Sunday, October 27, 2019

Preparing for the Future

I started to realize sometime after the year 2012 (when the former "end of times" was to occur) that this shift was big and just beginning. 

I understood around 2014 that the Axis had been made. The Yin-Yang had reached a pinnacle balance. That the reign of Hell up until now had shifted to be matched by Heaven -the transitional beginning to Heaven's reign on Earth. 

sometimes I think this was the only way to "restore order". If it is as Taoists say and there is always and eternally a struck chord of balance between dark and light (something I have doubts about given there is light in dark beings) then maybe they decided to have the Earth plunged more fully in darkness so it could then be liberated entirely by light. 

Either way, the beginning of the shift occurred a couple years ago, but the rusted wheels turned very slowly. It took a while to see the bigger picture of what Heaven was attempting to achieve. Not just merging with Earth and freeing people, but addressing Hell itself and changing it. 

I feel deeply compelled to understand the future at this point. Like it's finally time to. 

With that said, here's what I know and has been made clearer: 

The ultimate endgame is for Heaven to free "demons". When a person acts out of evil it is always under a blind influence from evil/dark forces. Most people genuinely are not aware of their own actions and motivations. In kind, neither are dark entities. They were made to be like pawns on a checkerboard and treat people like pawns on a checkerboard. The cycle is a deep wound that keeps being cut, never allowed to scar over. 

We were intended at some point not just to forgive the transgressors of the world, but also those who perpetuate them and those who perpetuate them. Earth is just a surface reality -like something washing to shore that was once deep below the oceans surface. 

So whether people like it or no (because based on some religious doctrine there will be those who struggle with this) mankind is here in part to help negative entities find their peace by finding ours and overcoming that darkness ourselves. They learn and are liberated by what we do. 

The more you become aware of this, the more everything shifts. By loving yourself that love is extended to them -with or without your knowing. Heaven never wanted to "destroy" them. There is no end to the eternal. Heaven wants to bring them peace as they do people.

This is why it's shown to people that mankind can be just as dark -if not darker in some cases -than most demons. The distinction between demonic entity and soul of an evil man can be slight. 

Having said this, here's a progress report: 

The "lightest" demons were already raised back in the 2012-14 time. It's what shifted the access over to Heaven. Beings form Hell were finally told they could arise and many chose to. The revelations of truth mankind is receiving are also being received by them. 

As for now, Heaven is focused on demons on Earth since in all honesty they pose the most imminent threat to people. Heaven "lightened" Earth and is continuing to do so and the further they reach us the further they reach down. Hell is not happy. They are frightened and angry. 

This will lead to "kick back" and retaliation. Upheaval on Earth -which is being weakened more and more by the day and Heaven's influence. Jesus has taken the reigns of the chariot and is now taking a direct role in shifting things. Mankind was given 2000 years to acknowledge, make peace with, and consent to Christ's intervention and now the time for Him to come through is here. 

And what transpires from here? 

2 days ago I was given a very strong, uplifting understanding by Jesus that everything would be fine and there would be no need to worry. Like nothing bad would happen at all. 

Today, Hell kicked back in and concerns have seeped back over dark possibilities of what could transpire in the future. 

In particular is "the dead will be raised". The Bible and the Book of Revelations is hit and miss. It was written in the time of the reign of Hell and as a consequence inevitably has Hell's deceit and influence in it. There is truth and light, but there is also misguiding by darkness. That's just the nature of things. It was written by men. Human people trying to make sense in a time of senseless violence and Hell's influence. It was murky. So you have to sift for the truth in it. 

But the dead being raised has come up for me this past year or so like a point trying to be made clear. So here's what I think: 

#1 I had a dream about Ghosts on earth appearing before people and being risen. It would make sense that if Heaven is clearing the earth of Hell's influence and raising demons that ghosts would arise as well. 

#2 I've had numerous dreams of being in ancient Egypt and seeing people rise out of hidden tombs and sarcophagus'. These dreams freak me out. they're vivid and I see them like I'm bearing witness but have no idea what is going on. But recently I found out ancient Egyptians mummified people as a part of their belief system in resurrection and reincarnation. they believed if you preserved the body well enough the soul could return to it and reanimate it in the future. If mummies arise, I get the sense they won't be evil and they won't be zombies. They seemed to have "consciousness" and gave a sense of wherewithal and knowing. I also got no impression that they intended harm. 

#3 "Zombies". I was shown a dream where we were sitting in a workshop/classroom and being taught about zombies. the professor told us "the belief in what we call zombies and the fear associated with them came from this energy:" I then saw a sort of hazy fog that had what seemed like electricity in it. When I felt this strange mist the energy it gave off was creepy, Hellish, and like a storm was occurring. This meant that people would have been influenced by Hell's energy when thinking about anything "zombie" related -like the phrase "the dead rising". It would have inspired people to fear something that they shouldn't be afraid of. 

There are indigenous tribes who try to being back the dead, which I think is where the term "zombie" comes from. But what they do is different. They say there are 2 parts of the "spiritual body": The conscious part and the part that connects directly to the physical body. Like someone in a coma -having a body that is still 'animated' and technically alive but no consciousness and a soul that might actually be outside of the body. I believe the part that glues soul to body is inanimate/mindless spiritual energy. This is why the tribes say that when they do bring somebody back they are 'mindless' and it's just a body moving around as if no soul where inside. 

Whether Hell will try to match what Heaven may put forward, I don't know. If Heaven raises mummies for good, Hell might bring about a "zombie" situation elsewhere to counter. We'll see what happens. 

Up until now the revelations as they've occurred in reality have been everyday news. They've been seen as "normal". Another earthquake and tsunami and mud slide and volcano erupting and genocide and war and trafficking... all the evil played out has been 'normal'. Unusual in quantity and severity, but normal. 

We are nearing the time when it will be harder to rationalize the unusual. 

For the ultimate advice I could give: 

#1 Mountains are safe. At some point, especially if things turn really dark here on Earth, mountains and nature are our escape route to Heaven. Hence the reason Hell has been destroying so much of nature. Nature is easy to claim in God's favor: God is in nature. Hell doesn't have much foothold or influence. It's too vast and devoid of evil. So have a designated nature spot -particularly in mountains near food/shelter. 

#2 Play it safe. Keep a week's worth of non-perishable food on hand and as much cash tucked away in case banks ever become inaccessible. This world can turn on a dime from everything "being in our control" to us being in total chaos and panic. We act like nothing bad could ever happen in America -at least beyond what we're used to -and then threats of WW3 with North Korea start making us think differently. Depend on yourself and God. Don't blindly trust or rely on "what has been". 

#3 Keep a backpack of what you would want to take if you could only take what you can carry. I have some clothes, but most of it is pictures of family and my art. Some books. Things I can't replace and want to keep with me. Again, play it safe. 

#4 Stay connected to Heart. Head -depending on the influence of Hell any given day -can be compromised. Your thoughts can turn against you. Silencing your mind and inviting in calm and mediation can help. But sometimes it's a struggle. Remember you can always vacate mind and physically/spiritually re-engage your heart. Touch your center chest and breathe into it. 

They say that in past times of similar spiritual conflict men's hearts were turned to stone. It wasn't there hearts though. There minds were turned to stone and that cut them off from their hearts -which then died within them. Your heart is the center and core of your soul. It can reconnect you with mind. But more importantly it connects you to your spiritual self and God. Stay vigilant. Especially if there's fear, anxiety, uncertainty, or anger. Don't be poisoned. 

#5 Being. This is why meditation has become as common place as it has: out of necessity. As a woman, we're at an advantage. We know how to shift in body out of instinct -usually from that not so pleasant time of the month -and connect our heart to the base of our spine in surrender. 

You let go of shoulders and head and feel your lower half and heart simultaneously. It creates an "openness" and vulnerability. it also makes you light and more accessible.reachable by Heaven. This is NECESSITY. It is your Being in heart and in body. It helps clear you and connect you. 

I don't know how men are going to tap into this. It's not that they can't, but for women it will be much easier. They can remember and feel as though they are being wounded in that space and shift into "Yin"/Feminine energy. It's how we extend healing to that space instinctually when it's hurting. 

#6 Breathe into the back of your head. Touch the back of your head as you do it if it helps. Your soul is back there. The front of your head is where Hell holds most influence and your thoughts furrow the front of your brow with frustration and worry. The back of your head is where you find Knowing. Breathe into that space -and any space you want your soul to permeate through. 

#7 Distract in a relaxing way. I'm usually not in favor of distraction, but this is like giving a child a coloring book and crayons so they don't throw a tantrum or destroy things while running around your house. Give yourself a positive, creative outlet to distract from worry and fear. 

#8 I'd say "prayer" or advise to connect to God/Heaven in some way if you're not doing that on a daily, hourly level at this point. I've handed my life over to God as fully and as often as I could. God's here. Heaven is here. It's a lot nicer than it would be otherwise. I feel like we're walking a tight rope and with this you have Jesus walking in mid air alongside you holding your hand so you don't waiver or fall. Jesus is necessity. God and Heaven and the Intercessory Beings of Light are necessity. So connect. All the time. 

I think that's the most advice I can give for now. I think I'm meant to collect my thoughts and write them here every week or two -less writing more accumulating at this point. 

I do feel compelled to venture into the "Celestial Being" territory, but there's so much to that aspect of things it will have to be written in another blog. Yes, they are a part of this too. 

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