Saturday, September 21, 2019

Zodiac Rabbit Hole

I had a dream the other night that involved me being in the mountains and using a Hiking App to see nearby trails and navigate through the area. It was the most vivid part of that dream so I took it as a sign to download a hiking trails app. 

In the process of doing that I also decided I wanted a Constellation/Planet map that could be used for Zodiac guidance. Not easy to find. 

I downloaded a constellation app and can now do a better job of understanding where the heck the stars are in the sky. 

I then also downloaded the AstroMatrix App

There's this pattern I have with new spiritual information I'm given where I'll get the general overview of what it consists of and take in the moment what I want from it, but then won't have a greater understanding of specifics. The same went for my natal chart. 

I know I'm a Pisces with Cancer tendencies and an Ascending Sagittarius sign. I get it. But I didn't know how all the specifics were laid out. 

First off, if you're going to look into this, stick to the actual birth chart that shows which planet is interacting with which zodiac sign. For that, you might want these: 

At this point I know the Zodiac pretty well, just not the planets. 

Image each zodiac sign  and planet represents a Person. How each Person interacts and how the come together or oppose defines an aspect of you. 

Like I've always said, this is just a blueprint of your soul/ personality and how you're influenced in life. You can change and be defined by many other things. 

When I was 8 years old laying on the couch I had a vision/memory of being in Heaven and CHOOSING my parents and "life path". More than anything else I seemed to focus on family and parents to the extent that I remembered it vividly in that moment. Now if Zodiac influence or career were more important in my life, maybe it'd be different. But my family had a huge impact on me, my genetics, my understanding of life, and more. It was also important for me to know that I chose them -not that they were imposed on me or I was stuck with them. 

In that memory I say around 60,000 options of life paths -including the faces of different couples who could be potential parents. It was like a sphere that turned in mid air. I was guided, but also made the call. 

Zodiac & Planets are a huge influencer on us. But it is Influence -not Definition. Past life influences also play a part, as well as Fate, and external assistance from God. 

What I saw from a having a closer look at all this was the cards I was dealt in this life. Some are good and some are the cards you'd wish to discard. 

I have an incredible amount of spiritual potential, power, and understanding. But I'm plagued by negative mind patterns and doubt. 5 of the negative cards on the table are pretty consistent: The Know-It-All, The Obsessed Mind, Restless Mind, Self Doubt, Learning to Trust... And I've worked on becoming more balanced and find ways to ease my mind and let go of worry. 

It's good to see what cards are in your deck so you know what to discard and that you can discard. I've also seen the ways God has lead from from crashing into the rocks through the influences of others and from life experiences. 

Then there's the things the chart can't tell you. 

My life purpose is to bring Heaven through to earth. To have held down the fort when Earth was still in darkness and to pave the way for God and Heaven to come through so that darkness could be brought to light and gotten rid of. You're not going to find that laid out in the cards. 

I also know that my past life-as messed up as it was -paved the way for this one. I was a Leo and was a little too firey. In this life I was doused with water and patience as a Pisces until the day would come where I would find the balance between Fire and Water. I wouldn't have survived this life without the influence of Sagittarius Rising sign in me. That ability to persevere instead of just drowning. But without the water sign, I would have made countless mistakes and bombarded my way through life out of ego. Balance. 

This is how you move beyond the Zodiac -especially as a whole being in soul.  

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