Thursday, November 21, 2013

Meditation and Ghosts

Saturday and then 2 times yesterday I had unexpected mediation sessions. I think the universe is not-so-subtly telling me this needs to become a regular thing.It was unexpected having the mediation sessions at Toastmasters and then during a business coaching meeting.

I do like the simple-basic mediation. It lasts about 5 minutes and I've got the basic pattern down. 

Step 1: Place feet firmly on the floor
Step 2: Close eyes and place hands gently on legs
Step 3: Breathe in deeply (hold breathe) visualize something peaceful 
Step 4: Breathe out and imagine another pleasant thing 
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 two more times 

Doing these meditations longer than 5 minutes gets me light-headed and a little too in the spiritual zone. My main fear is that raising my spiritual senses will put me more in tune with the spiritual realm in general and then I'll have more negative spiritual encounters like the ones I've been having issues with lately. 

It seems to get worse after I visit with my sister at my dad's house. Things had died down, but the second I spent time there activity picked up at my home. One night I was woken up every hour of the night. Another night I got a text around 12am from my sister saying she was feeling a presence in her room at dad's. 

Lately it seems like the ghost has been sitting at the end of my bed near my feet. Again it would normally be something you write off, but it happens in pattern frequently enough that you can't ignore it. I actually thought for a second it might be my dog Sky who passed away because she used to lay at the end of my bed. But in the past the ghost has also laid beside me, so I don't think that's the case.

Last night sucked especially because of the meditation I'd had earlier. My spiritual senses kept "kicking in" and it was hard to tell  between just feeling my own soul/energy and picking up on the spiritual energy of the ghost. I also felt the presence pretty strongly and it seemed to be closer to my head where I was sleeping. 

While lying in bed I tried using my new spiritual maneuver of "expanding my energy". I'm getting pretty good at it. I can make my energy expand about an inch or two from my body -which sounds weird and hard to verify but you can definitely feel it when it's happening. I'm very analytical when stuff like that is going on. Anyways I lost a lot of sleep because you can't sleep when sensing an unknown presence in the room. Your body won't let you. So as nice and clearing as meditation can be, i think it just makes things worse for my home life.

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