Thursday, October 3, 2019

Fish in a Tidal Wave

Sometimes I wonder why I decided to stick around spiritually. In my past lives I've tended to die pretty young, consistently, usually around the age of 25-30. This is why I was having all those fears/thoughts that my time was going to be up soon a couple years ago. That lasted on and off from about 28-31 years old. Now it's gone. 

But I do get this sense that I've "given birth" and accomplished the main point of being here, which was to hold down the fort before "The Great Awakening" and God/Heaven coming through. Working as a light worker, paving the way for Heaven on Earth. 

But now it's like, "Ok I gave birth, this new world was pushed through and has been brought about by me, many thousands of other people, and the Heavens... Now what?" 

I feel like, "Why am I still here?" 

And the sense that I get is like this: 

I came to a party because I was invited by a friend. Unbeknownst to everyone I invited God's presence in and prayed over all of them because I was meant to and Heaven wanted to reach them. I did my job compassionately. Now I'm looking around the room and bowing out, heading for the door since I hate parties and social gatherings, and my friend sees me and grabs me by the arm and says, "Where are you going??? The fireworks haven't even gone off yet!" 

So now I'm sticking around at a party I don't want to be at because I'd rather be at home in my pajamas curled up in bed, but I know there's something worth sticking around for and I do like fireworks so... 

It's clear God wants me to stick around and my friends want me to stick around and there's something great that's coming ahead. 

I just have a tendency to focus too much on work and not enough on reward. 

In the meantime the transition to all of it is tumultuous. There are some days you walk on clouds and there are other days you're a gold fish in a hurricane. You can't do much about any of it -just acknowledge there's a lot of big things happening and try to hold steadfast through it all. 

This morning was a tidal wave kind of morning. 

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