or be entirely separate. If the power companies have no money and aren't being paid, then what? 

-Corrupted government people getting arrested. 
This one has been happening for a couple years now on a smaller scale. What is being suggested is that there would be a mass "flush" of corrupted individuals down the toilet. And that this would trigger the next set of changes. It did occur to me at some point this might apply to the Trump administration and be alluding to it. But it also feels bigger than that -like it would go beyond it. 

-Natural Disasters.  
At lot of these might come across like conspiracy theories, but they're more like guesstimating. We know there's changes that will be triggered and there will be upheaval. These are just some of the ways people have suggested things may shift. 

A flood was another one. Technically coastal storms and hurricanes are nothing new at this point and happen every other month. I'm not as concerned about the "usual" natural disasters, but I am concerned about Winter. 

Winters have been getting more hostile and lethal. We have a lot of snow and some blizzards out here, so there's already an instinct to be nervous -but then you look at other states and it's FAR worse there. We can expect a harsh winter this year in general. But mixed with any other kind of disaster -like an economic collapse -and we'd be even more screwed. 

This one was more of a stretch and I almost rolled my eyes at it. But there are 2 reasons I don't write it off entirely: 

1. I had a vivid premonition/dream where I was in a city walking down the street and suddenly I was dressed in a white dress and had wings while dozens of people around me fell to the ground "sick" as if they'd been poisoned. Basically, people that had a lot of negative energy within them that they were attached to got sick where people who were "lighter" were liberated. This could be viewed initially as a kind of "plague" mysteriously hitting people.

2. Historical patterning. During Heaven's last attempt to merge with earth -or at least the most recognizable one -there was War, Plague, and Religious Abuses & Murder. War is an every day given at this point and with the Turkey-Syria conflict, genocide is always at hand. But plague is something we've overcome in recent history -like ebola and the zika virus. We figure out how to contain the threat. But it is a part of this patterning for plague issues to come up during this sort of world shift. 

-Attack By the "Government" on Its Own People
This one has to do with the shadow/military government (the one spending most of the military budget on covert operations). 

This one is one of the more frightening scenarios because it would turn our country into a war zone with no self defense. 

It's important to know that regardless of how things play out, good people will be taken care of. The right people will step up and basic needs will be met. 

This is just Hell retaliating and trying to kick us back into survival/ scarcity mode to distract from our greater spiritual empowerment. 

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