Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Positive Complaint

I've wanted to blog this for the past week, but understood that I would need to take more time to distance myself from the discontentment and negative reactions I had to it. I have some "feedback" to give on 2 separate, but related topics but don't want to feed into the negative narrative. 

Lately we've gotten negative reviews at the adventure park, most of which weren't our fault and the guests didn't tell us about -just complained online. So I know what knee-jerk reactions can devolve into when those sorts of sentiments get placed into the world when no one was trying to be manipulative or malicious. 

My 2 complaints have to do with Business conflicting with Spirit. 

It's not like it's new, but it is still a pain. And saddening. And disappointing. 

The first came about when I was invited to a marketing training. 5 minutes in I knew there would be no actual marketing and it was all "sales". I feel bad for MLM sorts of organizations that want people to sell without being insulted with the title "Sales Person" which so often drives people away. 

But it was a MLM company and it was a sales training. I've participated in 2 MLMs before so I know the drill well.

This one was selling what I called "Financial Literacy College". They were units of online courses that fell into 4 related categories: Taxes, Banking, Business, and Real Estate. The notion was that if you mastered understanding of how all 4 function, you could out-maneuver being at their mercy. You could profit by knowing how the system works. 

I commended it for being clever. You can make money selling information on how the system is set up for others to then save money and lose less in it. 

At the same time I resented staring at the 4 "pillars" on posters. I hate taxes, banking, business, real estate, and our economic/ capitalistic system in general. It's greed. It's greed at people's expense and it kills. 

 The MLM -portion of things I thought was kind of strange. It wasn't really needed for this sort of online course. Just get sales people and actual marketing and make it a normal business. 

But MLMs try to pit themselves against the 9-5 world and work to find themselves on top. And it pays extremely well for Sales People. 

But all I can say is you're not much of a visionary changing the system at the end of the day. 

You're a person who saw the same game of Monopoly as everyone else and learned all the rules to use loop holes to gain and rigged system in your favor. At no point will it end poverty or flip the game on its head. You're still on Baltic Avenue. You haven't really "won" anything lasting or meaningful beyond your own personal gain. 

And that was the theme of the room. It was heavy and dark. Which is sad because other MLM's usually have more energy and positivity. This one was lacking in Spirit. I prayed over the space and the people and hoped that God might come through more. If you win the world but lose site of your soul, then a MLM isn't that forward -thinking at the end of the day. 

Then I ran into a similar problem when I went for a job interview at the church I go to. I knew it was fated and actually had deja vu going in. It was for a graphic design/social media position and I thought, "Here's a chance to really put out spiritual content through my creativity and skills". 

Then I went into the office. Cubicles everywhere and a low ceiling. It was pretty dim and low-energy. Then I was taken back into the conference room. There were 2 women interviewing. One seemed more positive, but low in spirits. The other was too business-oriented and didn't really seem spiritual at all. 

I had this longgggg list of ideas of how to launch the church beyond being "just a church" and more of cause and a movement. I didn't bother speaking any of it because I knew they wouldn't understand or listen. 

Churches have the ability of being more than a "business". Between being spiritual and being non-profit they should always aspire to be more. But this behind the scenes was a little too "bottom line" and same-old-same-old. And it hurt to see that. 

I wish more for businesses and the world. This old system is getting old. This programming for money and exchange at others expense has to go. We need freedom and liberation. 

During the centuries of monarchy in Europe, they at some point recognized Tyranny was an issue. They had kings that killed their own people without hesitation. But they did not have or create a democracy in full at that point. They still attached themselves to monarchy and the belief that the greatest ruler available was whoever was born from the current one. They still upheld Monarchy and blamed Tyranny as the main issue -without ever addressing the system and how tyranny was being inherently perpetuated by allowing a ruler to have the power supersede the will of the people. 

In this way we are blind today. 

The economic system isn't the problem -poverty is. A failing healthcare system is. Government corruption is. The right kind of economy not being implemented is... and not the system we have on hand itself and everything that plays into it.  

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