Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Future of Social Media

The blessing of social media is that for those who have come upon and discovered "esoteric" spiritual understandings without trying, it's nice to have those same truths validated. 

Let's say that we didn't know about the universe and there was someone out there on their own intuitively who had theories about Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun at the center, and so on. To the individual it is just truth, but another truth that coincides is that no one would ever believe it because there's "no proof". You just know. 

Then if social media came along and people started tweeting very matter-of-factly: There are many universes, ares has 12+ planets, here are there names and drawings of what we think they're like... Your first thought is, "Holey crap how did they figure it out?" and your second thought would be gratitude that at least someone else out there acknowledges everything. 

Thanks to social media, that has been possible. Spiritually speaking, it's improved a lot of people's lives even though the platforms are considered purely secular. 

Having said all of this, I think a time is coming when they'll be gone. Maybe not right away, or within the next decade, but eventually. We're switching to the age of emojis. We want IMAGES not keywords. Especially since most sentences are manufactured and fluff pieces and we're all mostly on the same page with basic human understandings. 

At this point, we crave symbols, graphics, and images -not text. We buy with our eyes. We see spiritual truth rather than just read it and feel it. And sooner or later people will resent the "noise" of online fear, commercials, and propaganda. 

I'm a marketing person. I've helped companies and people get their messages and businesses out there via social media. And maybe for that reason in particular, also being simultaneously an artist, I've seen how much of social media has been used for superficial advancements. I wish better for people. 

At some point people will want Connection more than the impulse to check Instagram. 

I'd say this would run the risk of isolating us from knowing everything that's going on in the world, but reality right now is pretty isolating. We know what's going on in the world because it's been going on for centuries: Corruption, greed, and violence. We know what's going on in the world because we're apart of it and contributing to it in person: Change, unity, and healing. 

Once this greater epiphany hits people I think the distaste for social media will kick in and people will think of Twitter and Facebook like we do going to the DMV. 

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